Vi/Vim/Neovim thread

Hi Sup Forumsuys,

This is for any discussion related to Vi or Vi-like editors.

Been using (Neo) Vim off and on for about a year, I think my situation is finally calm enough where I can switch to it full time without too much pressure.

Do you use Vim? Why or why not?

If you use Vim, what do you have in your config file? What are your favorite plugins?

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been using vim since always, never got on the nvim train, missing out or just another one of those hipster things?

all I see looking into it is that I'd have to slightly tweek config and change some plugins to get the most out of it.

also somewhat excited just to wait and see if any plugins are going to utilize the new things from vim 8

If Vim is working fine for you and you are already heavily invested in your vim.rc file or whatever it is, I wouldn't bother switching over. I only use Neovim because I like the idea of supporting a cleaned up code base that isn't mired in backwards compatibility compromises.

What color schemes are you using and how do you install them in Neovim?


>be pro vim user
>don't use it for a few years
>forget everything

what's the neckbeard way to do a columns type of command in windows Vim.
:% !columns -t
I'm trying to avoid plugins just to help startup time and keeping with vanilla vim as much as possible

tfw all the plugins you used to use are no longer maintained and you have to search for successors or replacements.

name 3

:help uganda

I'm just getting started.

Is the book in OP picture any good? I got it in humblebundle.

i like to use vim to edit text files. sometimes. other times i use other programs. vim is pretty cool


Yes, I like it.

he literally just showed off his plugins, I was hoping for some lesser known movements

Yea it was pretty weak. I like the idea of learning more about the esoteric cryptic stuff of vim and how to apply it.

Wow, you compiled vim with python and vim scripted and python'd your job away. You didn't need an editor for that.

Nice horatio m7

Neovim is faster than Vim, has a better internal architecture and a better async API. Since switching from Vim to Nvim is painless, I'd recommend doing so.

I use paramount.vim. Installing themes is as simple as dropping a file in ~/.vim/colors.

Recommended plugins:
dein.vim as plugin manager. It supports lazy loading and I managed to divide my neovim startup by 2 (went from around 0.08 seconds to 0.04).
recover.vim lets you display a diff when you try to load a file that already has an swp file
incsearch.vim highlights every match in the file when searching for something, which is quite useful when using regexs
denite.nvim is the new Unite.vim. Especially useful to switch between buffers, mru files and everything
vim-repeat is a must have, lets you repeat plugin-defined action with '.' (you can't do that by default)
vim-surround: lets you delete/change/add surrounding quotes/brackets/parens to text objects
vim-exchange: lets you exchange the place of two text objects
vim-easy-align: Lets you align things inside text objects
vim-commentary: Lets you comment text objects
vim-textobj-user, textobj-comment, textobj-uri, textobj-entire: Creates various text objects
deoplete.nvim: Completion engine, better that youcompleteme/neocompplete
neosnippets.vim: Snippets engine
neomake: Better syntastic, it is async
echodoc: Shows a function's documentation when autocompleting said function's name
vim-closer: Automatically close bracketsparens/quotes
vim-endwise: Automatically close if with endif, function with endfunction in languages that require it
vim-sleuth: Automatically configure indentation settings depending on the indentation of the files you're editing

attention nerds

listen up as i dont want to repeat myself

one of you go and make a vimrc repo for me that maintains low plugins,
uses necessary plugins for an emacs like experience. i want to use vim but be able to interact with a repl. one of you nerds has the answer and i want it now.

none of that fufu rahrah neovim either. i take a piss standing up

I use vim with the arrow keys.

Fite me.

You're doing yourself a disservice, user.

Been a nano user for the past 31 years here...

I've tried other text editors, but they all suck a lot of cock. Might as well go simple. Slow and steady wins the race.

How do you delete a word at a time?

Use the arrow keys to get to the word, then use backspace. Might not be quick, but it's easy and I don't make mistakes.

I'm trying to learn HJKL but I just can't escape the arrows man.

I just use slimv. That's the only plugin I use. Unfortunately it starts a screen session and uses that as a task runner instead of using native job control.

to your vimrc and you'll learn hjkl pretty fast, trust me.

Can you bind additional keys?

You can sort of do anything, it's open source and less than 2 pages of code large, so you can pretty much make it into anything you want.

>did they just tell me to go fuck myself

Do you touch type? I think it's much easier to use HJKL when you learn to appreciate/depend on the home row.

really? Nano is that small? `mg` is like 20k lines of code and its pretty minimal...

I use Vim alright.

I don't use many plugins, but I do use some. NERDTree for a file tree, NERDCommenter for commenting lines out... and that's about it.

My .vimrc isn't that interesting either. I've changed some keys because they're really bad in my native layout (like $ is AltGr+4, so I've changed it to ยง, which is next to the 1 key), and made resizing tabs a little easier, but that's mostly all there's to it.

NerdTree kinda sucks, yu should probably take a loog at netrw, vim-vinegar and Unite/Denite. I think you'd find something worth ditching nerdtree over.

I'll take a look, thanks.

Do you use the dedicated Escape key, or do you press ^[ instead?

Remapped both control and escape to caps lock with setxkbmap and xcape. Feels good.

Disagree, chances are that your existing vimrc just works fine with nvim, it's piss easy to try it out.

For anyone who consider vim as a pain in the ass, do:
$ vimtutor

The h key is at the left and moves left.
The l key is at the right and moves right.
The j key looks like a down arrow.
And the rest is the k key, just think it as opposite of j key.


If one considers it a pain in the ass, just use Nano.

>Muh C-.
>Muh M-.
Better pressing and .

Before knew vim: vim is a pain in the ass.
After knew vim: any apps that doesn't use hjkl is a pain in the ass.

If you hate vim, explain why I'm the only one in my company who can refactor our entire codebase in an hour.

literally wat


I just tried it and it was awful. Can it do something like NERDTree? Can I get smart autocompletion with info about the function like YCM?

dd should delete a whole line not two letters this makes me want to kill my self


Never heard of it, looked it up. Looks interesting, but I don't know how much I'd really gain switching from Vim.

Kinda like getting used to using an ergonomic Dvorak keyboard. Awesome for as long as you have your keyboard, you go anywhere else and there's pain upon you. That's the tradeoff.

>Can it do something like NERDTree?
If you use NERDTree in Vim you're a retard.

>Can I get smart autocompletion with info about the function like YCM?
Yes and if you use YCM in Vim you're a retard.

>dd should delete a whole line not two letters
That's just because you're used to the way Vim works.

> but I don't know how much I'd really gain switching from Vim
I was just shitposting m8. Kakoune is a stern editor and switching from (Neo)Vim to Kakoune is a pain in the ass once you're used to (Neo)Vim.

What is a better alternative to NERDTree and YCM?

Netrw, vim-vinnegar, unite/denite.

Vim's default autocompletion, Neocomplete, Deoplete.

>Vim's default autocompletion, Neocomplete, Deoplete.

No, those aren't better. I bet you're just one of those retards that wasn't able to configure YCM. YCM popups automatically, you need to install autocomplpop to get that functionality with any of the ones you listed.

It's worth giving nvim a shot. Odds are your vimrc will work fine, and being able to use your vim window/buffer management key bindings for terminal management is fucking rad. I don't have to use tmux as a window manager anymore.

Autocomplpop is only necessary when with vim's default autocompletion. Neocomplete and Deoplete do not require Autocomplpop, you idiot.

>haha le star wares nurd xDD
Not even the faggot crowd who attends open source conventions was impressed

This. I am a refactoring God, and it's mostly because of vim.

They're still shit compared to YCM.

Prove it with factual arguments.

how into neovim on windows

Not officially supported however you have to download neovim and then neovim-qt. Everything's explained on their github page.

Your coworkers are incompetent morons who can't into their tools.
You are slightly less of a moron and barely manage to keep the company alive. For now.
You wrote shit tier spaghetti code your coworkers - if you call a someone who quits after a week of realizing the situation a coworker - can't be assed to work into.
Congratulations, you own the code for now, but at long term the company will fail.

Knowing Sup Forumsenital herpes, those are the two most realistic scenarios.

1. install loonix subsystem
2. install Xming, start it, disable security
3. install any program in the linux subsystem, start with with --display=your-ip:0 or DISPLAY=your-ip:0 programname