Best Graphics card for 200-300 dollars?


Other urls found in this thread: 1080&_udlo=200&_udhi=300&_mPrRngCbx=1&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR10.TRC2.A0.H0.XGTX 980 ti.TRS2&_nkw=GTX 980 ti&_sacat=0


Saphire 8GB 480 Nitro+


Fury. 260 (230 after rebate) on jewegg.


Nitro+ or Asus STRIX or XFX GTR

Get pic related 480. Temps are decent and there's literally no noise while idle.

Nitro looks nice but it's noisier than the others. Go Gaming X or Strix.

1060 6GB.
Don't fall for the rooster memes, the 480 is worse in 95% of actual games and it won't magically get better with some future driver.

Sapphire rx480 8gb nitro+ or xfx rx480 8gb gtr black.

480 performs better than 1060 in DX12, and on par in DX11. This wasn't the case at launch, but it got fixed with better drivers really.

Get cucked and kys, jewvidia faggot

Not sure if this count but I got my 980 GTX 3gb Windforce OC off Amazon Warehouse Deals for 279 because the box was damaged. The card is perfectly fine.

Sapphire fury nitro.

I have the 1070 GAMING (I assume you'd be able to get it for sub $300 if it's on sale). Also got an ek waterblock, it's dank af.

What's really pissing me off is not OP being a faggot, but the cancer who actually posts replies.


RX 480


Nshitia is only good in the high end+

XFX RX 480 GTR 8GB uses less power than a GTX 1060 6GB.

RX 480. It's more future proof than the 1060 and now actually equals or beats the 1060 in most triple A titles.


On release (July 2016), the GTX1060 was around 12% and 8% better than RX480 in 1080P and 1440P. Now (Dec 2016), the GTX1060 is 2% and 0% better than RX480 in 1080P and 1440P.


On release (July 2016), the GTX1060 was around 3% and 4% worse than RX480 in 1080P and 1440P. Now (Dec 2016), the GTX1060 is 6% and 6% worse than RX480 in 1080P and 1440P.

Hahaha! You Nvidiots kept saying the 1060 would continue beating the 480. Enjoy playing last years games though.

Nvidia BTFO!

I'd love to see the same comparison with a budget CPU. :-}

Nice cherrypicked benchmarks, Pajeet

>Like 12 different benchmarks

You didn't get the memo did you? On Sup Forums if Nvidia or Intel do poorly/lose the result is inherently cherrypicked and not allowed.

>using anything less than an i5 for a midrange gpu
kys my man

> No Dishonored 2
> No Watch Dogs 2
> No Civilization VI
> No Quantum Break DX11/Steam
> No Dirt Rally
> No Shadow Warriors 2

I'd say most of those are lesser known games than the games on that list, or just plain too new (you have to realize this took 80 hours). It should've had Quantum Break, but that's such a stupid thing being a separate game I can understand why they didn't do it.

>shithonored 2: with awful pc performance across all systems
>watch turds 2: the console hacked port
>civ: cpu bound
>quantum piss: cant jump to the future and use dx12
>piss rally and shit warrior 2

So im guessing you were just posting a benchmark on how much of a fucking retard you are.

Hello W1zzard - I didn't know you posted on Sup Forums.

>My card works better, but only on games released in the past year

please don't come here recommending shit products buddy

they tested fucking GTA V and Overwatch and that still didn't make the 1060 come out on top

deal with it

phenom and fx chips have seen a massive improvement with dx12, the phenom2 is practically on par with stock sandybridge

Get with the times grandad

>On the performance side, Radeon cards such as the RX 480 see up to 8% performance increase with ReLive.
Its coming soon.

>$900 cpu to prevent driver overhead in test

Oh yes I'm sure that's the case with every AMD owner out there that bought those $200 reference blowers. How about you link the actual video so we can see yet another Pajeet shilling for AMD hmm?

RX 480

the best 480 is the GTR

Get used to 5+ active GPU threads at any given time, holiday season soon.

I heard some rumors that XFX sent Jayz2pennies a more beefed/binned up model than the actual GTR and other benchmarks were nowhere near that.

Heres a reviewer that doesn`t get paid/free shit to shill whatever product.

or more likely situation, he "won the silicon lottery"

Youtuber -Actually Hardcore Overclocking

Got 1510MHZ+ on the gtr 480

Without ref threads and generals Sup Forums is fucking worthless. The "discussion" on this board is a fucking joke that's overshadowed by stale memes and shitposting, at least it's useful when it's treated like an actual decent version of /wsr/ with emphasis on technology.


> If it doesn't skew the final result in AyyMD's favor it must be shit and piss hurr

>mfw have a 390x that lights my house on fire
>only had it for 6 months want to get rid of it
Fuck sake when can the goddamn 490 come out? Its been over 6 fucking months!

but it did... those are all games that run better with the 480

>Without ref threads and generals
all that's left are the 5 or so faggots who spam "linucks- xx distro is best" etc all goddanm day long, the retarded fucks taking comp sci and asking for programming help for their homework
and as you mentioned people who are willing to shit on the aforementioned retards becuase of how stupid their shitposts are, intentionally or otherwise.
oh and shills spamming their favorite products, can't forget those faggots advertising nonstop.

would love to see this place without the shitfilled fagfest that is 'x general thread'

oh wait i did, 3 years ago when advertisers, faggots, and retards were all spammed with "install gentoo" shitposts..
this place was much better back then i must say.

who gives a fuck
nothing runs well on either card when playing games released post 2015 holiday season

GTX 980 ti 1080&_udlo=200&_udhi=300&_mPrRngCbx=1&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR10.TRC2.A0.H0.XGTX 980 ti.TRS2&_nkw=GTX 980 ti&_sacat=0

Or if you are super lucky a GTX 1070. A couple of those have sold on ebay in the last bit for less than $300.

But the 980 ti's are definitely going for < $300 prices these days if you are willing to buy used.

If you already have $300, save for the 1070, otherwise go for the 3GB 1060 or the RX 470

I have this very card and I've never seen it pass 71 under load


RX 480 4GB worth it?

Honestly go 8gb
Newer titles are already pushing the 4gb limit


should I just say fuck it and buy me a 1070 instead?

You can't really go wrong either way, it's a matter of what you want in the future.
DX12 is going to be a thing
Crossfire is a lot more open than Sli

>buying 4gb
8 or nothing

If you have a CPU that won't bottleneck it, go for it, kind of expensive, but it's going to last

The 1060 and 480 aren't fast enough to play games at resolutions high enough to exceed 4gb vram. There aren't games that will even run at 1440p 60fps and use more than 4gb vram

I have a 6600k @ 4.2 right now

That should work perfectly fine with a 1070.