If Arch Linux is meant to be simple, why doesn't it come with a simple installer?

If Arch Linux is meant to be simple, why doesn't it come with a simple installer?

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simple in design, not in funcionality

Arch is not simple. That "philosophy" comes from original arch which used to be simple. They've abandoned it.

Slackware is the best and most simple distro. Also, you can install it in 10 minutes while afk.

That said, not having an installer is actually very simple. I don't think you know what simple means.

That little entry barrier gives the users some sort of a "high horse" to sit on. I suggest Antergos. 99.9% Arch and it looks good and works OOB

Because it's the only way to force schoolkids to learn the command line interface.

>install arch and mate
>love it
>need to fix screentearing though
>install compton and compiz
>fix screen tearing
>now windows wont maximise and the DE is unstable
Anyone know how to fix this? I reinstalled mate, compton and compiz after uninstalling but it just went back to the same old mess

They used to have one. Not sure if anyone actually knows the reason they abandoned it. Arch-anywhere and Architect are both excellent Arch installers, though.

>>install compton and compiz

pretty sure these are for the same thing and shouldn't be used together, get rid of compiz

Stop using Arch would be point number one.


>Expecting a DE to just work on Arch.
I suggest you use a wm or just install a blosted arch based distro with mate like manjaro, it will work properly.

KDE or GNome on Arch are just as good as any other distro.

Uninstalled it just now but I don't think that will help. I think I fucked up my changing the window manager in mate to compton but isn't that how you get compton to composite instead of mate thus giving you a complete lack of screen tearing?
fuck off

>fuck off
Wew, somebody's never had to face a hard truth before. Good luck in life, kiddo.

0765 Azienda

You really should at some point learn format you're drive using command line tools and to chroot and get some software working or learn how you can repair grub on an ubootable system.
Arch actually simplifies these things.
There's nothing hard about it.

Compton is a compositor, not a window manager.

There's a contravariance vs covariance conflict going on

Arch is ‘simple’ for the maintainers, which in turn makes it complicated for the users.

Ahhh I know what i've done now
I must have got mixed up and made mate use compton as a window manager which obviously didn't work as it's not one which has lead my windows to 'shatter'.

I don't suppose you know how to reverse this using the terminal?

here you go, newfriend

>Arch is ‘simple’ for the maintainers
is adding a simple install script too complicated for the maintainers?

For what purpose?

I dunno man, pacstrap seems pretty damn simply to me.

why cant i get ssh working i have everything installed but i keep getting connection refused

You're doing it wrong

no shit lol

Did you start sshd?

OP is a retard

Its ment to be simple thats not the same as to be simple to install

>You've reached the website for Arch Linux, a lightweight and flexible Linux® distribution that tries to Keep It Simple.
from the front page of archlinux

The core installation has a low footprint after that you can do what ever you want.

Also BTFO Arch! why use systemd if you wanted it to be simple

Antergos ?

sudo pacman -Syu

Thanks a lot troll, my xorg is trashed now.

A few days ago, some user asked how he could install Ubuntu in his system. He was saying that his installer was not installing grub on /dev/sdx instead of /dev/sda

The GUI installers are far, far less flexible than command mode installers. It literally leaves you with a fully working console so you can install anything in anyway, there's no restriction.

But if you think having an installer means it's "simple" (IDK why and how you can make that connection) go use the architect installer

Ignore this faggot; puppy is better

Or just stop fucking about with shit you don't understand