I'm really happy with Fedora 25 but open for change. Convince me to switch to the GNU/Linux distribution you're using

I'm really happy with Fedora 25 but open for change. Convince me to switch to the GNU/Linux distribution you're using.

Solus boots up in 1/7 the amount of time as Fedora.

Ubuntu doesn't need a new repo for every little program you want to install.

Neither are red hat testing grounds for alpha tier freetard development.
Take your pic.

fuck off redcuckboy

Install SmartOS. It's free. Fits on a USB stick.
Use KVM to load up any OS you want, also comes with DTrace so you can find bottlenecks if you're programming your own binaries.

I'm not really a bootracer.

And I'm also concerned about security. Fedora comes out of the box with SELInux and pretty nice firewall.

Fedora 25 has that Gnome 'windows' KVM thing where you can easily load up any distro you want and try it out.

Try something radically different like NixOS

I wouldn't. If it works for you, it works for you.

t. OpenSUSE user


OpenSUSE is really nice desu

Install kolibri.

Ur mum is disgusting :D

>Fedora 25

Running the LXDE spin on my old but always good 1201n

Ubuntu GNOME

has all the pros of Fedora 25 and you don't have to use a distro with a faggot name like Fedora

Microsoft Windows 10, it just works, can literally do anything that a Linux PC or a Mac can do but better.

Enjoy exclusive content and games, Cortana, the Edge browser which outperforms Chrome and Firefox in every test ever performed ever (this is actually true lol, Sup Forums doesn't like to talk about it)

Come to the light. Literally everybody else is already here

Can you make a folder named "PRN" yet?

That's funny because I actually left Ubuntu Gnome because Ubuntu's KDE packages are old and don't have a new KDE feature that I use. I go back and forth between KDE and GNOME depending on my mood. And it's nice to have a backup in case I fuck up one of them.

>I'm really happy with Fedora 25 but
Use what you like.

Stop trying to be a drone.


If you're really happy with Fedora 25 then stick with it. I'm in the same position with openSUSE, it tickles my undercarriage so why would I change?

>Ubuntu doesn't need a new repo for every little program you want to install.

What? RPM Fusion has almost everything you'd want in the one place, it's not like plz install muh custom pajeet PPA Ubuntu

I'm not. Go away.

I'm not even concerned with repos. If something isn't in the main repos I will just compile it myself.

>I'm not.

>I'm really happy with Fedora 25
>Convince me to switch to the GNU/Linux distribution you're using.

It's a good prompt to start a discussion about distros.

Install gentoo. It's winter.

What did she mean by this??

Fedora is the proper distribution to use if you do Linux for a living

If I'm interviewing someone and they say they use debian or ubuntu out the door they go

If you prefer GNOME Fedora is the best distro.

>OpenSUSE uses KDE
>Ubuntu uses Unity
>Arch needs to be configured and do you really think you'll configure it as good as a team of professionals paid by RHEL?, a fortune 500 company thats publicly traded on the stock exchange? Do you? And wouldn't you rather spend time having sex with your gf?
>Debian stable doesn't ship with latest GNOME
>Debian unstable and testing are less stable than Fedora and require more configuration
>WM only distros are for autists and are never configured properly (fonts always need to be configured).
>Gentoo is actually pretty good
>Slackware requires you to manually resolve dependencies for packages
>Ubuntu spin offs with "traditional" desktop environment are for babbies and are never configured as good as Ubuntu or Fedora

>sex with your gf

Why would you change away from the best distro there currenlty is?

>implying you are/ever will be interviewing someone
>implying you're not an autistic neckbeard

Fuck you

why would you change something that works and you like?

Fedora 25 is giving me fucked up scaling issues in my t540p

Some text is massive some text is normal, interface seems large. Tried messing about but it's never perfect.

What about Manjaro?

it's basically a pre-configured Arch

Sounds like windows 10 is right up your alley friend

*tips fedora*

Why not just search up features and functionality that you want or need?

I don't understand why people go out of their way to have a different name of distribution.

I use arch because I can basically pick and choose what functionality I want.

Compiling makes your room hot.

holy fuck man i had the same issue. For me on libre office it thought i was using gtk2 fedora 25 uses 3. all it took was for me to uninstall the apps and reinstall the right packages to not get the scaling error.

Opensuse is really nice. But I stick with l Linux mint Debian edition. It has a big software base, is comfy, stable and also rolling release.

>Sup Forums

but i haven't even installed 8 yet friend

why do OS devs refrain from implementing robust GUIs for users to access?
look at this fucking menu for display in Fedora
had to click 2 buttons and all i get to do is adjust resolution and refresh rate, instead of multiple things

i understand there is increased freedoms in customization, so why do devs give off this retarded apple-esque blankness to their GUI instead of everything in one location?

forgot pic

Or more popularly, 'CON'

>not having a functional package manager
>not having beautiful humane guile apis to interact with everything
>not using an fsf endorsed distro
>not recognizing everything they're doing as the future of *nix and helping them pull humanity forward

what else are you looking for btw

>background image and position
>taskbar position
>color options
they're just the babby options
it would be nice to have adjustable attributes to things i can't even really conceive

also my home network has 2 routers, one as the main and the other as a satellite. can't quickly hop between the two routers as it fails to switch so in order to do so have to 'forget' the network i'm on to join the other. shit sucks