Developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers...

>Developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

He meant windows has more developers developing for it than Apple, Linux, and Sun combined times 2

Software sells hardware.

He meant that Windows is the best platform for Developers, which maybe was true, but is not true anymore.

Prolly was just high on coke and went berserk. At least that's what it look like to a bystander.

What happened to change this, Ubuntu? LOL

Just look at Windows Phone Store and you'll understand.

I actually prefer sweaty bald man to nutella man

Microsoft is basically all pajeets now

I think he was talking about the people who create computer programs and stuff like this

The reliance on web which is OS agnostic. Linux have always been more comfy for developers so when the OS is not as important anymore then people move to stuff like Apple and Linux

"developers" is Manager-speak for "programmers."

I prefer code artisan

>Botnet, botnet, botnet, botnet, botnet, botnet, botnet, botnet, botnet, botnet, botnet, botnet, botnet, botnet, botnet, botnet

Hello sir,,

Microsoft is best company to work for in india...

No 1 employer!

looks like aleister crowley

Didn't that guy retire already?

inb4 "except in Nebraska"


he owns a niggerball team or some shit these days

what is going on here?

please dont tell me you think linux is better for developers now LUL

Opinion discarded.

Pajeets, pajeets, pajeets, pajeets, pajeets, pajeets, pajeets, pajeets, pajeets, pajeets, pajeets!


It means that American corporate culture is ridiculous and funny.

It also means that any platform will die without a developer base to feed it with new software.

>Microsoft is basically pajeets now

Very very true.

marketing drivel, he was probably an asshole towards microsoft developers for a long time and he gained a reputation as a skinflint pigfucker so he had to do something to divert attention to what a complete corporate pigfucking ass he became so he came up with the monkeyboy dance

Someone makes a negative connotation towards Linux, and their opinion is discarded? I see most of Sup Forums harbors this idea, and its fucking sickening. At the end of the day, it matters not which OS you pick. Computers are for getting shit done. Just pick one and fucking get on with it.

If OS is not important anymore, why move to Apple or LInux?

just imagine how big of a line he bumped beforehand, he's probably having the time of his life
>that voice crack on YEEEEEEEEEEES


It's the opposite.

Windows is honestly better than ever to develop on now.

Fuck Ballmer. This Pajeet in charge knows what he's doing.

Should I get a bs in software engineering?

can you really be this retarded

> microshaft wincucks will defend this

>Having the ability to spy on your customers natively
>Not the best possibly thing for corporate development
It's like you're willfully retarded

Appel is good company they protect me.

>It also means that any platform will die without a developer base to feed it with new software.

This is exactly how operating systems die. XP didn't die back in April 2014 when MS retired support - it is dying now as third party developers are retiring support for it (most notably web browsers, the updates of which are essential to maintain online security).

>If OS is not important anymore, why move to Apple or LInux?

Comfier and easier to use for developers