Is Larry Wall, founder of Perl, a pedophile?

Is Larry Wall, founder of Perl, a pedophile?

He looks like a Pedophile.

And the logo for Perl 6 is designed "to appeal to 7 year-old girls".

Perl 6 is a community of mainly middle-aged men. Does nobody else think that's a bit weird?

Other urls found in this thread:

Logo for Perl6

He's the mastermind behind the Clinton child sex ring pizzeria front.

You heard it here first folks.

If you needed to write a secret code to talk about your pedophile things, Perl would be a good option to do it in. Not even perl users understand that shit.

I was thinking about learning Perl for security/sys/netadmin stuff. Yes? Or Python? Or Ruby?

If you're looking to write exploits, Python and C are the combo that's used a lot in proof-of-concept stuff. Python as a light wrapper to send a binary payload.

To play defence, it doesn't really matter what you use. You need to know how to use ptrace/Dtrace more than anything else. How to administer a linux machine. Set up an OpenVPN, etc.


You shut the fuck up about my man Larry Wall

wait guys, is the freeleech supposed to end in 20 minutes or in another day...

sorry guys, wrong thread ;_;

Big Daddy Wall to you.



I for one, can't think of anything weirder than middle-aged men. We should just jail them all pre-emptively just to keep our kids safe.

The do specifically want to appeal to 7 year old girls though. That's the problem.

they want to appeal to girls so they grow up liking perl and more women will enter the work force wanting to learn perl hypothetically

Yeah i'm not sure I buy that. Perl is not something anyone with a brain would teach a child as a first language. It's totally different to all the other languages, and has a significantly steeper learning curve than most. Despite being a scripting language.

I'm not saying *ALL* Perl programmers are pedophiles, i'm just saying, if i was a pedophile, it's the programming language i'd use, given the creepy shit these men talk about. It's all "hugs" this and "hugs" that. OK maybe they're kooky in a My Little Pony way and i has nothing to do with fucking children.

... but still. It's odd no?

Regardless, he's still probably a better person that you.


Yeah there's my boy Larry.
He wrote Perl doing a project for the NSA, and snuck it out of the lab so he could release it on Usenet as Perl 1.0
One of the first people to make their work GNU Open Source Agreement compliant.
Very religious man, none of that pussy atheist bullshit.

Why aren't you more like Larry Wall Sup Forums?

perl sucks. it's broken and they don't want to fix it.