Watch a video on anything technology/science related

>Watch a video on anything technology/science related
>It's a Pajeet

Instant close, no exceptions.

same. or i'll mute it if i'm just looking for an explanation of something that they're conveying visually anyway.

>watch a how-to video
>it's some guy typing on Notepad

>watch porn
>girl doesnt have a dick
instant close, no exceptions.

>Watch a video on anything electronics/engineering related
>It's a Britbong or Aussie

Instant close, no exceptions.

>watch a video
Instant close, no exceptions

>unregistered hypercam

>instant close, no
>Click on a video
>it's an abnoxious anglo teenager

instant close, no exceptions

>open a thread
>its a Sup Forums racist retard
Instant close, no exceptions

This kills the crab.

>watch a video about technology and programming
>unregistered hypercam
>mouse pointer with yellow circle
>*click click* all the fucking time
>writing on notepad, slow as fuck and full of errors
>guy opens the IDE
Instant close, no exceptions.

>search for trap porn
>none are passable

>looking for algorithm video
>nothing but pajeets
>watch one hoping to tolerate it for a bit
>dude is hand writing the algorithm out on notebook paper
>barely speaks english
>a disgusting fly flies onto the screen
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everyone walk the dinosaur
Instant close, no exceptions

>tfw fapped to so much tranny porn that now I can't get erect when looking at hetero porn

Help me

>oh no racism is bad!!! It hurts my feelings!!

Kys my dude

Why'd someone do this to a cute crab? OwO

Why do you guys have literally the most annoying fucking accents on the planet?

I am a mexican and I also despise pajeets and their shit accents that make you think about their disgusting streets.


>open a Sup Forums thread
>some fat impotent honkey with a MAGA hat got triggered by a Latino moving into his trailer park
>whines about being a victim of "white genocide"

shouldnt it be the other way around? if you watch too much of something then you get desensitized to it and be unable to get erect

that is how i got into gay porn anyway, and that is how i got back to straight porn, and back and forth etc.

>you guys
Are you refering to Hindu-Americans (or as you like to use the deragotary term "pajeet") with this?

This, its funny how whites despise poc only for color of their skin, while they all look like they never leave their parents basement

>whites despise poc only for color of their skin
>only for color of their skin
Yeah, sure. It's not because all the stereotypes are true or anything. It's just because of your skin.
Definitely not because you savages keep proving stereotypes right over and over again or anything. Nope. Just the colour of your skin.

I find pajeet youtubers 100 times better than alot of cringey white applefag youtubers

>Open a thread on technology/g/y
>It's an offtopic polfag or vkiddie thread
Saved, reported and closed. No exceptions.

Just like how you keep proving all whites are jobless rednecks who waves Nazism flags and complains the joos for all their problems?


what the fuck is calle and why does it show in every other captcha

This snibs the snab.

I-Is this really what happens? I better stop while I'm ahead I don't want to go full faggot.

yea this happens to me too