Thanks god for technology and japanese people.
Thanks god for technology and japanese people
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fuck that is depressing
Better start learning Japanese now if you're going to buy it like a madman.
This is like the fifth thread about this shit today already
Wtf I thought Sup Forums hated the botnet
Not if the botnet is a waifu
And a a fucking embarrassment
How normalfags respond to waifu tech
>wow disgusting
>wow depressing
>wow creep
How high IQ and intelligent people responds to waifu tech
>future is saved
>what a great invention
>I'd like one
Note, if you're a normalfag, please neck yourself
Stop the fucking shilling.
If I have a closet full of fedora they would've tipped over by now
Depressed forever alone neets would think that the future is saved.
Intelligent people with high IQ would respond with
>low res image in a bottle prison
>cheap iot implementation
>the right idea taken in the wrong direction
>wrong direction
Your normalfaggotry is showing
This. We need AI waifus but they need to be better implemented. Material science and machine learning have some work to do.
What the fuck...
The road to perfection is not a 0-100, but rather incremental steps.
That's pretty cool. Also, incredibly sad. Why would I want to chat with a rudimentary AI like that? I can understand if it makes giving it instructions more natural, but I don't want to have it prompting me to "please come home soon".
you need to walk in the right direction though.
this is just a jump to a marketable product to profit from ronery fags before they kill themselves
These are decremental steps tho
Why do you value romantic interest with another human more than an artificial one?
Why is it so intrinsically more valuable to you?
Do you believe that people shouldn't be interested in robo love at all?
Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but it seems like normalfags are bit afraid of being replaced by robots.
I can see how you think that and of course nothing in the world will convince you that I have a girlfriend but people just have some problems which AI waifus just wouldn't. And besides, they're not going to break up with you.
>falling for the sex meme
This guy's got a point. How do you actually distinguish a proper AI from a human intelligence? Assuming that they act identical.
Although man, I think only actually doesn't support AI waifus. The rest just think there are better ways to go about it.
kill yourself, you fucking retard
wish my fucking filters worked here
>normalfags are bit afraid of being replaced by robots
Normalfags are ignorant so they will believe what the movies tell them to. A positive movie that paints a romance between robot/human will change their mind anyway.
I sometimes pity the mass of people whose opinions are swayed by opinions rather than personal ethics/understanding/facts. They simply move with the currents and never try to understand why they think what they think.
>normalfags are bit afraid of being replaced by robots
No one can possibly be affraid of something that will never happen.
The point of your comment is..?
Supporting what? A bot which might get statistics right in giving a reply that may satisfy you? That's fairly lame.
>No one can possibly be affraid of something that will never happen.
Found the stupid
go back to r3ddit you attention seeking piece of dogshit
I almost feel sorry for you.
Save it for yourself when you'll no longer have any value.
won't be long until the single 'pro' of women is replaced by technology
I honestly can't think of a single other thing women are good for
Definitely being a social inept to the point where you have to resort to a bot to have a conversation in your life makes you such a valuable member of the society.
>a walking hole soon to be replaced talking about being a valuable member to society
>anyone who doesn't want me is a social inept
Overtly defensive aren't ya?
Guess the bells are ringing and the sounds are chiming. Robo-waifus will replace the ugly 3d flesh and bone.
>thousands of cute bottle waifus will be discarded like trash as newer, more advanced models replace them
Is it actual 3d or just flat image that is rotating?
I can see some potential with loading your own models..
who are you quoting?
Not wnting is not the same as not being able to engage into a conversation with someone of a different gender (;
>baseless accusations
amazing arguments
You are missing the point m8 we are talking about 3000dollars toy that have worse voice recognition than android/ios voice control.
Not about le advanced super ai that will be not build at least in next 50years.
but then poorfags and 3rdworld shitters would get acces to used up bottle waifus
gotta invest in it some way
>you dont want me therefore you cant get anyone else
Women are so pathetic and dumb its hilarious.
Ur dumb m8. Its the concept not the cost or the current iteration.
Neither men nor women are "pathetic and dumb", but kissless virgins are quite hilarious though.
and a "kissless virgin" is either a man or a woman
you're fucking retarded, stop shitposting
>she still think having relationship with females is valuable
You are dumb.
You can't appreciate something you never had (;
Maybe you'll appreciate necking yourself.
I sure will
>thousands of cute bottle waifus will have their hazubandos overwritten, their faithfulness turned against them
just like in my hentais
>buy bottle waifu
>new models come in
>can't leave behind your original bottle waifu
There will have to be some way to transfer her to new models and completely erase it from the old one, noone's going to abuse her
>Hack into other peoples waifus and NTR them
won't be long until the single 'pro' of (You) is replaced by technology
I honestly can't think of a single other thing (You) are good for
>internet of things is insecure enough that another man can hack your waifu and your entire home, physically cucking you from thousands of miles away
>being hf autistic is bad
at least she cant get ciberpregnant of virtual jamal
This. I imagine you'll be able to transfer your waifus data into the next version.
What I want is an AI that's not attached just to one device but something that sync between devices. Maybe you could even run your own instance of it on your home server, something that's FOSS.
That way, peripherals can be made like the bottle waifu or even real robot waifus to act as an avatar for the AI, but the 'brain' always live on your sever so she can be with you wherever you go
>you'll live long enough to witness FOSS virtual waifus
I honestly can't wait
You'll have a few bottles around the house and she'll appear depending on which room you're in.
Need to go out? No worries, your waifu is on your phone now as well. Although that kinda beats that one point in the video "someone is waiting for me at home"
You're mistaking high IQ with pathetic, disgusting, and a pussy when it comes to getting a real wife.
There's someone out there for everyone you just have to put in the effort and rejection is going to happen so stop being a dick sucking bitch and go out and get laid.
>go out and get laid.
literally what's the point
>chance of pregnancy
>disgusting slimy hole
>interaction with deceptive, manipulative and abusive creatures
I know you're baiting, but still, here's your (you)
So Ene?
>I know you're baiting
you're free to tell me which of those points aren't true
She can still be waiting at home, or she can come with you out into the world
Some people just aren't meant to reproduce user. Don't you think it's better if they're genes don't propogate? I'm under no illusions that my genetics should be passed on, I accept that they are not good stock for the human race
Let the genetically gifted Chads reproduce, and let me live my life in peace with my robo waifu
*their genes
Stop dating whores
>chance of pregnancy
We have a thing called "condoms" you probably never saw one though.
>disgusting slimy hole
another (you) for you
>interaction with deceptive, manipulative and abusive creatures
100% of females are Stacy McPussy. Just like every man is Chad Thundercock. Right?
Seriously, go out
Talk to people
Stop being autistic
I'm wondering why it triggers you so much that some people don't want to be involved with human females and instead prefer the company of robot waifu?
>and let me live my life in peace with my robo waifu
first you'll have to understand that humans are pathetic and will look for ways to make themselves look better any chance they get.
Do you think people are honestly afraid of someone spreading their genes in the world just because they're some beta? Noone cares, it's the most hilarious excuse for insulting other I've yet seen.
No, they're trying to make themselves feel better by picking on you, making it look like they're better in at least something
Can't wait for mind upload and the next step of evolution, a single unified consciousness
>Stop dating whores
so no arguments, lmao
>just go out and have sex man, go pick some random girls at a bar
>but don't fuck whores and sluts
Are you sure you're on the right board?
Oh wait, this is the consumerism board, I keep forgetting
Condoms aren't 100% insurance of preventing pregnancy
Slimy holes are disgusting, this might be subjective but unless the girl has a nice innie pussy the vagina is disgusting. Meat curtains aren't attractive
>100% of females are Stacy McPussy. Just like every man is Chad Thundercock. Right?
No, but that number is still pretty high
Am I in Sup Forums?
>100% of females are Stacy McPussy.
considering the quality of posts here, it might as well be moved there or /trash/
Do you guys think it would be possible to load "other" things into it?
No, but anime tech triggers normalfags and they come out from the woodworks
Because I was an autistic beta virgin weeb like most of you people here.
Until I decided it was enough, and started dating girls. And guess what? It wasn't hard, at all.
what did you do?
not him but I don't see the benefit in doing so though
I'm not autistic, I don't watch anime, I'm not a failure considering I'm working and studying
So for what reason would I want a girlfriend? Wasting money for some social interaction? I have friends for that, thanks
So you waste money and time on women instead?
Thats what you consider good?
The thought of dating girls makes me feel extremely anxious. I try talking to girls sometimes but I can barely do that without sperging out, I can't see how I would ever be able to date them
we got a thread for this OP
Where can I get this
Barely even related.
Because wasting money on chink shit and being a socially inept is any better, lol
reminder to not reply to attention-seeking namefags
Started with dating websites, after trial and error I ended up with a 6/10. And guess what, I really enjoyed the dating several girls part. It really gave me confidence to stop being so autistic. So even if I brake up with her right now, I know I can get another girl because I (kinda) know how to do it.
Going to the gym and buying nice clothes also helped me.
Then this advice isn't for you.
>Thats what you consider good?
It turned out to be more satisfying than playing video games and watching chinese cartoons.
I still play them once in a while though.
>tfw nobody is ever waiting for you at home
soon we'll fix that user
Lonely weebs will pay for this shit next to their rubber sex doll
How does a Normie like you end up on Sup Forums?
Genuine question.
You even seem to be proud of it.
>Stop dating whores
1 in 3 women have HPV nowadays
Condoms don't protect against HPV 100%
>stop being so autistic
You never were autistic, just a previously failed Normie. People don't just "stop" having autism.
I can't wait for the drunk redneck version
just give in and get HPV, user. It'll feel good
If this is paired with certain degree of learning neural network and learns to have an emotional conversation it's gonna be great.
anyone interested in my free software version of this? its based on arch and old thinkpads.
>somebody is going to wait for me at home after all
Thank you Japan for everything you're gifting to this world.
>You never were autistic, just a previously failed Normie
Just like 99% of the people here
Yes please.