>wake up just to sit at my pc all day
Wake up just to sit at my pc all day
boo hoo
I'm falling for this meme living again.
My part time job contract ends next week.
Now I have no reason to wake up early and shower.
And I'm probably not going to talk to anyone for days at a time.
And on top of that it's almost Christmas and I'm going to be alone and miserable.
Fuck this.
you are a bitch
fuck you
do what i do,fap 30times a day to release chemicals in your brain to feel good while being miserable shit
We will be always here to fuck you up.
/r9k/ has become /lgbt2/, only more disgusting.
Sorry, i don't care. :^)
>wake up just to sit at my pc all day
>he dosen't have a comy laptop like a MBP to chill under the blanket the whole day
99% of Sup Forums should go to /r9k/
maybe try doing something about it instead of blogging about it here
>feeling bad when alone
Dont have that problem
I do the same but idgaf. I like it and it's comfy af
The Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display users doesn't have this problem.
You're probably not completely alone.
You live with your mother or something?
> wake up
> go to work
> server management
> leave work
> go home
> play gaymen on the computer
Computers are fun.
Look at this bad guy!
He ask you to move to fucking /r9k/
Do you know why?
Because Sup Forums is a place for a productive people.
For a people that actually managed to make their life meaningful
They discuss all day long why casio is better that Rolex
Why ascii meme wm are better than kde.
Why macbooks are for gays
What kind of razors is the best, because razors are technology and every basement dweller wants to post his 10/10 shaved legs in socks.
Yeah, go on /r9k/ because as you see this is place for important people, place for people that like to have shit done.
>once the electricity goes out, you possess 0 (zero) useful skills
Not the other guy, but normalfags like you are the cancer to this site. Always assuming that "everyone needs to talk and interact with other people" bullshit.
Some people do not want to be around people, by choice. These people do not feel "loneliness", the people that do feel loneliness are the failed normalfags who can't find others.
>worked 5 different low level jobs, mainly related to heavy machinery and construction inspection and quality control
>hated most of them
>ended up picking up a QA career without any certs, no uni education, and no technical background apart from knowing how to Linux (thanks NEET life)
>started as a manual tester, got promoted twice in 6 months, and switched to QA automation
>now I'm going to automate most if not all of my former colleagues
This, I like my anons and my hardware
You didn't answer though, do you guys live with your moms, yes or no?
I was in the military, I don't think so.
Still, this
No, alone and also not interested in any relationships.
You need help pal, we've all fallen into that slump but you need to do your best to get out of it. Do you have Steam or something, should give me a message if you need to keep yourself distracted.
>feelio when the only thing i have to look forward to in the day is dinner
it's so long away
The only answer that make sense
The grass is greener on the other side - just try your best to pull through m8.
This, just kill yourself.
do what i do,stop fapping and enjoy the simplicity of life
>no gf to rub his junk
neets are dumb
8/8 post
Congrats mate, today you win some internet.
I do not even know why I find her attractive desu
after ww3 those people will not survive
Lol lost my job, now I'm living with my gf at her apartment, and her dad pays for all my bills
they ain't all the same
>literary numale beta cuck
Not him, but I live alone and very rarely feel lonely, I get enough social interaction in my job and it's really nice to come home and not be sociable.