Allow Experimentation on Windows 10

>Allow Experimentation on Windows 10

> Microsoft can "experimentally" change particular settings on the Windows system remotely. This is done to test and/or check certain configurations. You should disable this setting if you don't with to participate in this testing program.

>The policy is only available on Pro, Education and Enterprise
>According to Microsoft, setting the Registry key won't have an effect on Windows 10 version 1607.

Hahahaha, win10tards cucked, again

Other urls found in this thread:


You'll have to try a little more, you get no rupee for that post.

now now Rajesh



>when you need to take a poo but the designated shitting street is full


Rajesh, are you even getting paid overtime for this one?

Someone should make a more up to date version of this.

>It's a setting for CSPs

>It's feature of Microsoft Intune
>"Microsoft Intune is a cloud service that provides mobile device management, mobile application management, and PC management capabilities. Intune’s mobile productivity management capabilities help organizations provide their employees access to corporate data, applications, and resources, while helping to protect their corporate information."

>AFAIK it's similar to group policy but would be used by a Windows mobile phone provider or OEM to manage device specific settings.

>allow user to reset phone

That article has nothing to do with "AllowExperimentation" registry key.

read articles, not just Sup Forums threads

where's the source code for shutup10?

Why would you want it?

to check it's not spying on me or doing anything dodgy

it would be rather hypocritical for such a problem to be closed source, don't you think?

You already use windows 10 and you are worried about that program?

i don't use windows, but i know what you're saying

Fiddle with muh shit Micro$hit,ohhh feels so sexy


>Windows 10 version 1607.
Well there's your problem.

Don't talk to me or my Wife's son ever again


Don't "fix" what isn't broken.

That would be kind o refer to windows 10 as such, especially 1511.

>Less telemetry, you can still disable shit that are always forced on in anniversary

Anniversary fucked up more than it "fixed".

You realize 1507 is supported until 2025 and far more stable and consistent than 1511, while 1511 became obsolete this month, right?

Linux is shit.

Obsolete doesn't mean it stops working.

The reason they want to make it "obsolete" is because they want to push the subscription based version of Enterprise out.

You're less than even the smell of said shit.

Remember when the shill told everyone that the botnet is "just in the beta"?

The entry stated furthermore that the policy is not supported in Windows 10, version 1607. This is the Anniversary Update edition, the most recent stable version of Windows 10.

According to Microsoft, setting the Registry key won't have an effect on Windows 10 version 1607.

Sup Forums was wrong again. Move along.

And what do you understand by that? The policy being removed means you no longer have control over it, not that the feature was removed.

>You already use windows 10 and you are worried about that program?
You are stupid beyond recognition.

Seriously. A FREE third party with CLOSED source to end SPYING because the programmer is so goddamn GRATEFUL


Microsoft is a company watched by the whole world, that dipshit is barely of interest to anyone, he can sell your data and no one notices it.

>Anniversary fucked up more than it "fixed".
What is it? There was another idiot in another thread who failed to tell and I'm still waiting for arguments.

I thought pajeets sleep at this hour..

What did it fix?

Windows is a cuck tier OS and if you use it you should kill thine self

So Anniversary didn't remove features in gpedit?
Did Anniversary give us more ways to disable telemetry or did it remove them?

1.) It's not used anymore
2.) There is no documentation, just two clickbait websites like ghacks that have copy/pasted their own FUD.

No, it means the setting was removed, not the functionality.

Post documentation of the 'functionality' or get the fuck off this board.

Looked into the app, pretty cool. Wonder why it isn't more popular.

Also, for windows in general, is there a website that gives a list and run down on optimizing your OSs? showing you what everything does and whats useless that can be deleted/disabled. I'm decent at optimizing fresh installs but I feel that there could be more done.

Thank you for shilling Microsoft, Raja!

We have deposited 500 Bing points into your account and dispatched a plate of curry to your designated address.

Lots of love,
Satay Nutella


Wrong, dipshit.

It's not that they don't have the ability to disable it, it's that they can't be managed using Intune agent or via MDM (Mobile Device Management) in a similar manner as Home editions can't join a domain, be managed via a group policy, or make use of Active Directory.

In effect the "AllowExperimentation" setting does nothing because you'd have to be joined to a Azure Active Directory or be using a device that's part of a Mobile Device Management (aka: Microsoft Intune) cloud connected device.

Now go watch some Alex Jones like a good little goy.

nice, someones triggered af


Not the other guy, but did schools already start winter break?

It's funny because from on in it's always going to be in beta, by their own words.

I can't, it's closed source.

Just like the built-in keylogger, or the screen capture which is part oft heir telemetry. Right. .

Literally everyone does this. Chrome and Firefox experimentally enable settings for a number of random people except you can't opt out.

Post documentation of the 'functionality' or get the fuck off this board yourself if you're so certain.

>no proof but believes something completely because a clickbait website told him so

How completely unexpected coming from some retards on Sup Forums

oh if everyone does it it´s good? go fuck yourself cuck

The counter proof it.

Microsoft has been spying and tampering with Windows for ages, just because they removed the features for clients doesn't mean they removed the feature for themselves.

How fucking naive has Sup Forums become?

Look at the amount of exposed neckbeard butthurt.

>no proof but believes something because microsoft told him so
How completely unexpected coming from some random street shitter

A browser

Another browser

>The counter proof it.

Educate yourself.

Better yet, kill yourself, you low IQ mongoloid.

You act, type, and defend Microsoft like a sub-20 year old.
At least you're trying.


>now with more POO IN LOOs
How can people accept to be cucked by a curryniger?

Holy shit that MS Pajeet top scout comment. Nice try.

god I fucking hat flat design

42GB of RAM?

Nothing says 'I'm too tech illiterate to use the group policy editor' like these pictures.

And here I thought I was on Sup Forums.

Every sane person out there has already installed GNU/Linux.

And then uninstalled it, realizing that it isn't worth jumping through hoops to get the most simple of tasks done. The insane ones are the ones who continue to use it to make themselves seem tech-savvy to other crazies.

it's the answer to life, the universe, and everything, and that includes his ram capacity

You have to suffer some inconveniences in order to reclaim your freedom. Either you control the program, or the program controls you. GNU/Linux respects your freedom and community, and Windows does not. Windows is proprietary software, which we've got to rid of.

Eh, one setting fixes the issue. You're just making a mountain out of a mole hill because you're too tech illiterate to deal with Windows. Kind of ironic, huh?

>one setting fixes the issue
Well, it pretends to be off, but in fact it continues to phone home.
You can't use non-free software and not to be a sucker.

Windows isn't pretending to be off for me. I have to manually search for Windows updates as I have it set up in gpedit. Sounds like user error in your case.