/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

* Resources:
$ man
$ info
$ help

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/wg/'s GNU/Linux Wallpapers:
Part III: Part II: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6767536/
Part I: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6743571/

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first for osdev

good kernel.

While booting up, instead of the Ubuntu MATE logo screen, it only shows a gray screen and then drops me into LightDM.

How do I fix the start screen?

I'm using Arch, just letting you guys know.

Hey, I'm on Arch too. It matters, doesn't it?

install gentoo

That's what I'm actually doing right now. Soon I won't be able to say that im using arch

i am trying to compile a program called ishiiruka. it's dependency is only cmake as listed in the readme, but it says it will spit out what i might need if i don't have it.

anyways, i am on linux mint, and when i run "cmake .." i get this error;

-- Found Git: /usr/bin/git (found version "2.7.4")
fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /home/trist)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /home/trist)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /home/trist)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).
-- Could NOT find OpenGL (missing: OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR)
ALSA NOT found, disabling ALSA sound backend
ao NOT found, disabling ao sound backend
bluez NOT found, disabling bluetooth support
PulseAudio NOT found, disabling PulseAudio sound backend
OpenAL NOT found, disabling OpenAL sound backend
X11 support disabled

i assume im missing some shit, but i also assume most of these are just generic warnings and that i have a sound system it supports or something comparable to x11 (is linux mint on wayland?) what do i do?

I uninstalled ubuntu from dual boot but grub is still there and i can't remove it. Solutions from google didnt help. Any tips other than formatting my hdd and reinstalling windows?

good luck senpai
windows repair


>hey /fglt/, my mouth can't find the botnet dick
>please help

while i try to play tetris and watch YouTube videos linux constantly crashes how do i fix this

What GNOME plugins get me a dock that is the taskbar-like structure in this screen?

logs or it didn't happen


how do i send or post logs

Yes, it does,

I find myself using ranger a lot (to move, copy, rename files, etc).

Should I stop doing this and focus to learn how to properly use the shell (cp, cd, mv, etc)?

> (is linux mint on wayland?)
No. But even if it was it would still work.

You probably need the dev libraries for those things. I don't know their names but it should be easy to find out.

Still have no idea how to get clock, tray, battery, and other stuff into the dock. Dash-to-Dock doesn't seem to have those settings.

Thoughts on Korora?

Using it right now, really like it. Unsure if I should move to 25, I have lots of games installed and I don't know what Wayland will do to them.

do I have a bad monitor or are there really lines across that wallpaper?

There are lines there, that's the artist's shading.

How do I upgrade to the 4.9 kernel on Ubuntu 16.10?

you download the source and compile it yourself


You can still use xorg, just select it on the gdm menu.

How can I use JEDEC prefixes in Thunar and other XFCE programs?
Does it require recompiling them on my own?

>Reasons to use Linux: No Viruses
Myth or Truth?


The funamental failure is that normies believe gave programs which do things they don't want the name "Virus", but there are only programs doing their work. Knowing what a program does helps here, and since in GNU/Linux is mostly everything free and open source software, it's less likely that someone drops malicious code into a program, while Windows users for example are pretty much defenseless.

tl;dr every system that can execute code can execute bad code

I should re-read before posting...

Maybe just use whatever works for you instead of seeking validation from anonymous users of a Hyperborean macramé forum?

What music player does Sup Forums use for GNU/Linux?
Something that has equaliser

Check out alsaequal, configure for mpd and run ncmpcpp.

should set up a system-wide equalizer

on ubuntu you can go to kernel.org and grab the.deb file and install

I don't know how to compile but I am sure arch will have it as update shortly

Terrible work on that hair, did you do that on GIMP?

Got a bit of a specific problem here, I installed Linux Mint 18 on my desktop PC in my dorm. Now I have Windows on a separate drive where this *sorta* works, but it used to work for Linux too (on Solus, I don't know if it it would work now).

What I am talking about is internet. We have a wired connection in every room (And I have to say, its really good), however to connect in windows it requires verification software (which is agsolute garbage and very unstable) and on Linux it requires a certificate.

Now I have done everything as I am supposed to, new Ethernet connection, Tunnelled TLS, username, password and of course the certificate. However, every time I choose the connection it prompts me for password, which no matter how many times I enter wont work (I know its correct). I have tried in Ubuntu and Mint on two seperate PCs.

I know it's probably the dorms fault, but do you maybe have any idea if it might be something else?

Friendly noob question: how do I connect to wifi in debian? I really liked wifi-menu, but there doesn't seem to be any paralell in debian. The only command line wifi connection is with dhclient, which I would have to configure any time I connect to a new access point (too much of a hassle). I don't use a DE, but could I maybe use the GNOME or KDE tool for wifi? I have X and i3 installed.

Which distros beside Gentoo/Funtoo are rolling-release and don' t use systemd?
Really wan't to see what's the difference

network manager or wicd.

Or you know, go back to superior arch.

do you have networkmanager?
you can use
nmcli dev wifi connect "your ssid" password "your password"

I've fun Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, and Mint as my main distros for a few years. I've generally gone for pre-packed distros.

I'm thinking about switching to Gentoo, and my main concern is speed. Will self-compiling actually deliver noticeable improvements in speed for XFCE based applications and web browsing?

Also, will Steam work on Gentoo. This is not a dealbreaker.

Steam will work but you have to manually install all the libraries.

Do you got TWO versions of Steam installed on your computer? Linux Steam for Linux native games and Windows Steam through Wine to emulate Windows games. I'm surprised how well it works.

foobar on linux eh?

why not?

I don't have a single version of steam, still think it's shit and rather not install it, but due to exclusives I might actually do it at some point in the future.

Nope. I only play what Lord Gaben has decided thay Gnu/Linux fellows can play.

cmus, but it's not just for GNU. I use it on a non-GNU system.

how do I copy the current page link using the surf browser?


What Linux Distro is this?
Winfag here, This distro looks fucking nice.

Sorry, I mean GNU/Linux Distro

>This distro looks fucking nice.

stop nitpicking

Jesus Fucking Christ.
Get the fuck out of here

>he thinks THAT looks nice

there's nothing in the picture to indicate what distro it is

the interface you see is KDE5, looks largely default

It could be any distro, it has a KDE Desktop Environment. Linux distros usually have a few environments to choose from, like Gnome, KDE, Cinnamon, Xfce... KDE is nice but I prefer Cinnamon.

cmon man

Iirc thats budgie from solus

kde does look cute. how is it on arch? which version is that?

>how is it on arch?
Is this /sqt/?
What kind of question is that? Why would it matter?

Any Solus OS users here?

I am the fag who asked the qns. Which distro would be good for a newfag?

How can you tell that it's gnu?


why care about sjw-ware?

it's called KuckDE

99% of the time it is. Nobody actually uses alpine.

It's obviously not a kernel.

Personally I would go with Solus, but it is a bit buggy as it is constantly developed at the moment.

However Linux Mint with Cinnamon or KDE if it looks nice to you is a great choice for a beginner. It even has an option to split the HDD in half when installing, one half for windows the other for linux.

So? How can you tell it's gnu in this particular case?
Right, but how can you tell it's gnu?
Not a kernel != gnu

its nice in that "burning babies alive" kind of way

because kde on certain distros is far more buggy than others that is why.

there arent my kernel choices
if its not gnu, its bsd, if not, its xnu

Ubuntu MATE, Solus or Manjaro. Probably.

You do realize that busybox isn't exclusive to alpine, right?


my cheap switches are failing

There are systems which run the Linux kernel + busybox

you do realize that busybox isn't a full replacement and made for embedded systems?

It is though and it can easily be used in a "desktop" system. There is nothing about it that's made for embedded systems

hm... didn't know alpine was meant to be run on embedded systems
should i uninstall it now since you said so?

Are you sure about Manjaro? I heard it wasn't very stable.

I forgot to add Elementary OS if you like the look of OSX or ZorinOS if you want the OS to look and act like Windows.

Why did you even take the bait? Systems without GNU aren't GNU systems and it's irrelevant to the topic.

It's relevant though since it's running the Linux kernel. It's right there in the OP, see for yourself

is there a 'lazybox' too?

yes, gnu

Why linux install sofware in a bunch of different folders like the home folder and .config? I remember Windows intalled them on Program Files I think. I think it would be easier to manage programs if they were all in one place.

The guy who creates it, names it, which is RMS. Adding bonzy buddy or the Linux kernel doesn't change the name to Bonzy OS or Linux OS. Even systems without GNU are at least GNU-like systems.


Yes please

Is there anything I can use to connect to my phone via Bluetooth and use my computer to send and receive SMS apart from Gnokii which seems to have limited phone support?
>run-on sentences.


They aren't though, there is nothing integral to my system made by GNU. At best it's unix like.

You've asked this before.

Windows puts them in AppData roaming or whatever. It's better to have it in your home folder easily accesible like in GNU/Linux. So you can get edit them easily and carry them across to new installations.

Rhis is my first time posting, but thanks.

And why this "GNU" ? I'm just using arch linux.

>unix like
how can it be unix like when it's obviously rewritten gnu code?