/ptg/ - Private Tracker General


Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers and gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Private tracker staff read these generals and have posted here before.
>Some private trackers do not take kindly to their members participating in /ptg/ memeing.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only -- don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:


first for unban me

second for memes

Who /autosnatching/ on PTH?

Is the Ab guy getting people into PTH or wat

very good theme sir thank you sir


Who else here /backdoor/ ?

Fuck off. Go take anita's bait somewhere else

ok done

not yet. It's not stable enough to do it yet.

not a problem sir, many blessing to you sir

Stable enough?

apollo freeleech ends in under an hour, right?

lol kill yourself faggot

>hurr i follow faggot le m'atheisms crusade on muh feminazis on youtube

>apollo freeleech

Ha ha ha

There's rumors that it's time for the yearly Christmas DDoS.


yeah man, I'm super triggered right now. Or maybe I just don't care.

The tracker's economy. Imo, it's not stable enough to start auto-snatching and I don't have the buffer for it yet, either.

Yep by all the weebs At anime bytes

Anime was a mistake.

/ptg/ was a mistake

Pepe I remember you on #PTH what'd you do to get banned?

first for 150k perfect flacs an entire day late still counts

They said i traded accounts, even though i never did it. Sucks, but who are they going to trust? A random pleb or a staff member.

is #pth-lounge empty?

>wanting to ban certain types of music
What a fag

but I thought PTH wasn't cabal

holy shit this ThePepe guy is a fucking moron

I have a ton of buffer so was just trying to load up on shit while it all has low seeders. A future investment. I'm /setforlyfe/ though so it's just a game really.

White power collages are allowed but Drizzy Wap is banned



you was a mistake too and your parents almost like you the same

what did he do? :o(

PTH is 312cuck

"Oh shit I know why I got banned"
"It would be a mistake to confess my crimes"
"I din do nuffin!"

sounds like it was justified

I thought it was because i mass downloaded the FL torrents.

Log_PTH_#pth-help_20161215.log:61191:[07:54:43] !fls Atlas can i talk to you
Log_PTH_#pth-help_20161215.log-61242-[07:55:01] Want to get banned from all of your trackers?
Log_PTH_#pth-help_20161215.log:61307:[07:55:10] No, but please talk to me

PTH confirmed for cabal, can someone update the wiki, ty

Log_PTH_#pth_20161214.log:394943:[13:21:43] Oh fuck i know why i got disabled
Log_PTH_#pth_20161214.log:395003:[13:21:46] Or i might know
Log_PTH_#pth_20161214.log-395045-[13:21:50] ooh why
Log_PTH_#pth_20161214.log-395083-[13:21:52] what'd you do
Log_PTH_#pth_20161214.log-395127-[13:21:58] not being cool enough?
Log_PTH_#pth_20161214.log:395169:[13:22:09] Well, i would be stupid if i would tell the staff my crimes

HDB is recruiting on TehC. Get in fast!

atlas confirmed for dick swinger

he can't be trusted


I always picture some kind of painful rope trick when I hear this.

>Want to get banned from all of your trackers?

Holy shit, how sad can one guy be

t. Pepe

The real one here. I won't post here and anyone who claims to be me is a liar. Thanks.

THIS is why you don't join cabal trackers

holyshit, the elitism attitudes are depressing

first for kill yourself you german retard

FIRST FOR ANIME FORGIVEN P**. Were good, guys.

Not yet, no one was invited

This guy isn't me. I'm the real ThePepe.

Stop posting

Someone was invited.

found the pth staff

Stop posting

timeline of thepepe:
banned from AB under Himitsu nickname (unknown reason, invite selling is rumored)

rejoins unprotected channel and talks shit to moderator:
yui, neck yourself
i have memes
* yui sets ban on *!*@*.E4571425.9BC7E9AE.IP
* yui has kicked Himitsu from #idc (yui)

AB staff already knew his pth account name, probably told pth staff after he poked the bear again, banned the next day

sounds like a fucking moron, better luck in NoS


Totally a legit guy from Sup Forums and totally not the samefag

Is it bad that I like cabal trackers because of this? Keeps the retards out.

Those are Sup Forums filenames. Whats the problem?

This is 100% true.

You're next, retard.

They are not.


idk the most I could lose for being outed as a /ptg/er is invite privileges since I'm not a dumbass who breaks rules so I dont mind.

FUCKING KEK. Himitsu was the faggot begging for a lower time req on invite threads.

tfw only 2016 flac gets snatched

> 3 days and 4 mins ago
>supposed to last 2 days
poo loo are you dead?

>upload 2016 FLAC
>only the 24bit gets snatched


ozymandias-lookin' ass tracker right there

bigger file size -> bigger upload cred

who cares if most people only download regular FLAC :^)



No thanks spaghetti

only if i get an invite!

Posting here is a violation. You will be caught. Your account has been marked.

get out of my thread, sperglord

I have a reissue of an album that hasn't been uploaded yet, but its original release is already there.
Can I upload the reissue even if I know that the only difference from the original release is a sticker on the package?

Fill out the Edition Info from your specific release's discogs page


You can, but there might not be much point desu

Technically allowed on all music trackers that I know of, so go for it. Get that upload cred

No ill report you

top pip

Reporting you to Grohl

what autists, who cares if you say PassTheHeadphones or PTH or Passtheheadphones.me/

Sweet thanks

I'll be waiting for you!

Why do private trackers hate Sup Forums users so much?

someone actually snatched my torrent, holy fuck, after uploading 100+, finally

Noticed something funny, PTH users care more about freedom and probably have more money.

No one hates them, you are just too subhuman and need to think anyone evenr emotely think about you even in form of some anonymous guy in some anonymous site

is this the true PTH experience?

bullshit, I just uploaded 5 and one was autosnatched immediately

>implying anyone who actually cares about freedom doesn't spoof their user agent

>implying tracker staff aren't Sup Forums autists themselves. :^)

apl stats haven't updated for a week or so

so it's probably even worse

Because it was banned on WCD.

>tfw I got a kernel panic clicking the fucking OPT add snow script

How can you be so motherfucking bad at code

did you compile your kernel with --march="hook shit" or something, because that's a real hook ass post

fuck off back to /r/eddit niggerfaggot

sorry your means are so poorly that you have to indirectly complain about the quality of your lived experiences to disinterested strangers

>using a picture of the smiley with a carat nose
>using the smiley with a carat nose