60 FPS bullshit

Daily reminder that the
is pure bullshit especially for competitive games.

Your physical body is incapable of reacting to the tiny difference in speed and this can be measured.

If you can not react with your fingers in the speeds of 60 FPS you will be unable to
>Detect and recognize object
>move your mouse precisely on the object
>Pres the button on the mouse.

Other urls found in this thread:





It looks way smoother though.
Unless you are an old fart.

You have to be functionally blind to be unable to discern between 30FPS and 60FPS

Yes 60 fps is a meme real pros like me use 120fps+

Autism is an hell of a disease


That's cool, I'm running 144hz on my gaming monitor. Start poor fag.

Here is the thing.
I don't give a fuck if
>It looks way smoother though.
>You have to be functionally blind to be unable to discern between

This is not the point!
Your physical body, your fingers can not react better in 60FPS.
They literaly can not move so fast.

I don't give a shit how this makes your penis feel, I'm talking about the measurable difference of you not having the physical capacity to react so fast.

Want to test it?
How fast can you click a button?
Like spam it constantly as fast as possible.
Do every position to max out your CPM potential
What is it?
Now calculate what 1/30 and 1/60 of a second is.

I see no difference between the two pictures OP's provided, seems like he's right to me. I don't get all the cynicism in this thread


> If you can not react with your fingers in the speeds of 60 FPS you will be unable to
> >Detect and recognize object
> >move your mouse precisely on the object
> >Pres the button on the mouse.
I'd like to know how can I pres the button on the mouse with 60 FPS speed.

But you're wrong though. :^)

Autism has become an epidemic

This is irrelevant you have a mixture of:
>Thinking abutted pressing
>Pressing a button.

I'm talking about only pressing a button your finger can not move faster then 1/30 of a second!

Like get a program and start spamming a key and see how fast the difference between presses are.

And stop with the
>This video/studdy
Get a program measure YOUR maximal button spamming time and realize that your finger can not pres a button in 1/30 of a second.

Have you ever played a fighting game at 30fps? It's nearly impossible to deal with the constant input delay.

>it's irrelevant because I say it is
>muh human eye can't detect past 30fps

I'm bad in this.

>he thinks refresh rate and response time are the same thing

Measure your button spamming time faggot!
Like go now measure it and post back the result.
Stop spouting propaganda you where told.

Like post the results.

Autism or Downs?


It looks like shit you stupid nigger

Well, the winner in the end will be not the 160fps, but the card manufacturer selling their shit for placebo effect. This stupidity can keep the price low for the mid range GPUs, so i'm ok with it and the kiddos can be proud too even if they are horrible in the game.

Obviously you can't click 30 times a second. That's not the point. 30 FPS is ~33ms per frame, 60 FPS is ~16ms. If something happens ingame just as a frame is drawn, you have to wait 33ms before you can react at 30fps. With 60fps you only have to wait 16ms before you see whatever happened update on screen.

>60 fps is bad because I can't click 60 times a second

demonstrably wrong

>dose not understand how the world works
Lets say you have the shortest perception time.
One nano second s a eternity for you.

Now this will not help you react faster if your body operates on the same speed like every human body.

You telling your legs to move if yo use a bullet flaying at your face will not make you the flash, you will see yourself getting shot in slow mo and your body will move in normal human time.

Spot the sonygger

Stop deluding yourself
These tests are meninges eliminate the unnecessary variables like:
>detecting something with your mind
>Thinking about pressing it
>Pressing the button

Not to talk about online LAG and packet drops.

Spam a button and record the results.

Daily reminder that the
Is pure bullshit especially for competitive games.

Nobody needs 30 FPS OP, personally i use 20 or lower. Its the perfect barrier.

>Cinematic as fuck
>right above being able to detect individual frames so i can react faster.
>able to run literally every game at my desired frame rate on 4k ultra

>jews shill for 120hz monitors and call you poor

If youre using 30 fps or above you are living a meme. Nobody cares about muh """""Smoothness""""" because it isnt real. Ocarina of time ran at 20 fps and nobody complained so why is it different now?

No you don't understand
The point is your fingers can not make ONE click in 1/30 of a second.
Therefore increasing the FPS will not allow you to react faster or make your fingers react faster.

>Not to talk about online LAG and packet drops.
kek. It's a script.

>muh 33 ms
It takes 10 times longer to blink than that. Get out shill.

But it DOES allow you to react faster.
The sooner you have new information, the sooner you can respond.
You can't respond AS QUICK as the FPS goes up, but you can respond QUICKER THAN BEFORE.

There is NO WAY I'd have bailed out of my plane in this clip if I was using a 60hz monitor instead of my 144hz monitor.

You have shit comprehension skills this part was about others who star talking how their personal CSGO experience somehow proves that 60FPS is better.

So we need a direct to brain interface to overcome this obstical. I want a brain implant pronto to take advantage of 60fps video games.


>But it DOES allow you to react faster.
Make the measurements faggot.

Why are all the 60 FPS and 100+ FPS idiots so afraid to make this simple test?

Do the test spam constantly a button.
Post the results!
And see how fast your hand can operate.
How a finger can operate.

its 999% irrelevant what you think you can see the reaction part is clicking the button and you can not do it in 1/30 of a second therefore doing something in 1/60 of a second is even more impossible.


wait do you think that frame rate and input polling are tied together?

because they never are. not in good video games at least.

0/10 damage control

I'm glad I'm not 10 and played games in the 90s so idgaf about if a game isn't running at 60+ FPS.

I did take the test. 234ms average.
I saw a result as low as 219ms.
But seeing as you're an obvious troll, I won't give you the long winded answer of why you're a fucking moron.

Let's change our example to use extreme values because you obviously can't grasp a simple concept. Say we have a screen that shows a frame every 16 minutes and one that shows a frame every 33 minutes. When you see an enemy on the screen you realise you have no mouse so you have to drive to the shop and buy one, plug it in and click, which takes an hour to do.

Now imagine both screens have just drawn a frame, and then an enemy moves in front of you ingame. Which screen is going to let you kill him faster?

And remember to measure your spamming potential with this implant.
I bet it will not help.

>30fps looks like blurry shit and has ghosting everywhere when things are moving faster than a snails pace
>but muh reaction times

This is not ok

Just another 144hz shill. Christ when will you guys learn. the average reaction time is ~250 ms. A 30 fps frame is drawn at 33ms. You take almost 10x longer to react. If you don't have autism or some other mental damage, you'd be able to do this perfectly fine on 30 fps.

>"b-b-but muh smoothness!"
No one cares. Take your shit meme and leave.

>I did take the test.
What test?
I'm talking pure button spamming potential.
Not some:
>Wait for signal to click button
Ok lets say its 200ms
Now the question is how meany ms is 1/30s ?

This. OP is an idiot.

you're assuming that computer games are just about being the best player on the server

Jesus Christ, the sour grapes are REAL in this one.
Obviously his parents won't get him the new NoVidya Titan X Pascal for Christmas, along with that 2k@144hz G-sync monitor he asked for and is stuck with an old GTX480 or something.
0/10 troll, too much effort put into it.

why are you making this about reaction times? it's purely aesthetic. simply demonstration proves to anyone with functional eyes that 60fps is more pleasant to the eye.

some people would rather have higher polycounts and texture resolution than more FPS. I don't agree, but it's cool that they have the choice anyhow.

in any case, one added benefit of 60fps is that even if it dips, it's still smooth. especially nowadays with adaptive sync. you don't need to go far beneath 30fps til it becomes a fucking slideshow.

lastly, if you want to time human reaction, you need to calculate the delta between resting position and switch accentuation, not between two individual clicks. so your click spamming experiment doesn't really mean anything.

>Bullshit analogy

Test your button spamming potential.
Post the results.
This is your absolute MAX of how fast you can react to something.
Not precede it, react to it.
lets immagine
This shot example (the video is shit with its reasoning).
All you need to do is press a button if you see a dude in front of you.
Lets say you have the perception of the flash the question is how fast can you pres the button.

If this is physically impossible between moment in time 1 and moment in time 2 for your finger sand the dude is only on scream in frame 1 and frame 2 there is no point in increasing the FPS.

Your body can not react in this time period.
Your finger can not pres it in this time period.

>Implying you have to react to every single frame
No, you just react better if you've got more to react to. More to choose from.

It's not about how fast you push a button, it's whether you can process the visual information.

A grenade fly across your screen at 30 fps has will show up less times during it's flight because only 30 frames are being rendered a second. That same grenade at 60 fps will show up twice as much and you have a better chance of seeing the damn thing and it's flight path so you can react accordingly. This goes with everything from tracers to player movements, to your own projectiles. If you can't handle twice as much visual information, you shouldn't be playing competitively.

The higher frame rate is only applicable to competitive games and makes little difference for aesthetics.

>Confirmed to be to retarded to do basic matchstick

Like post the number fagot.
What is 1/30s in ms ?
What is your reaction time in ms?
Fuck don't go for a average go for the best you got!

>>Bullshit analogy
Alright, time to pack it up everybody. He can't even read.

>It's not about how fast you push a button

I'm actually talking about the
>60 FPS made me so pro I can snipe grenades with 60FPS monitor and win every game.

And I don't think you even know how fast 30 FPS is.
Spam he button and see the results.
Now you can feel what uber fast button mashing feels like and its not even close to 1/30s

Not true, for instance gunz, a game from 2003-04. If you don't play with at least 240fps then your plebtier slow.

>The higher frame rate is only applicable to competitive games and makes little difference for aesthetics.

It makes everything look and feel smoother though. But you know, slideshows are probably more cinematic.

Alright, you're either retarded or trolling, which probably makes you more retarded considering how much effort you've put into this.

>Posting Mee Mee
You have the time to searcher for a reaction image yet not to do the test?
Like are you stupid? Why not post the raw numbers?
Or are you this level of chan-retarded that you are not even willing to make the test and only post reaction images?

Like post the numbers.

1) What is your button spamming potential?
2) What is 1/30s ?

Simple questions.

Stop with the cartoon analogies and get the data.
If you don't know how to measure your button spamming potential you can ask.

I will respond properly once you explain why the analogy you called "bullshit" is wrong. I'll wait.

>900FPS makes my penis feel all fuzzy

No I don't give a shit how your penis feels if you are seeing 60FPS video.

The only question is:
1) What is the human button spamming potential
2) What is 1/30s

All these 60+ FPS people can do is shift the question around.

I know you're just a sad troll, but just in case some ignorant dumbfuck believes your bullshit, I will say that your computer has to refresh at least as often as the server does in order to achieve optimal performance in a variety of aspects. That's why you want at least 64 FPS for 64 tick servers and at least 128 FPS for 128 tick servers.

where my 74-75hz niggahs at


No game I know has inputs that significantly change your player in such a short amount of time. Really now... write a program or better yet, use your imagination and imagine pressing , W, S, A, Repeatedly thirty times a second in FPS. You'll jitter like a mother fucker while moving at 1/3 the speed to the left.

Now take the mouse and repeatedly click the LMB to shoot a weapon with a fire rate of

>I will respond properly once you explain why the analogy
Every analogy is pointless sophistry therefore analogies are not to be used.
Any analogy is pointless sophistry.

I'm dealing only with raw data and numbers.

>not hiring an artist to draw ever single frame for you with oil paint
>not telling him where your character is going to move next and waiting a week for the next painting

nothing but plebs in this thread

i hope this is bait, otherwise this is the wrong board for you, please leave back to Sup Forums

>he has to argue all analogies are inherently fallacious to argue that 60fps is redundant.
No. I can't do this any more. I'm out. This is too retarded, even for me.

Its more about hitting god frames/being faster then your opponent, which only higher fps allows you to do on certain twitch based action games.
In fact lower fps will make you slower, allowing opponents to get faster cancels/attacks beyond a low fps blocking capabilities.

Again, a game from 04 gunz. its all about glitch canceling/being faster. Being able.to dash twice in a jump and slash 3 times is very helpful when lower fps/slower players can't even keep up a block due to shit fps.

It's called autism friend.

OP here
ITT no one is capable of doing simple mathematical calculations like what is 1/30s?

Are you this level of retarded?
Or are you underage?


Ok user, just fired up cookie clicker using my Razer™ Deathadder 2016 edition and managed to get 453 cookies on a clean game with no upgrades in 5 seconds (tested in a controlled environment, actual speed may vary), thanks to it's precision tuned gaming buttons and Razer™ Synapse™ profile cloud storage allowing me to take my profile to any computer so I can Keep Pwning™ on the go (Available free from razerzone.com, terms and conditions apply).

If we do the maths 453 / 5 is 90.6 clicks per second? Pretty fast huh? That's the power of Razer™ Gaming technology for you. I think this proves that with the right gear, these sort of reaction times are possible.


That's exploiting the engine and I'm arguing with an autist who doesn't understand that.

1) STOP with the
>Muh personal experience
2) Stop with the
>Muh crap analogies

Simple math question :
what is 1/30s?

Everyone here is retarded if they are to stupid to even google the answer.

Speaks volumes children speaks volumes.
Sup Forums is colativly brain damages spouting MejjMejjs instead of solving a simple mathematical question.

You do realize it's already been said?

>Retarded MEME child unable to solve mathematical question.

Do you understand that you are officially retarded at this point?
I asked a simple question yet all you do is post memes.

Solve it.

Or try to google it.
You really need to be retarded to continue not answering the question.


You do realize it's already been said? Some of us don't like endlessly repeating ourselves.

>You do realize
Yes I do and then the post was all about doing 60 or 30 reactions in a second not 1/60 or 1/30 of a second.

So I don't think you understand the what the topic is about.
And is it to hard to repost the numbers.

>1/30s = ???
Solve this.

You do realize it's already been solved?

Post the number, plz.
I'm dealing with anons here.

He's trolling, just let the thread die

You do realize it's already been posted, right?

My reaction is 1ms, fucking step it up faggot.

13 characters this is all you need to write.
Stop copy pasting, I'm trying to show you something.

You do realize it's already been written, right?

OP isn't able to discern clicks per second and reaction time, case closed.

You do realize you are to retarded to write a number, right?


>to stupid to understand reality.
I'm trying to hold your hand and do this step by step.

You do realize I've already written the number, right?