Develop for someone. Have them pay for your Macbook.
Not only are Hackintoshes a bit of a pain (and much more so when you have to update anything) but it's also silly for you to make work for yourself just for the honor of doing work.
Chase Watson
what kind of tool would build a hackintosh and then use the shit apple keyboard and meme mouse? also are those ridiculous apple monitors?
Dylan Kelly
Hackintoshed T420 user here. Besides Wifi and SD card slot, it works just fine, even the dock. Best $175 "mac" that there will ever be
Sebastian Martin
you can buy a compatible wifi card for like $15
Kayden Gutierrez
>Whats your opinion
Apples desktops are outdated, underpowered and overpriced shit. I can see why someone would want to have a hackintosh.
Nolan Baker
Yeah, i have a USB dongle now because i didnt want to flash the modded BIOS.
Liam Cook
>outdated, underpowered To my ears that actually sounds like a wonderful development machine. Devs using high end rigs in a complete disconnect from the typical end-user is why we have Electron garbage floating around everywhere, for example.
Aiden Garcia
It would be excusable if it was the previous gen keyboard. Those are really nice for a rubberdome.
Grayson Anderson
Recently built one myself. Very easy compared to the past. Everything is more or less streamlined
Xavier Gomez
fair point
Connor Sullivan
I don't already own a mac to do whatever any tutorial ever asks me to do. I have a lat d630 that ive been wanting to hackintosh
Brandon Bennett
The only time I wanted and created a hackintosh was when I didn't have an OS X machine and now that I do have one there's no need for me to setup another one.
Obviously OP can't afford one or doesn't want to waste money on one.
Daniel Jones
Is there still a reason to hackintosh with OS's like Mint Cinnamon? It is far more compatible and have all the OS features of OSX...
Not sure why you would to to all the trouble of a hackintosh.
For thse that can afford a mac by all means buy one, but for those cobbling shit together, just go with Mint.
Asher Gonzalez
your dumb
Colton Murphy
how does that monitor setup work out for you? it's the same thing i've been thinking of doing.
Adam Price
Not really a pain for me. Literally everything works so far other than me having to tinker with my 980 drivers.
That is literally it.
Jace Stewart
What version of OSX are you running on it?
Brody Martin
Yeah, if you want something that runs macOS, go the hackintosh route. It will save you so much money in the long run.
Carter Rivera
Well, it's all about what you want to do.
Personally, as i said i am into IOS development so i need macOS. So, if you're into developing for IOS, then of course it's worth it.
Not only will you save money but you can dual boot Linux, and Windows for you gaming and tux needs.
Gavin Johnson
Hackintoshing isn't hard at all these days. It's honestly really not that much more difficult than just installing your Linux distro of choice, but with the benefit of commercially supported software.
Brandon Reyes
>Pic related, although it's not my build.
Robert Campbell
you might actually want to put your hand into a blender
Zachary Bell
El Capitan. I see no need for Sierra and Karabiner (Used to get middle scroll working on my SSKII and to swap around windows and alt for the mac layout) doesnt work on it anyways.
Here is the guide i used.
Carter Gray
I installed el capitan on my x220 but then I never used it after that. I don't know why I did it. It just takes up space on my HDD. It was a waste of time
Connor Lee
is there any way of doing this with just a usb? like linux? everything I see requires a dvd drive
Henry Carter
Yes. You must be looking at really old tutorials. In order to get the OSX installer to make the USB you either need a real mac or a VM though. This one worked for me when i made mine. Just use a burner Apple ID.
Jaxson Jackson
so run that in vm ware and then what? do you have a guide to follow?
Ethan Hernandez
Every machine is different. If you have a pepular device such as a thinkpad or NUC, someone will have made a guide and supplied the proper kexts. Google your model and follow that guide. If its a built computer, google the names of all of your components or something. Idk.
Noah Stewart
OP Why not just run it in a VM?
Jason White
Maybe because it is insanely resource heavy. 3Gb of RAM on IDLE
John Mitchell
>have ram >but don't use it lol
Michael Brown
He who dies with the most unused RAM wins.
Jonathan Diaz
I've been using hackintosh for a few months. I like it enough to use as my main OS, but I have to admit I do miss some games and some customization. Still, what works really does work well.
Hell I was surprised by parallels. Shit's powerful for virtual machines. I bet not as good as that gpu passthrough deal but definitely better than VMware.
And pages, fucking pages giving me no trouble with stupid simple shit like Word does to this day.
Jackson Hall
it runs like crap in a VM
Kayden Wilson
>ricing Just get cDock, GeekTool and Bartender 2.
Landon Richardson
Not him, it's not just a matter of RAM. It also needs some slightly decent GPU
Nathan Scott
I never managed to get it to run properly with intel graphics (intel 4600 HD) on desktop. I do have my 280x but still was curious about just using an igpu.
Leo Campbell
I wonder if some day apple will release a dark theme that covers more things than just the global menu and the dock.
Gavin White
You arent taht far into IOS development if you cant afford to buy a mac.
Think about a more profitable line of work, you clearlyhave failed at this one.
Jose Flores
I built one. Just follow Tonyxmac's guide and you'll be fine.
I run ElCapitan still and bluetooth and Wifi are working fine. I've even gotten iMessage working!
tl;dr: JUST DO IT!
John Ortiz
No, i just choose not to waste money on something that is over priced.
Nathan Rogers
More like fagintosh thread, lmao.
Jonathan Hughes
> I like Swift
You may want to get that checked out, user.
Elijah Edwards
Download a pre-made VirtualBox image, create a small additional hard disk for the VM. (like 10gb)
In the VM, run Unibeast and create install media. Set the destination to that small virtual disk.
When that's done, get a Linux terminal up and running, whether or not it's a live CD. Install qemu on that Linux instance, and use qemu-img to convert the virtual disk into a raw disk image, which you can DD to a flash drive.
Boom! You have an OSX installer.
Gabriel Taylor
that's dumb, just use the built in tool to make a bootable usb from the VM
Jason Bennett
What built in tool?
Do you mean doing USB passthrough to the VM?
Jacob Nguyen
sudo /Applications/Install\ (your os x version).app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/USB --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ (your os x version).app --nointeraction
William Clark
just download the installer for the os x version you want and then run that command to make a bootable usb no need for all the extra dumb stuff here
Brayden Green
Is there a good guide on setting up the latest version without using a mac? The ones ive found are for old versions or you need a mac for
Ethan Russell
Have you actually used OS X?
Xavier Edwards
you can just update a vm to sierra and use that, i used a yosemite vm initially
Christopher King
rutracker link posted in this thread. Use it to make a bootable USB.
Robert Flores
Do this.
Adam Cook
Could never get that method to work. I've only had success using the method I described above. The flash drive had to have clover and some kexts, etc, so Unibeast works the best for me.
Cooper Johnson
MacOS applications have the same issue that Microsoft is starting to make with WPF and "Universal Apps," the applications themselves determine the styling of all of the window controls. It isn't to the same extreme on macOS that it is on Windows, but still, application themeing is pretty much impossible.
Hunter Scott
How did you learn Swift? This also goes for anyone to whom it might apply in the thread.
Luke Bell
This is a problem with pretty much everything but windows though. Linux etc is ok but doesn't quite have the same level of standardisation that windows does because there's different libraries and not as many standard controls. The win32 api is one of the things I like most about windows and one of the few things it does better than literally everything else
Connor Martin
You're implying that themeing GTK is harder than themeing Win32?
Especially with KDE where you can control QT _and_ GTK themes, you can get much more styling control than you could ever get on Windows - even Windows XP didn't have that level of control.
Liam Hill
I had a three hackintoshes from about 2011 to 2015. Two desktops and a laptop.
It was pretty decent, and OS X/macOS is a pretty good development OS due to Homebrew and a good terminal. Plus Photoshop and alot of exclusive quality software that actually "just works". So all in all, it's a good OS.
There are certain gripes about it though. Apple's drivers are inherently shit, not because it's a hackintosh, but because Apple is clearly incompetent. There was bugs in Aqua that made applications like mpv slow as hell in full-screen mode, NVIDIA's drivers are absolute shit and the performance compared to Windows and Linux is pathetic. Other faults include their idea of walling down the OS with the SIP, requiring re-setting a security "feature" every 30 days unless you are installing and using unapproved software within the timeframe. The finder is absolute dogshit and always has been, even with Pathfinder, TotalFinder or whatever. The ban of music applications that isn't iTunes is ridiculous (thank fuck for ncmpcpp). No theming abiltiy whatsoever. Important and useful settings are so hidden you need programs like OnyX. The list goes on.
So I left it for Linux. I lost some applications like native Photoshop and gained others like good package managers and kvm/QEMU, but all in all I kept most of my important applications. Not feeling any urge to go back any time soon.
Protips for hackintoshers: >Use Clover It's the best. Bigger learning curve than Chameleon derivatives for sure, but it's the best. >Check your damn SSDTs ssdtPRGen is your fucking friend. Don't let your shit be stuck on either lowest gear and max fucking power. It needs to ramp up properly. >Make your damn DSDT A lot of people don't bother creating a DSDT or don't know what a DSDT is. In most cases it is a given to get shit working properly. Clover can do a lot of patching on the fly. >Don't use distros iATKOS, iDeneb, Niresh is fucking shait third world crapware. Install it properly.
Luis Bell
Not at all, just that when you have gtk2, gtk3 and qt , each of which uses diffeenent themes and slightly different looking controls it's less consistent than windows