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what was that program that sits in the tray and displays the output of some command? I want a clock and battery level thing from stalonetray. please respond.
Kevin Stewart
>not using proprietary software >using """""""libre""""""" crapware >not knowing the feeling of actually getting shit done How can anybody be this delusional?
Angel Stewart
you're just obnoxious.
Nicholas Torres
I'm using Arch if it matters.
Robert Edwards
OS name?
Jack Kelly
Luis Ramirez
>he doesn't use bitmap fonts
Jordan Gutierrez
dumb trump poster
Jose Diaz
can i get the fontasta?
Isaac Torres
based trump poster
Nathan Edwards
both saved
>tfw captcha calle >tfw the botnet is visiting some spanish street
Jacob Wood
>pretends to be pro free software >posts on Sup Forums, a site which has Googleâ„¢ captcha How does it feel to be an inconsistent failure?
Chase Myers
kind of sad, but then again, I come here to help some people to become botnet free sometimes
pic related
Isaiah Gonzalez
Sometimes you need to walk through piles of shit in order to rescure people from nonfree software.
Christian Miller
You're doing the exact opposite right now, with this very post by being inconsistent. I have no reason to trust or believe if you don't stick to your "principles" Whatever makes you sleep at night. Just don't think you are pro free software.
Noah Thomas
Are you pro free software?
Thomas White
Is it possible to debotnet chromium?
Jordan Morris
troll detected
obvious bait should be avoided, we both made clear our stay here and why sacrifice the use of google captcha
I even have firefox-esr with umatrix fagget
there is a guide, but I strongly recommend you use firefox-esr/iceweasel7icecat
Jace Turner
No, since I'm posting here right now. I'm not a liar or someone with inconsistent morals. I do prefer free software to proprietary software though. Yes, it's called chromium (an open source browser). Also please don't use the word "botnet" in such a way. It sounds really really retarded.
Nolan Miller
I can play sound just fine using aplay, when I specify the device - but I can't select the right device in pavucontrol. So I get no sound.
Why the fuck can't I figure this out? What files should I be looking at?
Brayden Bailey
Dont be a faggot, faggot. "botnet" is a Sup Forums meme and everyone knows what it means.
you are right, I was thinking that the other day, botnet is already a concept deeply rooted in the community
Liam Taylor
I don't sacrifice though, I don't believe in the same exact things you do. You think all proprietary software is evil and shouldn't be used, you can easily do that yet you still choose to defy your principles. Maybe your ideas are good, but I have no reason to trust you or your ideas since you can't consistently apply them yourself. Botnet doesn't mean the thing he tried to imply in that post. Use correct English or fuck off, "it's a Sup Forums meme" isn't a justification.
Jonathan Murphy
>Python no, thanks
Lucas Russell
Jack Garcia
kill me then kys
Andrew Gray
Xavier Martin
Is Gentoo also suitable for watching anime? Can I watch animations on it like I used to on Arch?
Sebastian Moore
no, gentoo criminalized animes
Josiah Price
nigga you serious? I've been seeing more weaboos posting anime than archfags in the years I've been on Sup Forums
nigga you funny
Elijah Lopez
Is this true? Why not? Anime is pretty good so I could easily believe that many posters here enjoy it.
Jeremiah Harris
Somehow among the oldest screencaps from gentoomen I have show an anime girl as the wallpaper. Of course you can watch anime in gentoo.
This was once a occasionally a place for otakus to share their screencaps, even if now they banned the desktop threads.
Jayden Martinez
>The exploit ending in .flac works as a drive-by attack when a Fedora 25 user visits a booby-trapped webpage. With nothing more than a click required, the file will open the desktop calculator. With modification, it could load any code an attacker chooses and execute it with the same system privileges afforded to the user.
what do
James Carter
Tell arstechnica that security breaking is called cracking.
Leo Nguyen
Thanks. I have an anime girl as my wallpaper though. I hope it will help me with this new distro. Can you share some of these images?
David Cruz
use a mac
Benjamin Sanders
Sebastian Anderson
install firejail
Sebastian Richardson
can't find many right now, here is one at hand
John Sanchez
This is indeed a very anime-like desktop. Thanks! Could you share more if you find any? I like collecting images like this.
Noah Johnson
I'm on Arch Linux, btw
Oliver Campbell
not on my computer right now but fvwm site has some
Sebastian Cruz
meanwhile on linux mint >Linux Mint has configured Yahoo as default search engine in the search bar of Firefox. That's not ideal: most people prefer Google. :(
Kayden Gonzalez
Can I dualboot Arch and Gentoo?
Luis Collins
Asher Roberts
How can I hide the shortcut arrow icon?
Cooper Bell
Nice. Does anyone know if there is a site which collects just anime images like this? I really like them for some reason...
Julian Parker
fucking answer me you cunts I know you fucking despise every operating system other than microsoft windows 10(tm) and apple macOS(tm) but just fucking answer me A program that puts the output of some command in the system tray, updating it at some specified interval. Im almost certain this exists but I cant find it with a search engine.
Levi Ward
google seems to accumulate them also for new ones
Grayson Adams
Is compiling for the same architecture but a different processor with a different instruction set considered cross compiling? For example haswell -> celeron. If so, is there an easy way to set it up in gentoo? I remember having trouble with cross compiling to raspberry pi a while ago and I wondered if anything has changed.
Henry Baker
>nearly 2017 >still not using Linux Mint master race
The new update will bring browser sandboxing, native virtual machine, HTTP2 compatibility and much more, a Linux Mint update have never took so long to develop
Grayson Thomas
I'm in the process of building my own OS from scratch for a class project, and for my first task I have to build a cross compiler. This is supposed to be the easiest task but two days later I'm nowhere and I'm starting to worry that I took a bite I might not chew. What to do senpai.
Landon Perez
>and for my first task I have to build a cross compiler. >for my first task this seems like bullshit.
Dominic Clark
Holy shit. Scripting is way more fun than I'd imagine. I just made a script for binary files that edits certain bytes (either with a file or typed out) and moves everything to a specified directory. At first, the script was just supposed to launch dhex on the files so I'd edit the specific offsets myself but now it's done automatically. Feels good man.
Luke Peterson
Wrong tab, mate. You're looking for /dst/ (daily scripting thread)
Christian Murphy
Should I use radeon or amdgpu(free version) for GCN 2.0 card?
Adam Carter
How do i build a deblobed minimal libre-kernel,preferably only loading modules read from modprobed-db?
Brody Watson
>gentoo centriuqe parts There aren't any, genkernel is bad for configuring your kernel. Just use it to make an initramfs if you need one by doing genkernel --install initramfs Just follow this and you should have no issues at all. Also check everything you use LVM, pulseaudio, amd gpu, etc. on the gentoo wiki. They usually provide info for enabling kernel modules you need. By using gentoo's delob useflag and building modprobed-bd from git, it isn't in the main portage tree. It compiles in about 7 minutes for me if I do a make localmodconfig.
Aaron Brooks
Can you fuck off? I'm not using nor do i intend on running gentoo.
Grayson Butler
wew laddy
Jayden Butler
>epic image Stay with your shitty arch then lmao It's more suitable for redditors like yourself who can't follow simple commands
Joseph Lee
>3MB jiff, just to post that stupid image Hiroshima would be ashamed of you.
Owen Anderson
Thoughts on Linux Mint? Is it really good?
Elijah Jenkins
That seems quite stupid to run
David Cooper
Ryder Thomas
Dominic Watson
Sitting here 38 minutes. Takes 3 minutes to compile arch kernel
James Reed
linux seems appealing because i'm getting into programming but i don't care about the "botnet" and i like games, some of which can't be played on linux. i'd be okay with setting up vm passthrough, but i've seen it has some bugs
is it worth switching to linux
Alexander Gutierrez
Bet that doesn't get as many honks as the assman
Adrian Bennett
where is a screenshot of the make running though? >he thinks compile times are somehow tied to your distro and not to your compiler flags and the amount of bloat your config has >4.4.26 also fucking kek'd at this
Angel Hughes
Tyler Rodriguez
There is no make,its loading the patches and then shits on its self >4.4 Stock kernel is stock
Angel Williams
what is the difference between linux?
Camden Perez
Exactly the same as the difference between computer
Jeremiah Lewis
nonfree software
Noah Morgan
Is arch the official distro for lolicon?
Charles Collins
>There is no make,its loading the patches and then shits on its self Exactly, why did you even feel the need to mention compile times then? Post your make.conf here. >Stock kernel What the fuck do you mean by "stock"? You do realize that 4.9 is already in the main portage tree and has been since the very day it became mainline?
Andrew Cruz
>emerge gentoo-sources kek, that shouldn't take more than 3minutes, arch babby
Jacob Bennett
No, you want Mac OS X, and this isn't the thread for that, you're looking for /fag/ - Friendly Apple General.
Nicholas Kelly
No, Windows 10
Hunter Bell
Are you sure you have mounted /proc and /sys? Looks like you haven't properly done that before chrooting. also this lmao
Jeremiah Butler
Arch would have compiled over 20 times :^), while gentoo just sits in the corner playing with its self >stock gentoo-sources
Yes,/proc,/sys and /dev are all mounted
Henry Wright
Installing gentoo sources does not compile the kernel. It only installs the sources. It should only take a minute or so. To install the kernel you have to do it manually or by genkernel, compiling the sources that you have installed.
Juan Ramirez
reread second (2nd) line of >gentoo nah, it's your retardation. i've installed it more than 10 times at this point on literally everything i could get my hands on and i've never had this. It's just untaring an archive so this behavior is really strange. Explain the steps you did excluding the partitioning. Do other packages download properly? Try emerging 4.9 and delete your previous ones in /usr/src. Also do emerge --depclean after or before that.
Jonathan Miller
A system clock and stuff like that? Are you talking about conky maybe?
Adrian Carter
I'm aware.But it just gives up and does nothing Im following the GENTOO WIKI VERBAITAM.Please read the installation wiki and make sure it is correct if this is the case. >just untaring Then why does it cease to function at this point? tar worked for stage3
extract stage3 do locale do networking mount /proc /sys/dev chroot emnerge-webrsync eselect "desktop" emerge gentoo-sources ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... .........................
Camden Campbell
do emerge -avuDN @world post the output here. Also, try compiling something simple like vim, is everything fine with that? >Then why does it cease to function at this point? tar worked for stage3 because you weren't untaring anything in your chrooted environment, you did that from a livecd. Maybe the install does something else too, but it sure as fuck doesn't compile anything at this point. All emerge gentoo-sources should do is get the sources, apply necessary patches and copy them to /usr/src/
Elijah Hall
>emerge -avuDN @world It found packages to update,and then updated them.
I am in the chroot environment.
William Price
>about to start installing gentoo >only used ubuntu before >also retarded at using linux
will I be daijobu?
Jace Martinez
I want to see what packages exactly, just interested in this problem. It seems too strange to me. So something like vim compiles normally? Try the 4.9 kernel by writing =sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-4.9.0 ~amd64 in a file in /etc/portage/package.keywords >I am in the chroot environment. Yeah, I know, there's no emerge on the livecd. I was talking about you previously untaring stage3 to /mnt/gentoo from your livecd. How long have you used it for? You should be fine if you have basic problem solving skills and the ability to read.
Ethan Walker
No, I want it to be in the systray/"notification area". Ideally by just printing the output of "date" and "cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity"
Easton Morris
about 2 months. haven't gotten too deep into it yet though but I figure if I'm gonna get wet I might as well go swimming.
Isaac Phillips
Nolan Roberts
I think it's fine. Might wanna try it out on a laptop or something first though since you might make some retarded mistakes at first. I know I did.
Caleb Edwards
can i use aircrack-ng on ".cap" files if that ".cap" file is still being written on by airodump-ng ?
Ian Cook
Write a small python program. Search the web for a systray example. Add your own code. Profit.
Kayden Perez
Want to install Ubuntu. What's the difference between installing XFCE/LXDE/etc desktop environment compared to getting the "spin-offs" like Xubuntu and Lubuntu?
Alexander King
Leave your neighbours alone, faggot.
Alexander Morales
Distros with preinstalled DEs usually have added rice and patches. When you install a DE manually, you get the vanilla DE.