What text editor does Sup Forums use?

I am currently using sublime text, I program in C, Java, python, and html.

Emacs and Qtcreator. C++, C and Ada.

Netbeans for html/js/typescript/php
Vim for c/python/shellscripts
Eclipse for Scala/Java
HeidiSQL for SQL

based micro

Anyone doing anything remotely serious will use vim or emacs.

Emacs here.

I use sublimetext, I only program in python at work

Editor war: emacs vs vim

Defend your editor

>Anyone doing anything remotely serious will use vim or emacs.
That's only because the dinosaurs at your work haven't discovered an IDE yet. And no one uses vim for coding. Only Sup Forums college kids do.

There's a revolution going on at work. Due to customer requirement we have to use windows for frontend stuff. This has forced the dinosaurs to code in C# and use visual studio. For more demanding stuff Qtcreator and C++. And they fucking like it and stopped shittalking windows and any other editor that isn't emacs.

It's quite simple really. If you edit someone else's code to make it pretty or edit config files you use vim. If you actually code then you use emacs.

This guy knows.

This editor looks interesting

I don't know why there aren't more terminal editors that use standard CUA windows style shortcuts instead of copying retarded nano, emacs, or vim ones

>posting picture from google
Yea you really programming man

I'm a vimmer. Keybinds are way nicer. Of course you can configure emacs, but why bother reconfiguring almost every damn thing when vim's much better by default.

Tbh I can't defend my position any better than saying I tried both for 2 weeks, thought vim was far better.

And now every other editor sucks because every other editor I've ever heard of isn't modal. Like wtf are they thinking.

IntelliJ for scala and clojure, Atom for Javascript, Vim for the rest.

I'm a happy man.

vim, liteide, but really is geany and scite at windows, not a coder per se more like editing conf files and patching in go and php

Sublime for Haskell/Python, Eclipse for Java.


VSCode or Notepad++
Depends on the mood

>not using acme

Editor wars are not really a thing anymore.

Nowadays it's mostly VIM and Emacs vs IDEcucks.

>i program in html
sure, kid

Vim and occasionally VS Code if I'm doing web stack things, I like the integrated terminal.




VSCode for a programming sesh, nano for all other text editing.

Emacs + Tuareg -> OCaml
Visual Studio -> C#
Dreamweaver -> Everything web

Vs Code or Emacs+evil, on Haskell, JS+flowtype, sometimes C. Entirely dependent on mood. VS Code is really very good somehow.

Evil is the ultimate answer

Genuine question, why emacs with evil mode over straight vim? I used emacs last night and thought it was pretty cool but didn't really like the binds, does it have a lot more features?

Stop sucking rob's dick

How do you compile or debug in vs code when it comes to c#>?

Android Studio with vim plugin for work.
vim with neovim config for everything else.

Xcode in the streets.
TextMate in the sheets.


emacs, but I'm lazy and like evil so spacemacs


Vim Mode Atom
>Coding in the browser

subl3 and vim

I think I am the only human being who uses Geany

Sublime as well. HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, PHP and ASP

This looks interesting, I hadn't heard of it before.

Where can I find a list of plugins for it?

Does it do diffs?

I've been using sublime lately. For C and Prolog


For me, it is spacemacs. The best text editor.


Vim + some plugins

I primarily code in C++ and Java. What is the best editor/IDE to use that's lightweight and minimal/pleasing in design? I'm on Windows.

>mfw no one actually uses these trash editor's in the workplace, but they're shoved down your throat in university

Fuck lol, cs in uni is literally a meme.

Jetbrains IDEs.
And Sublime Text/Vim when I have a small file to edit.

Do they tell you what editors to use in uni?

VS code because I don't have autism

Yes, and it's fucking disgusting.
We have to use a random university-developed editor that's from some irrelevant school simply because my old fart professor found it.

You could use whatever you want when he's not around, and then just open the files with their stupid editor and pretend like you're using it.
Or just talk to them; tell them you'd like to use another editor.

True, you have a point.
I'm the bigger idiot for not realizing that anyhow.

Well, I know what I'm doing next semester.
But, also

I'm not a programmer so nano and leafpad suffice. I'm also learning VI so if I ever start using vim in the future.

gedit for everything except Word Processing for that I use TextEdit and Pages on Macintosh.


Can you explain what does this have to do with text editors?

Because all these muh editor>>your editor and muh theme>>your theme threads remind me of that scene.


Vim; C, C++, Assembly, Ada

It doesn't matter too much as long as you can meet deadlines

Hey guys.
What's the best editor for macOS?
I was given a macbookpro yesterday

Eclipse for Programming
Sublime for Web Development

Can edit files of sizes > 200GB
Great for delimited text with column edit

Eclipse CDT, PyDev and RStudio.
Obviously, I mostly program in C, Python and R.

+Matlab sometimes

notepad++ setup with 1 click compile for c++ and lua or scite with similar setup

Whats with KDevelop? It was all the shit back in the day and now I hardly ever hear about it. What went wrong?

vim for literally everything you fucking faggot


vim for python and general editing

Is dreamweaver good? Thinking of trying it out. Whats your thoughts?