Go go go
Desktop thread
is this the new desktop thread
why do u have borders if u cant even see them
You could say the same thing about countries
no this is a desktop thread
sorry about your vision bro
are you the new homosexual attention whore
im a lesbian and theres no need to be rude
sorry about your bad desktop
sorry about you
men can't be lesbians silly
dont be so sensitive
whos you
im a girl baka (。>﹏
good morning
you can only be a girl if you suck cock
never fucking reply to me again unless you're contributing anime to the thread
no bullying aloud in the desk top thread
guys my desktop doesn't have any anime yet because I can't find any that respect my freedoms wat do
make your own free anime
maybe I will and get Sup Forums to do the kawaii loli voices
lol triggered
more lolis sucking things?
hnng yes thanks bby
Back when mark whahlburg was marky mark
this is how we used to make the party start