Soundstage edition

Soundstage edition


>Headphone purchase advice (embed)

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Will the E10k give me all the sound quality that my HD600 demands because of it's 300 ohm requirement? If not what is the safer amp to go with instead? People keep telling me 2 different things.

Yes unless you need more SPL.

Fuck is that? A measuring rig? It's not even head shaped.


What best dac for poorfag beside onboard

Define poorfag? Do you have $100 to spend, $50 to spend? or


A buddy of mine will sell me either of these cans for a really good price. They're not used much since he uses Hifman all the time and only uses these as a reference occasionally.

I'm a programmer who'll use these to listen to music while working for long hours so comfort is important. I also listen to wide selection of music... from heavy metal to classical.

Which of these two would you recommend I get?

Onboard. Next step up is the cheapest Burr-Brown soundcard with capacitors on it so your headphones voicecoild don't heatup/burn and destroys your headphones.

Right if you want closed.
Left if you want open.

That's it.

Isn't that just ray tracing with audio?

>no thread title
kys dumb soundstage memefag

user, I'm too musically challenged to know the difference in sound :( I work alone in my office so disturbing others is not a problem.

I'm wondering which of the two would sound better...

I just want upgrade from my onboard, just need good dac nothing more, does dac without amp exist ?

>Budget: $300
>Location: USA
>Source: Amazon or Newegg
>Type of headphone:
>Open or closed: Closed, there is an air vent in my room that's loud as fuck I don't want to hear.
>Comfort level: Extended wear; comfortable to wear whenever I'm using my computer.
>Sound signature: Doesn't matter, I'll be using it for gaming and music.
>Past headphones: ATH-M50, Beats Studio Pro (They were a gift, get off my dick).
>Other: My Amp/DAC setup is a Schiit Magni 2 and Modi 2. I have an air condition (

How are you going to use the dac without an amp, retard?

>>Source: Amazon or Newegg
Misread that,
Magni 2 and Modi 2 is my setup.

$60 but somewhat flexible



>Type of headphone
Over ear

>Open or closed

>Comfort level

>Sound signature
Moderately bassy

>Past headphones

I fucked up too, I meant PC sound card

Thank man

I would take 598s.

Requesting a wireless equivalent to an HM5

I Need an amp for my K701s thought i had a capable amp by specs it was did not expect it to be faulty and now have no amp but the K701s have been sitting unused since August



preferably Tube since i have tubes to use but can use Solid state if need be ill just have to cut my losses on the tubes.

Desktop pc
>Type of headphone
Over ear
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
whatever, I can deal with anything
>Sound signature
>Past headphones
HD 202, decent but unreplaceable cable sucked since it cost me the headphones.
Skullcandy Hesh 2, it was good since it had clear audio and a detachable cable.
HD 598 cs, it was bad since it had a noticeable lack of clarity in comparison with my previous headphones, comfy cups though

How long do you plan on having it? I usually preffer open-back headphones, in this case being the HD598, but the DT770 is sturdier and the headband is replaceable, while the one on the HD598 isn't.
Either way you can't go wrong, both are pretty good.

Damn, that's impressive!

you like clasical or rock-pop?

Sure, I don't have a preference for any specific genre. I should note that I primarily care about gaming more than music though.

ATH-M40X or a headset HyperX clould 2

I have schiit magni 2 uber and modi 2 uber and hd600 headphones. Some songs simply dont get enough loudness even with an amp, others are ok.
Also I was expecting schiit dac to remove that buzz when song is playing but no sound is produced, not sure whats the right to describe it, its less than with onboard sound but its still there.

High gain? Or low gain? Try turning the know past 3 o'clock and listen to music just as it ends and fades. Report back.


Fucking autocorrect.

high, its there.

You using Foobar2000? With ReplayGain to adjust for all songs to be volume matched?

yes, f2k but where is this option ReplayGain option?

never mind I found it, I think it improved it, I need to listen to more songs to be sure

You highlight all your songs and you right-click it and use ReplayGain on all tracks. I think it comes stock with Foobar2000.

>Type of headphone
Over ear
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Sound signature
Bassy or neutral
>Past headphones
Currently using a of Corsair 1500s


nvx xpt100 or HM5 both are the same HP

Assuming infinite budget, what is the best non-meme headphone?


My shit OP or the Smyth Realizer? Both?





Smyth Realiser, but your Op is fine too.

If you like the Bass on M50s or Beats (lel), you might like the 770s or the M100s. Both closed, both with bass. M100s need XL pads tho, or they a shit for comfort. I'd say 770s are better, unless you want some portability on the M100s

You might also enjoy MSR7s for a more balanced sound.

So I wanted a new pair of headphones for $200 I've spent like 30 hours reading all this shit and now I want X2. But it will cost me about $260+delivery and I can get HD 600 for the same money. But if I buy sixhunnas I need to buy and amp too. And a new sound card. And then in no time I'll be spending all my income on golden coated cables and listen to FLAC clicks and noises. What do? How cure?

I found a SHURE SE215 for a bit more than half the price, new. The guy buys them "overseas" "straight from the manufacturer".

How do I know if they are genuine or a chinese knock-off?

I've modded these headphones.
10/10 sound
No clamping force

but this thing at top hurts my head

do you know some DIY solution ? duck-tape pillow there?

anyone picked up K7xx or 6xx from Massdrop? I can't believe it I missed those :(

any idea if they'll ever have deals like that again? I'm gonna start saving....

I got the original K7XX deal a couple years ago. They're not that special. Even a Koss Portapro does better.

>Budget: 150 CAD I can go up to 200 but I don't want to spend too much
>Location: Canada
>Source: Computer
>Type of headphone: Full Sized
>Open or closed: Closed
>Comfort level: looking for something I can wear for long periods of time
>Sound signature: not sure
>Past headphones: haven't used any full sized headphones before, so far I've used all versions of xiaomi pistons

I've been looking at the m50x but I've read that they aren't meant to be worn for long periods of time and aren't very good for gaming, but if someone can correct me on this I will probably go for those

go for superlux meme mod 662 evo
=need scissors duck tape and 2 pieces of toilet paper

tape 4/6 holes under every pad and remove the fat piece of material
add 2plies of paper,use velor pads[included in package]

>What do? How cure?
buy headphones that work without extra retarded bullshit

what are the best bass heavy headphones that still have decent mids and highs? i currently have ath-m50s, hd 598 cs, and beats solo 2.

>this is what poorfags really believe

Looking for comfy headphones.

>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Sound signature
Mostly neutral, but not picky
>Past headphones
I use a SHP9500s at home, and I love the comfort level.

I picked up a 598c for work and like the sound quality over the SHP9500s, but it's a bit tight and tiring. Any suggestions on something closed and comfortable?

yamaha pro 500

thanks for trying to make me feel better. I'm still mad for not seeing HD6xx deal. I'll never be able to afford "the real thing".


>beats solo 2
what you have already is good according to somebody in hpg they're nigger tier

are those not just blatant copies of beats? they look like it...

i don't mind the beats, but i only really got them for the nice looks when i'm in public.


>I'll never be able to afford "the real thing".


Then get a used HD650. It only costs like $60 more than 6xx, if even

beats are unable to do this

prove me wrong.

>get a used HD650
where? ebay? been looking at ebay for 600 and 650 and they're all super-expensive.. almost the full price.

pls respond, what to look for in potentially unoriginal SHURE SE215?

i'm just saying they clearly copied them on a design level which makes me a bit skeptical of the audio actual quality

can you buy replacement earpads for the ath-m50's? i want to sell mine but the ear pads are in rough shape so i want to add some value.

Should I get these speakers to replace my HD600? I'm just not feeling it with headphones anymore.

>they clearly copied them on a design level
>which makes me a bit skeptical of the audio actual quality
but why

Reddit or headfi, i see hd650s for $200 shipped on r/avexchange

>ctrl+F behringer
>no behringer
what a bunch of plebs.

because if a company is going to copy someone elses design they're probably not going to focus on the sound quality either

yes they are much better

Why not? Why not make a quality product while copying someone's successful design?

Amazon? Gotta go into desperation mode and get those warehouse deals

that or headfi, etc, but I've never purchased anything from there

I would supplement. Theyre good speakers but good headphones are still better. Use headphones when you can be bothered to and speakers otherwise.

>but good headphones are still better

>headphones are better than speakers

What did you mean by this?

much love user, much love

thanks user

picked these up for 25 buckaroos and they sound bretty ok 11/10
>tfw the build quality is abysmal though

just doesn't seem likely to me

I bought a pair lightly used on eBay for $170. Hope they're what they've been amped up( ba dum tsss) to be.

Hoping I also won't need to buy an amp for them, but who knows.

They'll probably run it again in a year or so, based on the gap between the K7XX runs.

Is there any real difference in sound between the HD558s and the 559s? Or are the 559s just repackaged 558s?

518 558 and 598 are all the same driver with different levels of closure on the back

rrepackaged new pass filter.

The man said non-meme

Audeze LCD-4

>buying something that's essentially offbrand
Don't get me wrong I have a bunch of Behringer products but their brand doesn't exactly transpire high fidelity. If you need instrument effects or hell even an instrument amp their stuff is fine, but I wouldn't buy a pair of their headphones. At most I'd buy an audio interface from them. But not using or even knowing Behringer products is hardly pleb tier.

Also they've been sending out bad batches of products.

Why not both?

I use speakers and headphones depending on my preference at any given time.

They copy a successful design and manufacture it cheap undercutting competition. Definitely not a brand I'd think of when talking about high quality equipment.

LCD4 seems extremely lackluster, worse than many of their previous models.

depends on personal preferences. Side by side I strongly prefer the MrSpeakers offerings to the LCD series, and I'd take the Koss ESP/950 over either any day of the weak (if they didn't all have that squealing problem)

HD 558 vs HD 650. Is there big difference?

are you autistic or somthing


free you

HD 800 with EQ.