Well, I speak one... 10100. With that I could steal your money, your secrets, your sexual fantasies, your whole life. Any country, any place, any time I want. We multitask like you breathe. I couldn't think as slow as you if I tried.
David Sanchez
Only 3 natural ones.
Wyatt Price
Knows binary but doesn't know any cpu archs
Evan Gutierrez
the only tongue i speak is my own up your moms pussy every night
Kevin Peterson
What the fuck are you talking about You are not an actual mason because no mason is as much of a faggot as you are Steal my money and my secrets faggot, CMON DO IT FAGGOT
Levi Anderson
I actually knew one and he was a massive fucking tool
Jace Ortiz
English, Persian, and some Russian.
Ian Gutierrez
I suppose that's good since masonry is a craft.
Jackson Brown
How'd you end up with that selection? Also, Persians are the real Aryans if you want to know where I stand.
Gabriel Cooper
The influence Sup Forums had on Sup Forums since 2015 is unreal
Connor Jones
English,spanish,portugues,italian and a little of chinese
Noah Campbell
do you also know how to make free international calls for life?
Connor Gomez
English Romania Russian
Jonathan Young
join my minecraft server pls
Jace Lopez
Noone even mentioned pol you triggered faggot
Liam Roberts
fuck you longnose and your bullshit movie
Christian Powell
Long distance. And yes, yes I do.
John Edwards
Your kungfu is weak.
Benjamin Lee
>Persians are the real Aryans if you want to know where I stand.
No they aren't, you fucking dork. Aryans came from the the Indian subcontinent.
Gabriel Ross
English, Spanish, Russian, Lithuanian and a bit of Polish
Oliver Gomez
Spanish, English and a little Portuguese
Jackson Baker
>chinese I speak portuguese (main language), english (almost fluent), spanish and a bit of russian and german.
Connor Davis
Como para no hablar español si es practicamente igual que el portugues XDDDDD
Joseph Flores
>Well, I speak one... 10100.
You speak 1 to 17 languages?
Colton Stewart
My CV says English, German, Japanese and Latin
John Powell
>My CV says English, German, Japanese and Latin
When the reality is: English = poorly German = I watched Das Boot and Die Hard Japanese = I watch anime Latin = it's not like the interviewer will know fucking Latin
Brody Baker
Augustus Weeaboo
Liam Sullivan
Actually it's German = native English = 118/120 TOEFL Javanese = JLPT N2 Latin = exactly what you said
Alexander Myers
Delicatus quentiam.
Gavin Cruz
>ayy el gringo Casi casi la pegastes. Portugués es como un sordo tratando de hablar español.
Hunter Gray
Angel Martinez
>JLPT N2 Points? Cause there's rather huge span of what coulds as passing any level of JLPT.
But anyway, still lol N2. I guess it might be okay for some "token gaijin" jobs.
JLPT only tests passive knowledge anyway, so any for job that needs actual usage of Japanese you'd get tested properly during the company's screening process.
Jeremiah Peterson
Josiah Thompson
Relax, I don't work in Japan and I don't plan to in the near future. Even then, only as a expat because I don't do pajeet-tier jobs or English teaching. Also I just barely passed.
Carter Moore
So you have it just as something cool in the CV for unrelated employers. I guess that could work.
Zachary Morgan
It already worked several times. Employers are always impressed, regardless of whether or not I actually need the language for the job.
Lincoln Reed
Aaron Flores
My parents are Persian, and I decided to learn Russian on my own so I could read Dostoevsky and Tolstoy untranslated.
Samuel Rogers
OP. Why are you using the logo of my own organisation?
This is kinda awkward..
Camden Kelly
Same. I honestly believe he was a janitor at his local chapter and he found one of their rings on the floor, because he was a massive faggot.