>have javascript disabled
>go to pizza hut's website to order a pizza because I'm starving
Have javascript disabled
Other urls found in this thread:
use a landline child
Can't use landline because phone has nonfree firmware
>go to the store to order in person and avoid software all together
>cashier starts typing my order in to a PoS machine
>ask if the software is freeā¢
>says she doesn't know
>tell her to cancel the order because I don't want to take the risk
No one understands my suffering.
Then go out and get some pizza
if you have a landline already your comment is irrelevant because you are paying for said nonfree firmware whether you use it or not.
>> not compiling your pizza from source
>try to apply for a job
>website requires non-free javascript to accept my resume
>okay, i'll just apply in person
>cant print my resume because all available printers require the use of non-free software to work
>decide to just take my laptop with me
>against all odds they find my attitude quirky and likeable
>get the job
>boss asks me for my banking information so they can direct deposit my paychecks
>tell him i dont have a bank account so i cant provide that
>he offers to just give the checks to me physically instead
>cant accept checks because they're both made and printer with the use of non-free software and hardware
>offers to pay me in cash
>cant accept cash because it contains proprietary physical attributes to deter counterfeiting
How am I supposed to live in this society?
you cannot install software on a landline, so this is irrelevant. use the old ones with the rotary dial things.
I can't be the only one who mails in my order along with my address and acceptable hours to drop it off, right?
It's like a fun surprise from me a few days later when I have the pizza man deliver me a pineapple pizza.
Once he even showed up on my birthday, I was so happy!
that's a cute anecdote, user-kun
stop posting my website
Is this an acceptable thing to do for certain pizza places?
I have seriously crippling social anxiety and this would make me so happy to be able to do. Even more so if they would be okay with me asking them to just leave it at the door and ring the doorbell without me having to speak to the delivery person.
Did you fug?
>not just toxing your order to your pocketed manager
There's only two fault points, you or him.
Thank you, user!
It's worth a shot, I don't think they'd leave it at your door unless you had some way to pay them without answering, such as using non-free pizza sites.
A-user! That's lewd!
How do I get to fug pizza men? Anybody have any experiences?
Use NoScript you cuck.
eat your pizza.
>use noscript
>website still doesn't work because the orders are taken by the nonfree javascript