Last thread is well past the bump limit, here we go
no bully edition
Last thread is well past the bump limit, here we go
no bully edition
Cell phone cameras
That's strange. The file doesn't look that way on my machine.
welcome, Aus fag
tfw you realize there are only two weeks left in the year
Thank fucking god, 2016 sucked
I thought I'd be happy about the trump victory but dear god it made everyone worse, though a Hillary victory would of done the same
I know that feeling. I call it, "Oh god, what have I done with my life!?"
I've accomplished nothing of note since I turned 18 6 years ago. Just gets worse each year. It's incredible to me how much times seems to speed up as more of it passes
That's awesome. Better quality of life than I had living in a camper with out running water. At least he has access to shit
Hello again Sup Forums. 10 days until Christmas!
- Large speakers/10. Incredible view though.
- From the land down under!
- And now on the right side of the world. OK I guess. I don't really like ten-keyless keyboards, but if it works for you that's what's important.
- Beautiful
- Three more walls and you will have reached streetguru levels of comfy.
Getting a Lamp for my desk.
Thanks for the rate friend
What monitor? It's beautiful
ASUS PB298Q. It's OK, but in hindsight I should have spent a bit more and gotten a 3440 x 1440 monitor instead of the 2560 x 1080 that this one is. Even so, I don't actually have any real complaints about it.
If you aren't Russian you should be dismayed at Trump's victory
But your speakers bully your ears!
Its ok. I am happy.
Nah, trump aligns with everything I believe in.
It's the way that the people who are dismayed about trumps victory are acting which has me worried, I fear his victory is gonna result in the 2020 election ending up with a Merkel-esque or Trudeau-esque victor. That would be hell.
Anybody else into squalor?
you'd think so, but at low volumes you can take advantage of my receivers loudness button, and it gives you a really nice sound at low volumes.
Of course I do crank these babies up sometimes and it's a ton of fun
Pierre Trudeau or Justin Trudeau? Because we Canadians are currently living under our second generation Prime Minister Trudeau, and you're right. It is Hell.
Somewhat early, I'll take it
Buddy, you haven't even hit the worst of it yet. Hangovers get ten times worse after you hit 25, your physical capabilities start going downhill, you put on weight easier... And don't get me started on 30.
I have the same CPU, love it.
Stockholm Syndrome is real.
Justin, Pierre is a cool dude my dad knew him, Justin can go fuck himself
You know what Stockholm Syndrome is right?
Who else is jazzed for their Apple™ Airpods™ to arrive on the 19th next week?
Nearly the end of 2016 and still no bf
nice slim legs to be honest but man feet kinda ruin it
u ugly?
>that tfw when Christmas is in 10 days
Thanks I guess
got any butt pics?
None for you
why not?
are you satisfied with the case? im planning on buying one in the near future
>dat atitude
you'll never get a bf sweety
keyboard type
If I could go back in time to any point in history, it would be to the night that Justin Trudeau was conceived so I could give Pierre a condom.
Poker 3, it's a 60%
You're probably right
that's really nice dude
thanks dude
what cherry? brown? blue?
why not?
fug u tart u shill
your station used to look a lot comfier what have you done
Holy fuck put your speakers on stands and actually move them so you get some soundstage. That's just fucking stupid if you use them at your desk.
Your head should be at tweeter level.
he doesn't know sweetspot, those speakers are just for a e s t h e t i c s
They look ugly as fuck though, simply because of sizing.
Corner traps and stands would both look nice and actually sound nice.
again, no link to the previous one
for fuck's sake...
>exposed brick wall
i got you senpai
Oh, so that's why I didn't find it, no bst tag. Thank you very much.
>newfags, newfags everywhere
said the newfag
what benq monitor is that? some old model? is it IPS?
what kind of keyboard are you using?
its a dogshit TN 144 panel.
the one there is a magicforce 68 with blues and replacement PBT caps.
whats wrong with TN panels?
IPS is pointless
the panels in the XL2420Z are terrible. Extremely washed out. Also TN panels generally have far worse viewing angles and color reproduction.
answer this question without using meme phrases such as "viewing angles"
because im viewing my monitor from downstairs right?
this looks like a 14 year old setting a system up
>hurr lets put giant speakers infront of my face looks so good
arent blues too loud in chinese keyboards
not when you live alone.
>and color reproduction.
>and color reproduction.
>and color reproduction.
Friday morning, friends.
>im a professional photographer
I've seen no fucking improvement whatso fucking ever upgrading from an ancient HP1940 dual setup to a 34" panel that claims to cover 99% of adobe RGB. None. Not in color, not in viewing angle.
colors looking like shit is a problem for everyone. What are you even arguing for average TN panels for?
I'm jelly AF, teach me your ways!
I don't even...
what this guy said:love the rustic feel
alt+tab is for losers / 10
literal garbage
if you are happy, I am happy for you, nice station
>Getting a Lamp for my desk.
Nice. Which one?
This should be in some sort of interior design handbook under the heading synergy. Holy shit... I mean happy holidays!
Still jelly AF that my G4 doesn't do this wizardry.
Hello there ausfag. Next time reset your exif orientation tag before you upload a picture.
literally porn for my ears through my eyes
have you actually put 2 monitors IPS and TN next to each other and played vidya games on them and compared your everyday activity?
IPS may look better i admit that and its nice to spy on people if they are sitting next to you because of muh angle but for twice the prize i'd rather just go for a high hz TN monitor
That's a karbly, right? Thinking about getting one. It doesn't have predrilled holes, does it?
wat keyboard
A piece of shit you'd never want to own ever. It's an Ozone Strike Battle. It's supposed to be cherry MX, but I do not believe for one second that squeaking, resonating springs is the norm for mechanical keys. They are unfortunately the only 88 key ISO keyboard available in my country. Yes, the only ones. I live in a special kind of hell.
Pick a theme and focus on it.
>inb4 I picked reddit
Karlby yeah. No predrilled hole or anything. I don't remember if the legs get the mounts in the package or if I took them from an old ikea table..
Just look at any stores kitchen table top and pick what you like, the prices are similar.
>Pick a theme and focus on it.
I don't get it.
Whats that?
how many quickscopes do you get with that thing?
Is this a good monitor? I can get one through work for ~$180, is it worth it?
Dell 27 Monitor - S2715H
Scopes are for pussies.
None. I don't like shooters, I play RPGs. The only shooter with any appeal for me was Mass Effect, but I played through that one mostly for the story, only to be teabagged by a fucking lazy ending. Talk about senseless emotional investment...
haha yyy @ least u have good posture amirite??? XDD
1080p is quite low for 27" and I'm not a fan of the 6 ms response either. At that price it's a steal though, so go for it!
here's your (you) imbecile
p-please posture-senpai don't bully
not everyone can have such superior posture and sick quick-scoping
Find a game, shitposter.
still a lot of stuff to arrive including speakers, mouse, pad and dual monitor arms but here it is
I couldn't play one even if I wanted to, I have my previous poorfag card in my PC, while they RMA my GTX1080.
Are you lost? Sup Forums is a different board.
Seagull simulator
RIP neck
Tell the whole fucking company where I work to stop using it, so I can stop using it as well.
samefagging manlet
>Doesn't game
>Buys GTX1080