/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

pth btfo edition

old thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers and gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Private tracker staff read these generals and have posted here before.
>Some private trackers do not take kindly to their members participating in /ptg/ memeing.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only -- don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:




what's wrong with eggnog?

Well-coordinated and heavily practiced ex What.cd elite torrent masters beaten by a rag-tag group of curries run by a /ptg/ poster and a mod who asked if m4a should be uploaded as mp3
pth are you even trying


I agree, they ruined it with that lowfat naff.

Damn autistic 312c cock-suckers

with currymaster54 on their side how could xnx fail?

>rasheed couldn't get in PTH

where are my fucking tokens

it was currilla warfare

You guys got 200k perfect flacs yet?

staff lied to you

there are no tokens

too fucking early



I just don't want to join these curry trackers apooloo and PTH.

>using the smiley with a carat nose

NoStream master race. Yeuh!

:) :) :) :) 200k perfect FLACs we can do it! :) :) :)



>not using the smiley with a carat nose
. .

u2 sitewide fl

a friendly invite? user?




If you opened up this thread thinking you'd just ask for invites you've already failed the test.

>using the sideways smiley with a carat nose


who cares

lets ripping boyz

>poo servering


>the cabal has disabled all your accounts
>you must reach 1000 friendly posts on MAM forums to regain access to cabal trackers
wat do

>PTH merges rap tag into hip hop

Finally, something about Apollo I can actually concede is better.

what did this too niga


It's best to lump all nigger music into one place

Well that's fucking stupid

Well there is different ways of looking at it, like Apollo being too lazy to actually do anything in terms of quality adjustments. Though it happens to be one I generally disagree with.

so stupid


>upload album on Apollo
>promoted to Power User

It said I'd need 10 albums...

better start ripping

which tracker has the best irc out of btn ptp pth and apl





really makes you think!

thank u sirs !

niga doesn't know how to read a spectrogram... this is FINE dude it's obviously just fucking spoken word

>that hook file name

>Caught stroking off to my sister.avi

>it's obviously just fucking spoken word

PTH officially has the best looking custom stylesheet ever made.

It's over, Apooloo

I still like the haze ones better

how do I get this?

Hot damn, is it ready now?

Too bad they look like shit in Firefox, kinda, thanks to the text. Apollo did at least mostly address that in the recent revision.

Both are on gazelle, it's not like it's hard to port over.

Not ready yet but will be in a matter of days.

Or just borrow without the creators' consent or knowledge and make the official theme (Apooloo Haze, for instance)

Why ask the creator? Just steal it lol.

t. Apollo staff

You mean a private tracker is committing intellectual property theft?

>Rogue One A Star Wars Story 2016 HDRip x264 HD-LOL

>None of the files shown here are actually hosted on this server. The links are provided solely by this site's users. These BitTorrent files are meant for the distribution of backup files. By downloading the BitTorrent file, you are claiming that you own the original file. The administrator of this site (passtheheadphones.me/) holds NO RESPONSIBILITY if these files are misused in any way and cannot be held responsible for what its users post, or any other actions of it.
>These BitTorrent files are meant for the distribution of backup files.

not quite

Why are discogs such cucks?


nobody cares about public trackers, fuck off
also enjoy that honeypot

Will this have similar ratio/bp rules to PTP?

They streamed it online, right? I got some Verizon notification about it. Not surprised there's a rip

>private tracker general



I played the C64 version in the 1980s and it was so much better than NES

please delete this right now

What is it?

is adc kill?



go back to Sup Forums you filth, PTH has been out for over 2 weeks now, he's talking about the style sheet.


apooloo user 23126

LOL: lolking.net/summoner/na/29285115
TWITCH: twitch tv/camdo2
Also a MTG Fag: mtggoldfish.com/player/camdo2

So you get into a private tracker group by private invitation only? And to keep in good standing you have to have a good seed/leech ratio and some original uploads?

If you're in a private tracker group and you're using a VPN or whatever you're supposed to use nowadays, there's no chance of getting DMCA'd?

Isn't there some math that shows that not everyone can have a good seed/leech ratio? Like the average must necessarily be 1?

>using the same username as you do in other places

Biggest mistake you can ever make

Is it impossible to /set4lyfe/ on ggn?


>So you get into a private tracker group by private invitation only?

Depends on the path you take, but generally, yes. Some people will recruit @ reddit which allows a public way to enter. Some others will allow you to interview.

>And to keep in good standing you have to have a good seed/leech ratio and some original uploads?

It depends on the tracker. There are different forms of economy. On a hard ratio economy, yes. On a soft ratio, seeding longterm (months) is rewarded with a supplementary currency which can be exchanged for ratio. On ratioless trackers, only supplementary currency is given and there are "Hit and Run" requirements for seed time.

>If you're in a private tracker group and you're using a VPN or whatever you're supposed to use nowadays, there's no chance of getting DMCA'd?

The DMCA would go to your VPN's provider, which may or may not ignore it depending on their location. But in general, private tracker swarms are far safer than public trackers just because of the exclusivity.

>Isn't there some math that shows that not everyone can have a good seed/leech ratio? Like the average must necessarily be 1?


>Isn't there some math that shows that not everyone can have a good seed/leech ratio? Like the average must necessarily be 1?
If it's a hard ratio system.
In practice in most places there's at least freeleech torrents which you can bank on.

FUCK! This looks good.


Has global freeleech finally ended on apollo?

rip apooloo



how are the post-freeleech stats on pooloo?
have any lads got the latest numbers?

Maximum users: 40,000
Enabled users: 32,114
Users active today: 15,074 (46.94%)
Users active this week: 24,424 (76.05%)
Users active this month: 31,939 (99.46%)
Torrents: 415,126
Releases: 183,934
Artists: 171,743
"Perfect" FLACs: 152,650
Requests: 3,682 (48.53% filled)
Snatches: 2,904,023
Peers: 2,369,900
Seeders: 2,342,581
Leechers: 27,319
Seeder/leecher ratio: 85.74

>still less torrents than pth

can anyone please search on bib this book: Essentials of Programming in Mathematica by Paul Wellin