>buy a 4tb hdd
>capacity is really only 3.5tb
why is this allowed
>buy a 4tb hdd
>capacity is really only 3.5tb
why is this allowed
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Is that not enough for your anime collection?
you do realize why that happens, right?
you bought 4*10^12 bytes of storage and got 4*10^12 bytes now atk complaining
You can use the 4tb capacity.
Only you'd never find your files
Op has a fair point though, why can't they label and advertize it in a less misleading way? Or at least define the units they're using 2^ or an approximate 10^
utilize your full drive capacity with GNU/Linux
because Mebibytes, my friend
What unit is that? Tidbits?
Byte me
Oh noes, teh millenial terms
Yeah yeah yeah, but that's technical bullshit. It's like buying 1kg of honey, and only getting half, because "obviously the producer has to eat half" or some shit. Fuck it. When I buy a tb, I want at least a full 1000 gb to put my bullshit on.
It really cannot be that fucking hard to label it honestly.
Holy shit
literary ITT 16 year old children who don't know shit
Obviously when you buy it you know exactly how much it is, unless you really are a little twat who can't think
They do define it. Its written with fine print at the box bottom though
How is it misleading?
The prefix "Tera" has referred to 10^12 byte for centuries.
Also is correct.
TB = Terabyte
TiB = Tebibyte
tb = ???
This is why OP. Soz famalam
When you buy RAM do you buy 8GB of RAM or 8GiB of RAM?
>why is this allowed
You got fucked by the hard drive companies. They advertise a KB as 1000 bytes so it looks like they have more capacity than they actually do. It's the same reason ISPs advertise in Mb instead of MB.
no, you got fucker by software companies, because only a KiB has 1024 bytes
>You "got fucked" by the hard drive companies
>They advertise a KB as 1000 bytes
which it's correct
i am no expert but i would guess the filesystem & filesystem journal take up some space,. of course you can wipe EVERYTHING off the drive (including the filesystem & disk partition) and get that space back ;p
I didn't know nvidia sells HDDs now
Network trafic is always bit per second, never bytes. nigger.
>all those hdd manufacturers apologists
kys yourselves
Windows reserves the extra space for the NSA backdoors. Only Linux can access the full capacity of your hardware
What country do you live in where a 1 TB drive has less than 1000 GB of space?
All of the disks I've ever bought actually had above-advertised capacity
Linux on the left as well
kiss yourself faggot
>When you buy RAM do you buy 8GB of RAM or 8GiB of RAM?
I buy 64 GiB of RAM because I'm not a fucking poorfag
>You got fucked by the hard drive companies. They advertise a KB as 1000 bytes so it looks like they have more capacity than they actually do. It's the same reason ISPs advertise in Mb instead of MB.
By that logic, hard drive manufacturers would be advertising in bits as well.
ISPs advertise bits because that's the way it's always been done in the networking world, back when it was still called Baud. Sorry you're too young to have known this. I weep for the stupidity of your generation.
Why would I apologize for them using a unit correctly? More importantly, how can microsoft in 2000 and fucking 16 still not get this basic stuff right. Fucking hilarious.
I imagine there's some internal API that they're terrified of changing because it would brick absolutely everything. Absolute meme OS
More like 1kg of honey including the weight of the glass container.
No, it's more like buying 1 ton of honey and wondering why you got 1000kg instead of 907kg
You know, with enough money companies can make everything to be "correct".
You can't represent a thousand nicely in binary, and computers operate in binary. Who in the sane world would make computers count kilobytes by every (11111101000) bit but not by every (10000000000) bit?
Networking is older than IT, and that is why they operate with 1000-prefixes - they operated with decimal values. Other cases can't be justified.
go back to itt tech fgt
Kilo and mega as prefixes predate computers by a significant amount. You're in a situation where you either change them to fit binary counting, which would fuck every other type of unit that uses them, or you make larger prefixes follow a different scale which is also stupid.
The third option, which is what we have but Microsoft refuses to acknowledge, is developing a set of similar prefixes that work off of powers of 2 instead.
M$ is right.
>You know, with enough money companies can make everything to be "correct".
The SI prefixes have been around for longer than these companies put together.
>Who in the sane world would make computers count kilobytes by every (11111101000) bit but not by every (10000000000) bit?
Do you honestly think it matters in the slightest. An ALU operation takes a constant amount of time regardless of whether the number looks pretty in memory or not.
The thing you all seem to be forgetting is that these units are meant as a convenience for the HUMAN. The computer doesn't need to know if a ‘GB’ is 1000 MB or 1024 MB or whatever because it simply doesn't give a shit. All it sees are X many bytes.
The MB / GB / TB abstraciton are meant to simplify the numbers for humans. And I don't know about you, but I think and count in base 10. To me, 1 TB being 1000 GB being 1000000 MB makes sense.
If I have a bunch of 100 MB parts, I know that I can fit 10 of them into a single GB. And so on. Basically, using base 10 units for friendly displays in stuff like file managers is the only thing that makes sense, because we are all using the base 10 system naturally since birth. It's the same reason the SI unit system is so popular in everywhere except burgerland - using base 10 makes it easier for us to convert and estimate units.
Personally, I actually ditch the weird ‘byte’ abstraction as well, and just do everything in bits. For example, I currently have about 110 Tb of available storage. And something like a movie is typically about 100 Gb in size, which is a nice, clean number.
If I have a 100 Mbps connection, and I want to download a 100 Gb movie, I know that I'll need exactly 1000 seconds (or roughly 20 minutes)
It just makes everything easy. Not that I'd expect americans to understand
Oy vey goy, why are you complaining that hardware manufacturers use different units than the most used OS in the world? Are you an anti-semite or something? Remember the six trillion, stupid goy!
Delete the partition and it will be 4TB again.
>most used OS in the world
Wrong, Android uses SI units
Yes good goy, you're not getting jewed, it's just for your convenience that we cut off the last 1/10 of disk space. It's better, I swear.
Good goy, don't worry about it. Google isn't owned by jews or anything. The goyim should all learn from you.
>cut off
Would you rather buy a 1000 GB hard drive for $70 or a 1024 GB hard drive for $72
Don't worry about it goy. Advertising is just advertising after all. Good goy!
Because 1gb=1024mb, and 1tb=1024gb. They sell 1tb=1000gb instead like morons.
Not really anything to do with this but my friend was arguing with me because he thought he bought an external 1 TB ssd for like $75.
I bought a 1.819TB (2000398934016B) hd for 80€. You're friend is a fish.
He probably bought a “hybrid” meme drive
I don't really understand your post, but my all drives I've purchased in the past few years from HGST, WD and Samsung have all had slightly more than the advertised capacity
e.g. my most recent purchase (4 TB HGST UltraStar) actually had 4 TB and 787 MB.
and fellating microsoft is better because why exactly
Ignore him, he's just a shitposter looking for replies like the one (You) gave him
Because it lets me play my games, faggot
you can fuck right off back to
Microsoft's explorer reporting file sizes incorrectly lets you play games?
make me u nigger
I can only play my games on Microsoft systems, ergo, Microsoft systems are better, ergo, what Microsoft is doing with their systems is the right thing.
Good goy, demanding hardware manufacturers be more honest to users is definitely fellating microshaft. Shabbos goyim like you are the future of white people.
the only one being dishonest is microsoft, in that they use the wrong prefix for the units displayed in explorer. metric prefixes predate computers. kilo has always been 10^3, mega has always been 10^6. giga and beyond weren't initially defined until the 1960s or later, but they had to follow the same pattern set forth by the earlier prefixes.
>buy a 4tb hard disk
>get a 4.5TiB instead
No he was saying had no moving parts or something. he just an idiot bought a regualar external hd and though its ssd
All you "tebibyte" scam artist apologists need to stop giving in so willingly.
Tl;dr: bits used for data transfer are measured in multiples of 1000, bytes used in data STORAGE (= RAM, hard drives, ...) are measured in multiples of 1024.
4 TB or terabytes of hard drive storage is 4*1024^3, or 4*1024*1024*1024, or 4294967296 bytes. NOT 4000000000. Stop swallowing this bullshit.
I'm with you user. I will defend the truth until death.
1KB = 1024B
Oy vey, OF COURSE computers have always operated on base 10, that's why we call it binary - because there's a 1 and a 0 in 10! Good goy, stay informed that will surely help you help us here in Israel, your greatest allies.
You're applying a 2016 train of thought to units that made it easier for humans to do binary math by hand back when it was relevant for them to do so.
Unrelated, but this user gets it. All bases are base 10.
you faggots keep forgetting that these prefixes are used in areas other than computing. having "kilo" mean two different things depending on which unit it's attached to is completely retarded.
Nigga what in the fuck.
Only a computer illiterate thinks like that. Everyone else knows it's 1024 and not 1000.
Harddisk manufacturers are dicks nonetheless for using SI units instead of base 2 system.
found your problem
You're applying a 1960 train of thought to 2016