My internet is better than your internet

My internet is better than your internet.

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Well there's your problem


Yes, it is.

no u


Oh, shit. Kurt died for nothing, apparently.

I have pretty much that internet.

>tfw you have shitty countryside internet
>tfw fibreoptic was run past your house but not to it

just end my life.

fps ready


Wonder what happens when you are part of 99% slower

Australia - where everything is trying to kill you, even the internet.

wew nbn

My Internet is only shit because you're on it

Are these air signals or physical line connections

>Not living across the ditch getting top tier internet

Enjoy shit tier ping to the rest of the world

ye, what's up

>Implying most major games and services don't have servers down under

That way you can shitpost faster than anyone


Enjoying LTE on my phone

pay the network owner to connect your house. not sure about where you live, but in sweden a pretty standard cost of this is around 2,500 USD.

The best out there


Holy shit, man. Don't click the internet button or your bill is fucked!

I refuse to use because it requires Flash, which is non-free.
But I can assure you that your internet is indeed better than mine, unfortunately.

I really wish I still had saved my speedtest were I managed to get 0.01 in both download and upload.
Good thing I only pay 40€/month :^)

How can I get better upload speeds?

I pay the equivalent of 16€/month in my shitty 3rd world country, and I get around 1.5 to 2.0 Mb/s down.

Your internet is ADSL; the A stands for Asymmetric, whic means the down speed is significantly higher than the up speed.

What you need is SDSL

go seed now, this is painful

At least I'm not alone

>In a group of 100 random Americans, 3 people have slower internet than this.

>Serif fonts in an interface
kill yourself.

that will be 8.608.270 of Americans

noto mono 10


Ah thanks a lot!
