Daily Bot Thread #001
Let's start a daily bot thread, guys.
Here we talk shit about muh privacy and teh botnet. This seems like a good idea as almost everyday there is a botnet based thread, so might as well make it a thing.
Daily Botnet Thread (DBT)
Is ubuntu gnome safe? I know unity started implementing some sketchy amazon bs, but gnome then? They're very related, but I haven't heard anything bad botnet wise about gnome.
Still waiting for Intel to drop the NSA botnet that is AMT.
Nice thread
What do you need to write your first baby botnet?
C++ is enough for everything?
Where do you set your babyfirst CQC? How do they choose servers and irc channels that let them get away with it?
This thread is fucking botnet
>teach me how 2 hack pls
When you're at the point where you have enough knowledge to create an effective botnet, you probably won't be so interested in creating one anymore.
The botnet program has to run as a service/daemon on the bots, right?
What name would you give it?
>tfw noticed an email in my inbox marked as read which I didn't read
>weird ruski shit
>check sent mail
>sent emails i didn't send
>see one
>literally my password list
>the plaintext password file which is on my hard drive, not online anywhere
How Could This Happen To MeEEEEEEEEEE
windows fag
need proof
Then what is the point of this thread anyway?
Those question are not illegal or skiddie in anyway.
If I would ask about how to write tcp/ip stack, you would not respond, but malware based question always bring
>skiddie please
Game engine, android app or windows program that ping itself on some ip addres are not different its all technical questions.
Reminder that anything that's not been inspected and verified by a trusted third party is botnet.
This includes Linux, systemD, Intel chips and hardware modems in every phones.
Well, fuck.
7 single moms are within 10 kilometres of you, download WhatsFuck today
What would be a
>Trusted third party
To look at?
Would they have any economic incentive (i.e. getting paid for every service/hardware they test) or just doing it because they are nice?
I can see the second being a bigger problem than the former.
svchost.exe (use a non-printing character somewhere in the filename) and place it in c:\windows\system32
I can see c++ doing most of the work, however you'd be doing a lot in ssh and the works, as well as logging data (perhaps mysql and a scripting language to keep it up to date and make the data useful)
I think you can best try to make a small scale (legal) botnet and get comfortable with the tools you come across along the way, and c++ could definitely be utilized for a lot of it.
But, this thread is more about which services are botnet, and which are deemed safe.
if you are not faggot you write bots in C or Delphi
there are tons of useful snippets on sites like opensc
with these snippets even inexperienced developer can do advanced stuff
Yeah, there is no need to write what has been writ.
Well at least it better than all the other daily threads...
Haha thanks, but I think that's just cause it's young and unnoticed, if it gets popular it'd probably be like /mkg/
Is this the daily cocaine trafficking thread?
let's start a Sup Forums malware botnet to do large scale distributed AI waifu calculations
amd plz
trying to port my shitware into .net from python, will probably be running it through mono on my aws server, if not i guess i'll have to put up with a Windows server
>tfw making a botnet in Fortran
No because gnome is a big bloated shit which you can poke holes in