Microsoft uploaded 329.3MB from my PC yesterday

Literally all I did was browse Sup Forums all day.

Did you disable the P2P updates?

You were been warned to not use microsoft product, now feel the botnet's cock

Of course he didnt


I used one of those "botnet removal" powershell scripts months ago when I did this install and of course I disabled updates. Cortana randomly reinstalled itself last week and now this shit. This is just ridiculous.

Sounds like your W10 went through one of the big updates which is basically a reinstall. You'll have to rerun a botnet removal script and configure things all over again.

This is your life every few months now, thanks Microsoft.

How is this even legal

Better question is why you accepted the EULA and gave Microsoft permission to do it

apple do it all the time
it used to cost you $20 too

Muh yiddy games?

I don't have this problem.

Still running Mavericks on my MacBook and not a single time have I gotten a request to update to a newer version. All I do is occasionally download security upgrades manually with "Software Update" from the menu bar.

same, LTSB b.10240, manual security updates
no other bullshit, works great

Literally install Gentoo

Macintosh Master Race reporting in.

It's far from master race, so is Microsoft tough, is not a valuable desktop OS

>using windows versions other than enterprise

Can you really even disable them?

Don't the reenable themselves?

install Lubuntu/Xubuntu, you have litteraly no excuse

Apple doesn't force you to update.

They also don't sell out your info to the FBI. Even if you're a terrorist.

Meanwhile microsoft sends your info directly to the FBI

its not a viable desktop OS

It's actually true, they probably do use your information in their own eco-system, but that's not half bad if you're an Apple fag, instead sending it to every security agency and get your name on the pedo watch list because your interests include loli.

Apple has been going to shit tough.

Microsoft doesn't force upgrade machines, you can defer them

you should know this

>They also don't sell out your info to the FBI. Even if you're a terrorist.
If you think that was anything other than a PR move, you're an idiot

>big bad storm coming
>there is a shelter that you can get into for free though & there is enough room for everyone
>"no thanks bro, i got this :DD"
>big bad storm arrives
>house is destroyed
>"H-h-h-elp, why did this happen??"

not the best analogy, but still the point should get across
as a no-life daily Sup Forums browser, I see threads like this very often where people either discover there data actually is being sent, or microsoft randomly decides to delete something from their computer

yet you continue using windows? and i do not quote this because of epic 1337 gaymes, but do you know what the textbook definition of insanity is?

It's legal because you don't own the OS. You agreed to let Microsoft do anything it wants with the software and files on """your""" computer. Calling it a personal computer while running Windows is a misnomer.

>have to spend more time than an Archie keeping your system the way you want it
>Windows just werks guys

You never had to fight with OS X like this, plus every Windows version has had a price tag in the hundreds of dollars, your point?

they reenable themselves, but lots of idiots think it's gone because they run some random scripts

enjoy your botnet OS

>defering meme
shit only delays the updates

Not using LTSB N 2015
you are literally asking for trouble

>we release data thousands of times

you act like apple is any better?