/mkg/ - mechanical keyboards general

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>tfw fast nunpad not that fast to print

print a "holder" for your folded towel

>spending close to half a grand on keyboard + keycaps

caring about money is a clear sign of not having enough of it

why out yourself as poor?

what have you bought recently, /mkg/?

I'm interested in buying my first mechanical keyboard. I am looking for a solid, minimalist design, in white.

What can you recommend me?

>I am looking for a solid, minimalist design, in white.

Custom plate

white leopold fc750r

I once saw this really pretty mechanical keyboard in this gradient pastel colorway for the keys.

Anyone know what image I'm referring to? It's pops up from time to time in these threads. I would love to know how I can get that.



pom jelly caps?

It was something similar to this, but it had more blue shades in it. This is really cool though.

Really want a keyboard with this kind of theme.

Also, a question -- it seems like the majority of mechanical keyboards are without a number keypad. Are those usually bought separately? Or, could I find a good one with one attached?

These have grey/beige undertones. I'm looking for a solid white color.

numpads are for secretaries.


I already have one

It's my desk

You can order a custom from pckeyboards, when you order ask for "Brilliant White case and keycaps"

I work from home for my job, and I have to key in a lot of numbers. It's pretty quick with a number pad, isn't it? Am I missing something here? lel

Most keyboards are still fullsize. Plenty of kiddiesized keyboards out there though.

And the F keys?

>>I work from home for my job, and I have to key in a lot of numbers.
must not be a good job

>caring what other people think
anyway, yes you can find plenty of full size mech keyboards, they're just not posted on /mkg/ as much as they don't have hipster cred

I like hippie shit like this. What do you think?
Can you recommend anything better?

>Can you recommend anything better?

Early 90s plastic with a nice beige patina.

You can thrift it, that's a hippie thing, right? Well there you go.

I was also wondering, would having a 'wireless' mechanical keyboard be silly?

Yes. I don't use wireless but I know some people want it no matter what.

Yeah, I mean, I prefer wireless for the mobility aspect, and it visually looks cleaner, but surely there are some drawbacks?

The only one I can think of is having to worry about batteries (although, they last a long time).
Any other downsides that come to mind for you guys? That's about the only inconvenience I've had.

>no lettering
thats hipster as fuck! buy this scarf to go with that "keyboard".

there are some already.

Laser cut 1/8" aluminum plates for an ergodox build, 67g & 78g feelios, zealencios, aristotles, MOD-M and MOD-H switches.

Tried out the clips with some cherry profile PBT caps I had, they make a hell of a difference in sound. Quieter than my matias quiet click board, although that's probably because the matias has rattly caps.

Want a mechanical keyboard very similar to my Lenovo Enhanced Performance keyboard. Which would be the best one?

I don't need nor necessarily want any shitty gaymer gimmicks like backlights.

Want it to click clack too.

How much money do you earn with typing on your 60% mechanical keyboard with pink plastic caps?

Logitech G710+ is $100 CAD

mechanical keyboards are a great way to give away your position to the enemy

>Logitech G710+ is $100 CAD
Buy two!

Leopold 750r


>nigger doctor

I'm a janitor on pace to make 23k this year and I know better than to buy Logitech


Hey /mkg/, I had a filco with reds that had a 3 key that stopped working so I bought a keyboard with clears to give something else a try. Only problem is I don't really like the clears.

I was thinking of getting a topre and returning this keyboard with clears. Any suggestions? Was considering the Fc600 since it comes with PBT caps. Open to anything. Would topre even be good for me since I don't like clears? I like the feedback, it just feels sludgy if you end up bottoming out the keys for an extended period of time.

what does this post even mean

Topre don't have much of any feedback. They feel a lot like linear switches.

Try ergo clears m8.

>what does this post even mean
This is a retarded board with retarded memes, if you don't like it, you can leave, grandpa.

>Would topre even be good for me

Topre is what you wanted when you got tired out of your shitty membrane board and started looking at mechanical keyboards.
You just did not know better than cherry switches at first, but trust me you will never be satisfied with them
why do you think every month a new "flavour" comes out and people buy it? They cannot find peace

Only Topre is peace.

Ducky One series of keyboards

this. I genuinely do not get why topres are so popular when ergo clears and zealios exist.

No one really does email and internet buttons anymore, but if you want them you can buy a keyboard with programmable macros and set them to however you like.

There are some keyboards like the Ducky One that have volume controls, a calc button, as well as macros and layers, but that's it.

Others like the DAS have a volume nob and media keys, but no macros.

There is also the CM pro that has 5 macros and 4 profiles to do whatever you want with, as well as rgb lighting if you want

I'm looking at the WASD V2

Is there site I could get design files for that?

tbqfwyf the keycaps made by wasd aren't very good and I'd only recommend them if you absolutely need custom keycaps. Now their bare-bones keyboards are actually good and you can pick up some nice PBT keycaps on massdrop for around 30 bucks, or you can buy them on places like ebay, mechanicalkeyboards, and vendio


Just received my massdrop taihaos to replace my worn out white blanks, don't get why everyone is sperging about the antibiosis layer, they feel just right, maybe just a tad more gritty than usual.

quickfire rapid?
keycaps look very nice desu, even better if black cap legends were purple as well imo

Filco M2 tkl.

>Flavor of the month cherry switch
>better than Topre

slow day eh

Its final exam week for most of these kiddies still in school.


geee, no wonder they don't have 200$ for a nice keyboard.

Unproductive millennial detected.

Some people got jobs, whippersnapper

>tfw dick too big to buy pistols to compensate


While I use TKLs primarily, I still keep a num pad to the right of my mouse because it's far faster to type on a num pad than use num row. If you don't know how to use a num pad, it takes a week max to learn. All you scrubs take much longer getting used to retarded layouts like Planck and shit.

don't forget that every diy board has the option to use some keys for makros.

Does anyone have a Realforce RGB yet?

Yes, it sucks :-(


I tried both these out in microcenter and at first I thought the type heaven was bad, but this is even worse. They didn't have any realforce keyboards so I cant compare it to that

Microcenter doesn't carry them so I don't know what you tried.

Is it all 45g switches? Do you have another Roper board to compare it to?

Yes it does user. Only for in store pick up tho

>Is it all 45g switches?

I don't have another Topre keyboard on hand but I can confirm it does sound different to other Topre keyboards. If that's your question.

Well I didn't know. What didn't you like about?

Super neat. Is the configuration software easy enough to use?

>Lever-action with tube mag
Fucking disgusting tbqh

the keycaps are barely 110$ dollars.

Whats the cheapest reliable board you can buy? Thinking abou gifting one to my brother.

Yes. The only issues I have are minor. The software didn't detect the keyboard in the USB 2.0 slot on my mobo that I usually have my keyboard plugged into. Moving it to a 3.0 slot enabled it to be detected for whatever reason. I think this is more an issue with MSI's mobo then the software.

Only other issues was me being dumb. Software is easy to use just make sure to use one of the pre sets you setup or it resets itself on comp restart.

The actuation change is surprisingly nice to have. I just leave it on the lowest but it was nice to test others.

ETA: March

The solenoid in this thing is so badass

cm quickfire is a solid, cheap board. Not sure how available they are nowadays.

How much louder is it than the model F (with & without the solenoid)?

that good feel when in on that sweet drop. that good feel when zelios to match my RS96.

Guy who designed that designed a keyboard that will have a GB in January as well. Solid aluminum and all that shit, RGB under / back lighting. Weighs something like 4 pounds.

Looks pretty widely available. Bout 80 or so. Okay.

Is that the JC65? Doesn't it just have an aluminum top layer and an acrylic bottom layer?

even my millennial tier graphic design job requires me to have a number pad and function key. What are you doing with your life that you cuck yourself from functionality?

Not the JC. "M65-A"

yeah i considered it but i knew i'd be cucking myself by buying a keyboard without function keys and having used a tkl for years i miss having a number pad. I don't want to have a set up where i have two separate pads just to do what one 96 key keyboard and a extra pad can do. It's like having a keyboard on life support. Also those thicc bezels don't work well on a keyboard. I like mine thin and accessible like a hooker working corners.

Without the solenoid it's pretty much just as loud, just a deeper pitch. With the solenoid it's a fuck load louder.

Kinda opposite situation for me. I use tablets and other macro accessories while working and just have a keyboard off to the side for text input as needed. Also I like the feel of just a solid chunk of metal.

same but i have too many macro accessories. too much desk space, i need to consolidate. Also for regular typing and day to day tasks, i don't want to go through many fn keys just to access a basic key like f5, that's total bullshit.

Post accessories.

i'm not at my home desk but i have a Contour Design Shuttlexpress and a wireless drawing tablet. Soon i will have the RAMA macropad.

I meant the design and look more than anything else.

This keyboard is sexy as fuck.


Recently I asked for a suggestion to buy a new keyboard. I wanted a TKL w/ browns. A kind user here suggested me a few shops and the Ducky brand. I come from having a Quickfire TK with blues, and I loved it.

My question is, do you guys know of any proper wrist rest for TKL keyboards that's comfy but not overly expensive?

I've been using the Grifiti FAT 17 for my Quickfire TK and it's a bit worn out now and I've noticed it's a little bit too high for this keyboard's low profile.


I hear good things from pcgamingrace.com/products/glorious-mechanical-keyboard-gaming-wrist-pad-rest-black-thick

Bit of a reddit name but w/e.

Can't go wrong with the Filco wood wrist rests. What I use.