When will you shitlords learn?
When will you shitlords learn?
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tl;dr she is female pajeet and she wants to poo in the loo since its apple there is no designated shitting points
>When I was initially hesitant about filing a formal harassment complaint, HR sent me emails recording the minutes of our meetings. The emails made it seem as though I had willfully declined the company’s assistance, even though I had only requested that my manager talk to the offenders first, since HR and Business Conduct were so intimidating.
I don't think she understands California law in this respect. If she makes an allegation of harassment against another employee to her manager, she *cannot* make it in confidence. Her manager is *legally obligated* to report the incident to HR, and HR is *legally obligated* to follow up on it.
This is simply unacceptable. I will no longer buy Apple products until they improve. Let us hope that everyone reads this article, and understands what kind of company Apple is, and what sort of culture you support at Apple when you purchase their products.
She understands. She just thinks that her feelings of "intimidation" take precedence.
She's weak and expected people to be strong on her behalf, but not strong in a way that made her uncomfortable. This isn't a tech problem, it's a social one. A friend of mine managed to handle a sexually unprofessional colleague with "If you talk about my body again, I will knock your fucking teeth out." It's amazing how well women can solve their own problems when they stop acting like little girls.
Wow, is this story shit.
Normal person:
>Coworker: Hey user, summon the waiter and pay the bill!
>Normal user: Fuck off Jim. Pay your own damn bill
>Coworker: Hey Sowmya, summon the waiter and pay the bill!
>Sowmya: ... .... ... [internal monologue: what is he racist and sexist i don't know i've never had this happen before] ... ... ... uhm...
>Coworker: Come on Sowmya! Summon the waiter and pay the bill!
>Sowmya: [weeks of emotional turmoil, crying herself to sleep, twisting up her life because of this etc.
Jesus fucking christ. So she had to deal with an asshole. We all have to deal with assholes, but most of us are mature enough to recognize that it's just part of life. Someone needs to teach her that resentment is letting someone live in your head rent free. Just brush that shit off and go on with your fucking day already.
maybe the problem is that she was forced to poo in loo? poor pajeena all she wanted was a designated street
>lone barometer
I read this as "no other person's personal experiences could possibly matter so I am the grand arbiter of women in tech."
>Sowmya: [weeks of emotional turmoil, crying herself to sleep, twisting up her life because of this etc.
When I read that I felt like I skipped a few major chapters of some story.
>One Infinite Loo
>no designated shitting points
>muh minority
fucking curry niggers.
Did she explain how in the blue Hell she managed to be harassed for her minority status in literally the one state of America that is so SJW it now wants to secede from the rest of it, and in a company owned by a gay man?
>minority status
I meant social minority, not within Apple.
That said, if we're playing that game
>1 in 3 = 33%
>Minority: dictionary.com
>I'm indian
Stopped reading there.
> mess-hiring pajeets was a mistake
> gender quotas were a mistake
>Head of Google is Pajeet
>Head of Microsoft is Pajeet
>both hiring boatloads of Pajeets
>try to make fun of Apple for having some pajeet number crunchers somewhere in the company where they belong
>not seeing Apple is the most white and triggering company there is
>not a single Pajeet in charge of any department
>all white executives
Does it hurt that you have to dehumanize yourself in order to try and make a company look bad? We all know you're a Pajeet.
>defending a company started by a pajeet sandnigger syrian
Does it hurt that you have to dehumanize yourself in order to try and make other companys look bad? We all know you're a Pajeet.
>often felt like a lone barometer
>I'm like three minorities combined
>muh triple opressiuuunnn
Thanks Murica, fucking shitlord burgerland joke of a country. Thanks to all of you we will have to put up with useless sacks of shit that will call gender or race each time someone questions their work.
>minority in tech
>ParrotBotJeet still copypasting posts and dehumanizing himself
Your 'Apple triggers me' folder is awfully light. Doesn't that 10GB HDD hold much?
>t. iPajeet
Why is it the Pajeets and Muslims always claiming to be oppressed, I mean they got the chance to leave their shithole country and yet the keep complaining even though the amount of opportunities they had and have already.
Actual curryniggers rarely complain. Sandniggers are the ones crying about everything and "muh allah is offended".
That and niggers.