>want to send friends a magnet link
>it's long as fuck
>url shorteners don't accept it
>want to send friends a magnet link
>it's long as fuck
>url shorteners don't accept it
>there are magnet link shorteners
>that's ridden with malware ads and shit
>malwarebytes goes crazy blocking everything when I visit them
fucking hell
paste the link in a textfile and upload it to a pomf clone
>what is base64 encoding
How big is the file?
Because if it's under 100MB then sending it through mixtape.moe would be a far better idea.
almost 2gb
>using magnet links instead of just the hash
>Age of copy paste
>Magnet link is too long
Hmm well in that case it seems better to just send the torrent file through mixtape.moe.
Maybe zip it in a password protected file if it's pirated stuff.
Post it here and send your friend the link to your post on Sup Forums.
I only have a magnet link though. can I somehow extract a torrent file from qbittorrent from a torren that was downloaded using magnet?
Yes, you can do that too.
But why not just use the hash?
Qbittorrent can download just from the hash.
Probably, yeah. Tixati can do this by right clicking on the download and hitting "save as".
>But why not just use the hash?
>Qbittorrent can download just from the hash.
I don't know how, but the magnet link also includes all trackers.
Nigger the hash has the lowest chance of working. It's good for emergency situations but I don't see why OP can't send them the torrent file directly.
>want to send friends a magnet link
>it's long as fuck
So what's the problem? I've sent those via facebook messenger and whatsapp no issues.
You could also sent it by email.
Just how long are we talking and what shitty service are you using that can't send it?
>I don't see why OP can't send them the torrent file directly.
I never had a torrent file, and qbittorrent doesn't let me create one from one of the torrents I've downloaded (through a magnet link)
>using trackers instead of DHT and PeX
why not both? sometimes a torrent seems dead until I add a new tracker to it
Go to Download Options and there should be checkboxes about saving the torrent files, use them.
I see, but this is not really what I'm after, as this is about keeping all torrent files forever, but I just want to have them after I decide to share them. why can't it just create one?