Anyone know any good materials to learn Python quick? I recently went through a breakup and I want something to occupy my time
Newbie learning Python
the tutorial on the official website is good, but really the best way imo to learn a language is to do some project in python, that way you actually get something done and learn much faster.
or torrent pdfs
projeceuler is the best way
truly teaches you how to think not how to meme tutorials software engineering is like a baby facet of programming - programming is ultimately solving problems. the harder the problem, the more you think, the more you get outside the box and learn how to logic like a motherfucker.
this is the best way to learn python:
Challenging, but you learn a lot in a short time and if you are stuck you can view the answers
dude you're a fucking cuckold. quit posting intro to cs bullshit memes.
project euler problems, build a bit torrent client, build a fucking literal robot. do this in a few months and you're probably a better programmer then most university students. no offense but this edu meme has got to fucking end or ill end it with them.
how is a complete newbie supposed to get on with solving challenges?
just like i do. you fucking figure it out thats what i do and everything ive built i hacked together im hacking together stuff right now.
for i in numlist:
if i == '\n':
if i == ' ':
newlist = []
this = str()
count = 0
for i in numlist:
this += i
count += 1
if count == 2:
count = 0
this = str()
x, y = 0, 20
array = []
while y < 420:
x += 20
y += 20
>build a bit torrent client
>build a fucking literal robot
lol ya these are just great recommendations for someone w no experience.
OP I would recommend Learn Python the Hard Way. it takes a bit of a different approach to programming. teaches it more like learning an instrument (ie muscle memory). really drives home the basics.
Stop that idiocy, project euler is useless for someone who don't know the basics of programming.
Goin by your logic he might as well tell them to create a OS and their own programming language straight from Assembly. That will make him better than solving project euler exercises and building a torrent client.
>recommending Learn Python the Bad Way
>OP I would recommend Learn Python the Hard Way. it takes a bit of a different approach to programming. teaches it more like learning an instrument (ie muscle memory). really drives home the basics.
Great book, except it's teaching python 2.7 which is a depreciated version that is not under development anymore.
a new contender on who can be the biggest kek dear god please dont recommend meme tier books by programmers who think python3 is shit. i use python3.
programmers are unique we dont need to be told how to build shit we figure it out ourselves and as a new programmer i wasnt afraid ot learn how to build a bit torrent client nor project euler problems.
he wants to focus his mind and solve problems be challenged not told to type things into terminal like a cuck.
didn't know that. read it about 3 years ago. I maybe take back my recommendation
>basics of programming
variable declaration
i bet you can solve the first twenty problems with just them concept.s
easy there pajeet. everyone is different.
without even knowing variable declaration,
lists, loops or syntax?
Project Euler is for people who know a programming language
Nobody asked for the story of your life buddy
If you want videos, I'd say DarakBanas on YouTube
>start here
>no no no no no, start there
>nope, trust me OP start right here instead
>hey wait, have you considered [...]?
You're not dead enough inside. Come back here when relationships and breakups no longer have any effect on you.
except your removing from numlist doesnt work.
it will skip some the elements immediately after you removed one.
a = [1,2,3,4]
for i in a:
a is now [2,4]
use filter intead,
filter(lambda el:el not in {' ','\n'}, numlist)
or iterate over a copy and change the original if you need to
read yourself into the functional programming aspects of python because that thing where you join string and add them to a list can also be done better:
newlist = map(lamba intuple: "".join(*intuple), zip(numlist[0::2],numlist[1::2])
and the third block could be:
array = map(lambda pos:newlist[pos:pos+20],range(0,420,20)
you don't need the y-coordinate since its always twenty more than x anyway
(if your using python 3, you need to list() the end results though)
That sounds like me, does that mean I have what it takes?
Think Python 2e
Free pdf download, very good and noob friendly, it covers python 3
Never ever read anything from the learn the hard way series, it's total shit