Is lock picking Sup Forums-related?

Is lock picking Sup Forums-related?
Can't really think of any other board for it.

locks are a technology, so umm, yeah, lock picking is a Sup Forums topic


sending him to "wrestling general" containment board...please user

there are a few people on this board with the hobby. Never really talked much about it in a general thread before

i would like a general about this topic

You probably only need half of those tools. The picks and the rakes of course, the ball picks are a waste of time unless you're a babby.

I've always been interested in learning lockpicking

I don't want to torrent any pdfs thought because I don't want to end up on another watch list

could you link me a cheap set on aliexpress?
i would like to start this hobbie with my normie locks

Is it ilegall? theres alot of chanel on youtube posting about this and making tutos

I suppose so. It can also be diy. I had to teach myself and even then I'm not very good.

It's not by itself
But I have downloaded a lot of stuff on weaponry and self-defense and whatnots in the past. Those plus this probably doesn't make me look like the sanest people in the room

It is in most places. Unless you are a locksmith and it is for a specific job.

It's not illegal but if you search lockpicking related stuff you will get flagged in some NSA database as potential criminal.

This ilegal/legal stuf afects hobbies very hard, instead on focusing on the hobbie people get scared and start discusing none related things

I see it alot on HAM forums, instead of telling you how it works they start "ILLEGAL MUUU, BAD REP FOR LICENCED HAM USER" and so on

English motherfucker

I see your point, but if your hobby is making fireworks, someone might very well reasonably be worried about you burning down the neighborhood
Not to mention if you aren't white

I never knew that there were forums dedicated to hams and curing meat. interesting to know.


Actually this thread had perfect timing. My little brother (12) recently became interested in learning to lockpick. He started with a little masterlock and a paperclip and figured it out watching youtube videos. I want to get him a beginner's kit or something along those lines as a christmas gift. Can someone who knows about it lockpicking suggest something between 20 and 30 dollars that would get him started?


reddit is 10x better than this place, fuck what anyone here says
try to discuss an actual topic like this? it either gets forgotten or trolled to the last page

reddit has every type of nice topic you can imagine

I know how to pick a few kinds of locks pretty easily, and how to break into cars n shit. I wouldn't say its a hobby or something I do often, but it has saved me a few times. Instances where I've forgot my keys in my house or car for example.

Useful skill to have, but I dont really know how to apply to something as a hobby or leisure activity

Just buy some locks and mess with them while you're bored as fuck or inbetween doing other things.

>waiting for code to compile?
>fiddle with a lock
>waiting for people to respond to your low effort shitposting?
>fiddle with a lock

>Using Picks
>Not getting certs and buying a autopicker

I actually made my own lockpicking tools once. I shaved the sides of an allen wrench down flat to use as a tensioning tool. Then I shaped the tough metal wire arm from one of those black office clip things that you use to hold larger stacks of paper together into the pick itself. You know the ones they use when a normal paper clip just wont cut it. I had a nice keyed padlock that I got very good at picking. It had 5 tumblers in it.

I even tried it on my front door (not the dead bolt, the regular lock), but at best I could only get about half of them picked without it slipping and resetting. Picking that padlock was almost therapeutic at times though.


give it back jamal