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>page 3 >going 1 page an hour >OH I KNOW ILL MAKE A NEW THREAD retard
Jason Richardson
yo, wheres the upvote feature? i want everyone to be able to see this comment
Christian Cruz
why does every thread have to start with shitposting kill yourselves, you make linux look like the league of legends general on /vg/
Charles Hill
just tell me where the feature is.
Charles Collins
why is the linux community so toxic?
Joshua Peterson
why wont you tell me? also this general have been on a strong decline. i cant even the remember the last time someone came with a valid question
Henry Wilson
Many wintoddlers frequent ITT, it's no wonder edgy ones would kill to post their dankest baits first
And the thread just reflects the kind of people shitposts here
Ayden Lewis
Stop namefagging.
Jaxon Carter
don't agree with me i dislike you too namefag
Jacob Miller
Oh boy here we go again
Parker Price
see: this isn't reddit
Camden Diaz
maybe a new rule to the website should finally be implemented if it derails discussion so much. oh wait i know, how about "using names/trips when it is irrelevant to the discussion" being a bannable offense
Ethan Peterson
Does my name tickle your autism?
Joshua Cooper
This is a friendly thread. Please be friendly.
Kayden Cox
are you guys the 'neo'-neo-Sup Forums? get used to it already.
Michael Sanchez
Literally the main reason I use Unity (Ubuntu) is because it's hardware-accelerated/composited out of the box
Are those WMs like Awesome or i3 also hardware accelerated/composited or can they be? I didn't like how Xfeces was clunky to set up for compositing even though I got it working okay with Compton.
(didn't get a clear answer to this in the last thread)
Charles Nguyen
>chrome >whatsapp heh
Christian Robinson
fuck off back to R[spoiler][/spoiler]eddit.
Lincoln Perry
Does it bother you?
Ryan Clark
Toxic? Never seen it. We are fuwafuwa and kirakira.
Elijah Sanchez
>using spoilers i take that as an extremely loud 'yes'
Luis Hall
>hurr durr reddit iz bad XDDDDDDD Time to go back to Sup Forums, little faggot
Jace Morales
He uses spoilers because he's used to Sup Forums
Carson Anderson
cry more, people will always continue to complain nothing you can do to stop it
Austin Parker
>cry more, people will always continue to complain nothing you can do to stop it nice reversal! i almost thought i was crying.
Andrew Diaz
I can always start tripfagging on that case.
I LOVE angering autistic toddlers
Evan Campbell
Matthew Reyes
It's hard to not take the fucking b8.
Charles Turner
>I didn't like how Xfeces was clunky to set up for compositing
>clicking one checkbox is "clunky to set up"
typical braindead xfce hater
Juan Foster
If you don't use systemd you're just a hipster luddite afraid of progress.
Cooper Parker
Adam Roberts
>wasting your first post of the thread on this
Kayden Sanchez
I don't care if you are too hip for systemd. But just don't even try to shove your sophisticated UNIX philosophy in others' way
Joseph Butler
You need to install compton and start it in .xinitrc to use compositing with i3 and awesome.
John Morales
This will be the real Donald again after 2020.
Jacob Hill
Zachary Rogers
Robert Green
>> That SJW friendly bot made me leave that board permanently
Blake Hill
>t. KDE women
Nicholas Jackson
I used xfeces for about 2 full years, I'm hardly a random hater, I hate it because I used it and it was clunky shit. Thanks, didn't realize it would just be compton across all WMs but that makes sense I guess. I don't rice much which is why I don't know all this cool stuff, which is also why I was glad Ubongo just did it out of the box.
People who shit on Ubuntu really don't get why millions flock to it, it's the reasonably good default setup, pure and simple.
Justin Gutierrez
>he's using a DE Are people really too retarded to choose their own applications? I understand that a DE with tandom terminal, random browser, text editor etc is useful for newcomers, but why would a poweruser brack baout "my DE is better than yours"? Grow up and choose your own software faggets.
Logan Gomez
I'm on Arch btw
Jace Fisher
read this you arch niglet >which is also why I was glad Ubongo just did it out of the box. >People who shit on Ubuntu really don't get why millions flock to it, it's the reasonably good default setup, pure and simple. Then triple-kill yourself
Hudson Flores
Why would a power user brag about being able to choose his own software?
Jordan Rodriguez
I'm looking to buy a laptop when I go abroad to work. Which would be a good one, to allow me to do some programming while also serve as a work laptop for ubuntu?
Brayden Cox
What kind of laptop that runs Ubuntu wouldn't allow you to do some programming?
Gabriel Thomas
Thinkpads have good linux support. Stay away from surface pro, it has poor linux support. Hope that helps.
Nathan Wilson
Wait sorry, what I meant was, if you can recommend me one that will run good in the ~1k range.
Nolan Cruz
Vim question, don't know where else to ask. Does anyone know if I can map a key to a command but make it not actually run until I hit enter? I want to basically be able to bring up :tabe in normal mode when I hit a key instead of actually typing :tabe.
Ian Adams
what the hell is debian's excuse for staying on such old kernels?
Ayden Robinson
>muh stability
Christopher Cook
Does anyone else here use livestreamer? It keeps suddenly close the stream on me and I can't figure out why.
Michael Ward
Caleb Russell
>league of legends is in the AUR That's pretty cool.
Brandon Cruz
Angel Howard
i use arch, if that matters
Kayden Sanchez
There is none
Dominic Walker
Jack Wilson
Stop namefagging.
Wyatt Cook
Holy fuck lol Thanks based AUR
Eli Hall
I'm using a browser called surf from How do I make it my default browser?
Gavin Sanders
install gentoo
Oliver Scott
Does it trigger you?
Ryan Williams
Older does not mean bad.
Lincoln Diaz
4.8 is old?
Alexander Brown
Yeah it is bad. For people that don't use poorfag hardware from the past decade.
Jackson Powell
debian ships with 3.16
Jayden Flores
If you honestly must use a newer kernel and you cannot upgrade it yourself. I simply do not know what to say other than you belong on Sup Forums.
Blake Johnson
They are older, buts its not like they aren't maintained. They get security fixes and select backports from newer kernels. If you want new packages, you should use debian sid, although you are giving up some stability.
Jaxson Wood
Stable maybe. But why would you use it for the desktop? Sid is recommended for desktop use.
Isaac Brooks
What's the point of an up to date kernel when y your mesa is from the stoneage?
Jordan Jackson
I'd rather use the latest software packages with the latest kernel instead of poorly put together ancient piece of shit distro in a superficial delusion of ""((stability))""
Joshua Hill
>I'm a shitposting namefag who has no idea what I'm doing so I need my hand held the entire time.
Jack Adams
>it's another scene of debian-is-outdated memes So boring.
Evan Cox
Whats the point of mesa when you are running thousands of debian servers?
Also compiling mesa isn't that hard.
Charles Stewart
>poorly put together ancient piece of shit distro yep, goverments, the nasa, etc all run arch because le fresh packages :^)
Angel Nguyen
>top new Linux
I don't get it.
William Miller
The NASA actually lvld up to Ubuntu.
Jack Morales
Oh look who we got here, NASA himself Lel
Enjoying your 2.16 kernel?
Kevin Williams
You've clearly never run anything at scale if you think brand spanking new kernels are stable.
Yeah it may only suffer 1 crash every 2 years, but if you are running data centers worth of servers, that means you'll spend all day, every day, putting out fires instead of building new things.
Christopher Green
Noah Thomas
Does a good alternative for livestreamer exist? It keeps interrupting videos.
Jose Rogers
Data servers use older kernel because they don't update and the older kernels do not have hot patching
Michael Gray
which is basically debian with added shuttlecock
Adrian Bennett
Ryder Wood
It keeps closing mpv on me even if I say player-no-close. I have no idea what it's doing this because it shouldn't.
Isaiah Watson
Could you please explain why you're acting like Debian Sid doesn't exist, which is up-to-date like Arch Linux?
Jaxson Rodriguez
Owen Russell
Debian Sid has no security advisories/patches. It's even in their website.
Logan Gray
He's a troll who enjoys triggering people. Just don't reply and enjoy your day.
Gavin Williams
This. Namefags are subhuman and you really shouldn't reply to them in the first place.
Jace Parker
pls respond
Angel Young
Yeah , I got the exact same problem sa you.
Colton Wood
wtf I hate debian now
Kevin Rivera
I want to stream videos not to download them.
Adam Ortiz
mpv uses youtube-dl to stream.
Julian Harris
Then stream them. Use youtube-dl and a player.
Brayden Green
>i don't know how things work in enterprise It doesn't really matter what your desktop runs but I want stable over all the servers, it's also easy as hell to patch stuff yourself but I guess you are far away from that.