What the h*ck?!
Western Digital has sent me three DOA hard drives in a row.
Why do people still buy their shit? What good is a five year warranty when it doesn't last 5 months?
I'm buying Hitachi
What the h*ck?!
Western Digital has sent me three DOA hard drives in a row.
Why do people still buy their shit? What good is a five year warranty when it doesn't last 5 months?
I'm buying Hitachi
Mine is 3 years going strong.
>Western Digital has sent me three DOA hard drives in a row
You buy hard drives directly from Western Digital? Do you mean to say the store you bought them from sent you DOA drives?
>What good is a five year warranty when it doesn't last 5 months?
It's good for a full refund.
>censoring the pussified version of a word
go to fucking hell OP i hope you fucking die you re the biggest pussy on the face of this planet
7 years
No problem here :^)
Bought in 2007
>98% of all problems are due to user error
Less than 1 in 1,000,000 drives fails out of the box due to hardware failure. Whats more likely, winning the lotto 3 times in a row or the fact that you're a dipshit who does know how to hook up a hard drive?
And to think, I used to wonder why people posted, "Works fine for me!"
Or shipping done did the problem?
>Nu Sup Forums
>Giving any sort of a fuck about single drive failure
It's still covered by warranty, get a new one and then let it resilver. It's pretty quick with RAID10. Why is an individual drive dying such a huge deal? Worst case scenario, restore from your NAS or offsite backups.
Nu Sup Forums doesnt make backups though.
D*mn nigga
Full refund? Lad they give you refurbished drives
wtf i like feet now
too bad most 3D feet are fucking ugly
>he doesn't watch CP for the fine loli feet
Well, yeah, most 3D are fucking ugly in like, every situation you can think of. From feet to toes to soles.
Except her, photoshop makes every girl a cute
Well one quick way to tell if they're not ugly is to see if the fingers aren't sausages, but most pretty feet are butterfaces anyways.
why can't she paint her nails
How fucking stupid does a person need to be to make such an abhorrent post?
>Refurb = Full refund
Lol okay :^)
Refurbished drives are rarely DOA.
OP was probably buying from a store that shipped the drives with carriers who damaged them.
I want to suck on her cute little toes while she blushes and squirms
Mine is 8 years old and works fine.
Tfw would love to use a hitachi while touching her feet
>seagate hybrid hdd user here
>I'm buying Hitachi
>buying your hard drives from the same company as your mom's vibrator
>I'm buying Hitachi
hitachi a western digital company
cant tell if b8 or genuinly retarded.
Me in the pic
Moar like that, bitte.
My Caviar Black 2TB is just starting to fail after 6 years.
Anyone want to upscale the picture while keeping the native size quality?