Swiftkey or Google Keyboard? Which Is better for multilingual usage and also which is less botnet?
Swiftkey or Google Keyboard? Which Is better for multilingual usage and also which is less botnet?
I ditched Swiftkey in favor of the new Gboard just today. They're pretty much on par now, but Gboard looks nicer imho.
>not using Kika
Yeah OP here I've done the same send currently testing
Don't know that one but looks like normie shit desu
Who Fleksy masterrace here?
All SwiftKey themes are now free. That may be a good reason to go back to it.
>Swiftkey or Google Keyboard? Which Is better for multilingual usage and also which is less botnet?
Deny internet access for SwiftKey or Google keyboard using Privacy Guard or a firewall app - that's the most you can do to prevent them from transmitting any data to Microsoft or Google.
What does Microsoft have to do with either keyboards?
Don't you know that Microsoft acquired SwiftKey recently?
But which keyboard has better predictions/suggestions?
SwiftKey, cause multilingual suggestions that make sense for me. And bought it before it was free, so long term user.
What the fuck they changed Google keyboard with today's update
They finally let you always show the number row!
Didn't know that. Good thing I'm using v4.4.2.
SwiftKey without a doubt.
I cant log into boogle to get the free themes the fuck
Why does SwiftKey fuck it up so bad
They added an AI gaydar. I have bad news for you...
Swiftkey has free themes now and you can change that hideous Pink Gboard theme in the settings user
I have been a Swiftkey user for a long time basically for multi linguage support but I'll give the new Gboard a try also. For people who've used both which is better and why?
Isn't a botnet like Big G is