whatever happened to hydra?, that thing to sort pictures and tag them?, I can't find anything about it, did it die like tox?
Whatever happened to hydra?, that thing to sort pictures and tag them?, I can't find anything about it...
Other urls found in this thread:
does she have a penis?
Alive and well, the dev posts frequently on their board. and pushes out updates weekly, filling many requests.
It's hard as fuck for me to find tone/fit girls in adult videos. That's not fair.
Doubt it
A tranny can't have boobs like that without spending like 50 grand
No wonder I didn't find shit, I got the name absolutely wrong.
Thank you user, bookmarked to hell and back, now please let this thread die.
It doesn't matter.
It does matter.
I haven't looked into it because if it turns out to be true I think I'll finally snap but I heard about someone in another country getting government insurance to cover surgery for things like that. I cant cope with such a reality where boobjobs are paid for by citizen taxes.
Jerk off to what makes you horny, why even question it.
>a tranny can't have fake boobs because they cost money, just like the whole sex reassignment thing
Are you fucking stupid? Gas yourself.
>I cant cope with such a reality where boobjobs are paid for by citizen taxes.
In yuroland there are much much worse things they pay for through taxation
t. expert on tranny boobs
Can it be used to automatically sort and organize memes?
Post more pics of her dammit!
>I cant cope with such a reality where boobjobs are paid for by citizen taxes
Why? It's a public service that you benefit from just like roads
So right now it can be hooked up to tag repositories, the developer hosts a public one which is more or less the global thing everyone should probably use but you can host your own or not use one at all if you like. Depending on what you have and what other people are tagging you could essentially have anywhere from all to none of your images tagged automatically, in the future if those tags are modified/added you'll get those updates too. With the PTR(public tag repo) it's a community effort for building an objective tag repositroy much like booru sites but without restrictions/fragmentation on the content. Any subjective tags can be kept local and you can search though any or all tag repositories when doing a search.
It sounds more complicated than it is, you just add the ptr, import your shit, tags stuff locally and optionally copy objective tags to the PTR so other people get them while you get theirs.
In the future the dev plans on adding an auto tagging system that utilizes AI. Similar to this
You upload an anime image and it guesses the tags.
pic related
How is this man not working at Google or Microsoft making $300,000 a year
If you could, please tell this dev to have some indication that it's importing tags. I'd like just to have an updater say "importing from X repo @ Y speed". Otherwise I'm kind of in the dark. I added the public repos for tags and files and have no idea if it's doing anything.
By default, it only does that kind of work when it's idle and shows that in the statusbar, you can force idle in the menu through Help>Debug>Force Idle Mode. The other time it does this is on shutdown contextually where it will display the status in a splash-like window. The best thing to do is just leave it on while you're away and it will take care of itself. See my note below though
The dev is very active on the *autoban word* board and responds to most people.
I think it's in the documentation but I should have mentioned, importing the PTR from 0 takes a very long time, not so much the transfer but the processing, the dev offers downloads on the board so you don't have to set up the ptr yourself or do any of the processing, you just extract it and you''ll be much more up to date.
Before doing that though you'd want to make sure you remove the PTR first if you already set it up so that you don't accidentally have duplicates, I know I had that issue before but I never reported it because I am lazy.
I forgot to mention too, when you close the client it will ask you if you want to do maintenance for X minutes, that time is configurable in the options, "maintenance" means syncing repos and tending to the database, but it interrupts itself when the time is up, it won't take any more time than you allow, if you want it to run forever until it's done just force idle mode and leave the client running, make sure to turn idle mode off when you're done so that it doesn't stress itslef while you're using it later.
>boob jobs are a public service
wtf that retarded ass door holy shit.
hopefully one day in the near future there won't be any guys left so I can have all the girls