What kind of chair do you guys recommend? Mine broke
I want to buy it online at a decent price (
What kind of chair do you guys recommend? Mine broke
I want to buy it online at a decent price (
How the hell did that happen? I'm sitting in the same chair, and have been for 6 years.
I learned the hard way that office chairs aren't mad for rough masturbation.
fat fucker, stop eating cheetos
that's not my picture, the back of mine is just leaning heavily in one direction and sucks to sit in but it's the same type of chair
205 down from 270 I haven't eaten a cheeto in over a year now
I want to masturbate Youmu
Damn I have exactly the same chair. ;-;
I had the same chair and it broke in the same way.
The bottom (ass part) and the upper part (your back) are held together by two plastic parts. And as everybody knows, some cheap Chinese plastic materials lose it's parameters during time.
So it is timed bomb. But at least, only one part will break with great sound, but you are still safe because the other part will stay so you aren't risking injury.
As I told, it is timed bomb. In the plastic parts isn't single piece of metal. Just lay back and enjoy :-)
I'm a fat fuck and this is the only chair that's ever lasted more than a year for me. I've had mine about 3 years now, have taken it up and down stairs and to lan parties, and it's still going strong.
Definitely recommend it.
>paying more than $50USD for a fucking chair
Some of the reviews suggest this chair is made of particle board with fabric stapled over it.
>being so poor you can't afford to care about your back
My friend says these ergonomic chairs are good for autofellatio, if you're into that.
my chair right now
I use an orange crate with a pillow
so is it a meme?
yes :(
I fucking bought one of these POS and I'm too fat to use it.
This is fucking stupid.
wooden kitchen chair with a hoody to sit on.
just not ikea ok
probably the closest youll get to a real ergonomic chair
That's just what happens when you're a fat fuck. Lose some weight first before destroying another perfectly good chair with the overwhelming mass of your lard.
Buy a knoll or steelcase or herman miller from madison seating or something
For $200 the best thing to do is to find a nearby used office furniture store and buy a nice used steelcase chair for around $200
They are a million times better built than anything you'd get new for $200 at amazon or whatever.
looks broke fammo
couch/table/lower back pain master race
why does her hair have a testicle?
i'm thinking of buying one of those gaming chairs that cost $500 because it supports up to 400 pounds and i'm pretty sure i'm on 350 or so.
Kinda related to this thread. The fake leather of my chair has been to peel off.
Anyone else has the same problem? What did you do? Didn't care at all?
Wrapped the seat in some kind of lining?
You can just buy some hardware and fix it.
This is my chair
I can also relate to this, have a chair here where the leather is peeling off, and one arm rest has broken off so I've removed the other side as well, now it leans back too much to be healthy
Hey dumbasses, you could have prevented this. This fucking knob allows you to lean back further.
Negan's first chair
>tfw the only chair you had during your entire childhood was one of these pieces of shit
Ruined gaming and computers for me
Be very careful about considering the cheap stuff
Just go to Walmart, poorfag
I have this one
Did he dead?