how do people use this piece of shit
How do people use this piece of shit
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very freely
Very carefully
With windows 10
By using it in anger for a long time and now relying on too many of its features and idiosyncrasies to switch to something sane.
With a mouse and keyboard, next question.
Liberal arts manles can't even shitpost properly.
They derive a sort of masochistic pleasure from using it
Why not just pirate Photoshop?
they don't.
it's literally the most counter-intuitive piece of fucking software I've seen in almost a decade.
How do you even change the size of your paintbrush on this dog shit
Launch it.
Use it.
Try a new thing every now & then.
So unintuitive
How do you get there?
If you didn't fuck with the default settings when you first started GIMP, it'll appear when you select the brush tool. Else Windows>Dockable Dialogs>Tool Options. You can then drag the tab around to where you want to set it or have it as a floating window.
how do people use this piece of shit
Adobe: ctrl+T
Align tool
Move tool
Crop tool
Rotate tool
Perspective tool
Shear tool
Flip tool
Cage tool
Seriously wtf GIMP
Because you don't want everything you create to be owned by Adobe.
By deleting it and installing photoshop
Because not everyone likes to have malware installed on their computer.
>By using it in anger for a long time and now relying on too many of its features and idiosyncrasies to switch to something sane
holy shit this is true in a much wider sense than just gimp or even computer programs with most people ......
unlike you, we're not retarded.
GIMP is usable, but photoshop is superior in pretty much every practical way.
Most people don't, they use Photoshop in VM
Krita wrong won't let me adjust my selection after I make it, which is obnoxious.
You are too dumb. Again.
why are there so many unironic shills on Sup Forums
I pretty much use it to screencap posts, and nothing else. Works just fine for that.
Not everyone is into art shit. If you are, it's worth getting something that supports what you need.
>MSPaint masterrace
wow that perfectly describes my relation with my gf
why not use a decent screenshot tool?
gimp is overkill for pretty much everything Sup Forumstards do with it.
At least they got the name right, describes it pretty accurately
>tfw had to use GIMP at high school
Old paint shop pro had the best interface and shortcuts.
Paintshop is decent.
GIMP is utter shit, they could copy from psp or ps but no, they have to be fucking cancerous faggots and do things the wrong way.
Really like it, but the lack of non-destructive effects bothers me. Also, the clone and healing tools should be more feature rich/precise. These are just minor inconveniences, tho. For pure image editing, it's great.
still using PSP 7
I can't believe things are in a different place than they are in photoshop! Worst piece of shit software I've ever used!