tell me one good reason why I should spend time and hundreds buying after market parts to build a shit Rig that might not work if I could just get one of these for the same price with a m&k?
Is building computers a meme?
>just get one of these for the same price
>same price
> might not work
you know the pre-builts have to be built in the first place, right? the only difference is that they are tested before sale.
if something doesn't work out (unlikely, unless you're a retard) you can always return the parts given you ordered from some kind of reputable retailer.
what is the point of this post?
>he didn't personally assemble every single molecule of his computer including all of the molecules comprising the tools required to collect said molecules
fucking get on my level plebs
>not buying a prebuilt on sale for $200 off retail
also, if the price is the same, you're correct: there is no point, unless you need it to meet specifics about upgradability and form-factor.
>is building a pc that will cost you half the price of a pre-built a meme
>if something doesn't work out (unlikely, unless you're a retard) you can always return the parts given you ordered from some kind of reputable retailer.
isnt it just much simpler to return the product? with prebuilts you get a warranty that covers the entire product from one manufacturer or vendor. you dont have to hassle around trying to figure out what could have gone wrong just plug and play like a console its peace of mind.
And you'd still overspend.
It takes maybe an hour to put together a computer, and maybe another hour or two if you really want to do some good cable management.
>that might not work
If you can't put together a basic computer (mobo, CPU, GPU, storage, RAM, PSU) and actually get it to work what the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums? If that's the case no one cares what you waste mommy's money on.
>same price
That's fucking hilarious.
yes this is literally the biggest and oldest meme with PC gaymers. Stores offer huge discounts around the end of the year. But I understand that theres a certain amount of pride that comes in building a 10 piece Lego set.
>You become a grown up.
>The whole "PC Masterrace!!!" shit is tired and unfunny
>friends want to game with you, but literally everyone shits on prebuilts
>Either you build one for them or they won't play
Yeah, the masterrace shit is everything I wanted it to be. Paying loads of money just so I can play the next unoptimized AAA game at (hopefully) 60fps or some old ass shit I could have played on a Smart toaster.
I'm glad those prebuilt formfactors are making a tiny bit of headway. Least I can say to my friends "You can get a form factor PC, because it's the compact size you're mostly paying for and it makes up for the parts!". Just so I can get them to even think about playing with me.
whats your point? If you factor in the included M&K, Non OEM software, store discount and manufacturer warranty you literally break even
>tell me one good reason why I should spend time
Assembly and installing the OS/drivers only takes like 1 hour. And you only have to do this once.
> and hundreds buying after market parts to build a shit Rig
This is why you first define your budget, objective (gaymen, video editing, light use).
>that might not work
The chance of this happening is pretty pow and on par with DOAs you can get with pre-built PCs.
>if I could just get one of these for the same price with a m&k?
These things have horrible cooling, are overpriced, and usually can't be upgraded.
Anyway Give me a budget, objective, and I will give you a list of parts best suited for your build. You can also ask me anything about assembling desktop PCs. I have assembled over 10 by myself btw.
colour of parts > colour of clothes
>non OEM software
You mean that shit that you should remove anyway because it's all bloatware and it doesn't actually do anything for you?
>manufacturer warranty
The hardware comes with warranties too, dipshit.
>included M&K
The included keyboard and mouse are usually cheap shit you could buy for about $10 each.
Companies like Alienware and CyberPower usually add several hundred dollars for labor and an additional markup on the hardware. You're not going to get the same hardware for the same price buying a prebuilt, period.
Good point. I factored out the troubleshooting part.
>These things have horrible cooling, are overpriced, and usually can't be upgraded.
wrong unless you fell for the Alienware meme. Prebuilt Acers have good cooling aren't overpriced and GPU,RAM,HDD can always be upgraded later on
> Not building a Ryzen Rig
>The included keyboard and mouse are usually cheap shit you could buy for about $10 each.
not true. ASUS does not cheap out on parts. My keyboard feels almost as good as a mechanical.
>wrong unless you fell for the Alienware meme.
No, this applies to most prebuilts.
>Prebuilt Acers have good cooling
>aren't overpriced
Okay then go find me a prebuilt acer with an x4 860K @ 4.4 GHz that stays at 4.4 GHz even after running prime for an hour for less than $300. Good luck.
>and GPU,RAM,HDD can always be upgraded later on
The RAM and HDD probably but not the GPU or CPU. Try putting a GTX 1080 in a pre-built with a GTX 1060 and see what happens.
>PS2 keyboard in 201x
>Asus doesn't cheap out
You're fucking joking right mate?
>But I understand that theres a certain amount of pride that comes in building a 10 piece Lego set.
fucking kek
i remember how cool it was to build my first neon green rig and run crysis at 30fps and show it off to everyone thinking i was some kind of a genius
That is the exception, and even if those aren't ultra-cheap, they're still cheap.
>PS2 keyboard in 201x
your a fucking idiot
do some research before you post such stupid things
>i remember how cool it was to build my first neon green rig and run crysis at 30fps and show it off to everyone thinking i was some kind of a genius
You still are. Putting motherboard stand-offs and installing a CPU into its socket correctly and then installing a heatsink on top of it is still rocket science to like 80% of people out there.
This is why prebuilts are so popular.
0/10 bait
buying AYYMMD cpu was your first mistake. theres literally no bottlenecking a i5/i7 today
PS2 is much faster then USB and it allows for full nkey rollover
"PS/2 is like an expensive luxury watch: it's a nice feature, but you can really do without it. If you're faced with the choice and between PS/2 and USB and you already own a keyboard with advanced switching mechanisms (see the next chapter), PS/2 is still a good choice. Otherwise, USB is often just as good. To be honest, who really strikes six or more keys simultaneously and owns the kind of keyboard that can take advantage of PS/2?"
>buying AYYMMD cpu was your first mistake.
This would have been true in 2010 but it's 2016 now lad. GPU is more important than the CPU now.
In 2016 we have this super advanced alien technology called "DX12"
You do realize that usb 3.0 exists right?
come on now literally half the games today are cpu heavy and rely on DX11.
right in terms of latency usb 3.0 would cover the gap but it still doesn't support full NKRO. thats the reason that all high end motherboards today still have a PS2 port
True but the list of games that support/have adopted DX12 is slowly growing. Will you be signing the same tune when DX12 titles outnumber DX11 titles in a year or two?
A few months ago Sup Forums was laughing their ass off that only 1 or 2 games would use DX12, now we have close to 20 DX 12 games.
I've been assembling my own computers since 2002, and I've also assembled a fuckload of others, because I'm everyone's IT guy.
I assembled my very last computer last month. Never again!
>1. motherboard returned for another model - design fault
a chip was protruding at the back, so no custom backplate for heat sinks could be installed
>2. motherboard RMA - temp sensor issues
112-119 °C fake temps
>graphics card RMA - coil whine
had the PSU powering it since 2008, this was the first card with this issue, so it was the card's fault
>RAM RMA - not stable on XMP presets
turned out to be a chipset implementation fault of the 2. motherboard (fuck ASUS), the RAM sticks are perfect, no other mITX boards with sufficient specs, so got slower RAM sticks instead of another new mobo
>CASE RMA(!!!)
faulty SATA contact on hot swap bay
Seriously, what the fuck?!
You're either a complete moron or a liar.
So doing something that's fun is now a meme?
Sad how the word "meme" is so thoroughly overused it's just about the eyerolliest, facepalmiest thing there is right now.
Building & tweaking computers is fun and I don't give a fuck who thinks otherwise.
Exactly how does it make me a moron, that I keep getting faulty crap for my money?
Nah I've noticed now that building PCs is hip most shit had gotten terrible in terms of quality.
Gaymen culture has ruined a lot of that
Kek. That's why I don't bother buidling computers anymore. I grew out out of my gaymer phase and bought a compact HP. My last build was a SLImeme rig. Both the graphics cards failed and then the PSU went.
Almost all modern GPUs have coil whine loud as fuck. I've gone through three 980ti, one 780ti and they all whined under heavy loads. My HD 7950 build whines when I move the cursor on the fucking desktop
frames per second
otherwise its a meme, save for thinkpads
because theres nothing fun about it. The only thing thats fun is opening the boxes. its only fun if its your first build and your new to computers
Most of the time it's a PSU power delivery fault. Since that wasn't the case for me, because all previous cards were free of this issue, I suspected it was the card that was faulty. I haven't received a replacement yet, we'll see. I won't tolerate this kind of shit in my computer.
>Not just smashing atom with your bare hand to make molecules
I'm running a 750G2, it isn't the damn PSU.
So you've got a cheapo EVGA PSU that has superflower internals. That doesn't mean shit. Some Chieftec and FSP power supplies have this issue too.
do you know anything about coil whine? its literally just a probability thing
I don't even... can you even comprehend what you read?!
>literally a top tier PSU with perfect ripple suppression
What more is required for there to be no coil whine? If anything you're proving that guys point since even top tier supplies are now garbage.
being this anal about coil whine is some audiophile tier autismopower shit. Im talking cable stands autismo tier
Yes it is 100% a meme now
10 years ago it was smart
Now you can get way more for your money buying year old off lease business workstations
Only autistic people pickup on coil whine
>anyone who is not being a pleb with no fucking standards whatsoever like I am is an autist
well memed shitlord
the prices themselves now and days are mostly fine, but you have no control over how much money goes where in the system. also if you go with a pre built pc that cant house large graphics cards, that's retarded, and if you go with one that's not upgradable(such as alienware alpha), that's even more retarded.
>all these fags falling for shitty bait
>>Either you build one for them or they won't play
That's bullshit. And you don't have to tell them you got a prebuilt. Just say you bought on off some other guy who built it and was getting rid of it for his own rig.
>le meme
>le returning from le reddit once again
if you're rich enough that the extra money for a prebuilt doesn't matter then it is a meme
what if it also looks cool
If it is a new prebuilt you almost always are paying for windows, I am a pirate so fuck that. If you find a good used/refurbished/custom desktop pc online I'd say go for it, but you can't choose your parts exactly like you want to and will have to compensate for one part you don't like, but if you don't care then you don't care.