How do you pronounce "ASUS"?
I'm in the middle of an argument with two other people.
How do you pronounce "ASUS"?
I'm in the middle of an argument with two other people.
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It's pronounced like the asus in "le suis asus"
ayy - soos
Eh-Sus. It's the last two sylables of "Pegasus".
I'm not making this shit up.
like anus
It's eh-soos
Source: that's how the people at the company pronounce it.
Don't listen to these faggots it ayy-ses like in "cases".
I remember I looked up some sort of corporate or official video to hear how the employee pronounced it to learn the correct way
I always said it the wrong way, like ass-us
the correct way though, is ace-soos
It's short for Pegasus. You figure it out.
here in germany we say aaaaaaaahhhhsussss
whoa, I thought that logo was for snsv
It's A-SOOS'
Source: i called a white person in their tech support once
the same way their employees do
That's how their product manager or some big wig pronounced it
Shit man, thats pretty authoritative.
depends on the breathing mark on the initial A, could be a-sus or ja-sus
I know it's a-soos but I pronounce it as if it rhymed with "basis"
華 碩
huá shuò
Ayy suss
It's like the Spanish pronunciation of the name Jesus
so ah sus?
i'm used to calling it "ayy sus"(sus like in sustain) but most people i know refer to it as "ayy soos"(like boot or moose)
Ay-seuss is how every cunt pronounces it, but it sounds retarded.
Ay-sus is way better.
>tfw I won on the PG279Q lottery
>le undr8'd postz reit ere, m8
how is this not posted yet?
'Officially' I think it's A-Suse (like masseuse)
I think it sounds fucking retarded though, and call it ~A-Sus along with everyone I know in person.
This is the kind of things that amuse me about english. In spanish there is no doubt how to call it, while in english you need to create a thread just to understand that everyone will disagree.
Anyways, check in the FAQs on asus' webpage, i bet they have the answer.
ace - us
The official way is "ay soos" but the non-retarded way is "ay sus"
"Ass us"
>please, sir! Ass-us!
Or ass's. Like, something belonging to an ass.
(ass as in anus)
Ever listen to Mexicans pronounce Jesus in Spanish?
>How do you pronounce "ASUS"?
Just like ANUS
A-DrSeuss sounds stupid.
Ace Us, sounds better.
I dont care how its actually pronounced, because if its not Ace Us, then its automatically stupid and wrong.
she's kinda cute
>Bags under her eyes
>Pouty lips
>Massive nose in comparison to her face
Dude, your standards. (':
This b8 is almost good.