What languages did you learn during the course of your uni studies?
What languages did you learn during the course of your uni studies?
>Sup Forums ranking
>treats Sup Forums itself as the absolute subhuman tier
Yea is there a problem?
C++ Matlab BASIC and ASM
my uni taught me that you should know multiple programming languages and use the one most suited to the job at the time
C/C++, Python and C#.
pascal, VB, C, Python.
>Sup Forums tier
Holy kek
It's a meme you dip
Java, C#, Python and C.
Stallman says Lisp is the most powerful language.
sophomore computer engineer
so far, it's been
The visual basic was because I came in as an undeclared engineer and had to take a general engineering class, the language is fucking awful for anyone without experience with it
C was really light introductory stuff in the first year, really just a straight intro to classical programming
Java was still fairly introductory, but it went a lot more in depth with things like sorting algorithms
The one thing I really took away from the java class is that java hate is a meme, and that so many java programs are bad primarily because so many java programmers are bad
It's not a language I'd want to work in, but it's pretty robust and easy enough to use
so? something being a "meme" doesn't mean it's false or even not serious
if Sup Forums is its own shit tier then Sup Forums shouldn't be trusted to give an official language ranking.
Where is Golang?
Stallman is a stupid cuck who can't even install an OS. If you haven't figured that Stallman is basically a politician by now, you're retarded.
if you cant laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at.
Turing machines
Scan left
Scan Right
State tracker
If you see x character written in the cell do y operation.
>What languages did you learn during the course of your uni studies?
Fortran and Octave
I picked up C and Python afterwards.
but he wrote Linux...
Was your school 2poor4MATLAB?
>The visual basic was because I came in as an undeclared engineer and had to take a general engineering class, the language is fucking awful for anyone without experience with it
Why would you learn VB over Matlab? Even Fortran or Python would have been more relevant if your school is too poor for licenses.
(((Racket))), C, C++, Scala, Matlab so far
Matlab, Fortran, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and some Lua.
Mechanical engineering.
the funny thing is, they offer matlab in other courses
it was just a terrible class that mixed data management and graphing in excel with vba and some entry-level physics
oh god you poor deluded fool
run while you still can
I have also had to use PHP, C++, and Processing for projects, but I don't really remember anything about them.
I don't really see the point to learning many languages. If you know some basic concepts you should be able to find out how to do most anything (unless you're looking to try functional programming; I was interested for about an hour before I realized I'm an idiot and couldn't hope to write anything useful).
Intro/algorithms course used Java
Web Dev class used HTML, CSS, PHP, JS, and touched on Python
Within those we worked with Node.JS, Angular, and Laravel
Chem Eng classes heavily use MATLAB, I know it the most of any of these
C, C++, ASM, Java, Haskell, Ada and Chapel
Oh and python
VB (6.0, .Net), Pascal, C#, Python, and C.
VB and Pascal are my favourite.
Also gonna try to learn a bit Python for game development.
Been to three different schools here is how they compare at the "intro level".
School A (top 10):
>Intro: Python
>Data Structures: Java
School B:
>Intro: Java
>Intro II: Java
>Data Structures: Java
School C (prestigious school too):
>Intro: Java
>Intro II: Java
>Data Structures: Java
That being said the languages are just tools to teach you a process so the languages don't matter all that much
the basics of java and im already a senior
Weird. The school this was at was top 15
Back when I was playing MMORPGs I wrote hacking tools (mostly network sniffing and packet manipulation, nothing fancy) in fucking Visual fucking basic 6.0.
Fight me.
This VB6.0 was goat. Fuck .net
School A in my list is top 10 (ranked higher than 10 to give you a better idea). It was too expensive and I couldn't pay for courses any longer there...
Out of the three I attended they were the "quickest" in getting to data structures.
If you programmed before this would be the first course you'd take at this school. If you never programmed you'd take an intro to python course.
At school B, C you were at the very least required to take "intro II" before taking data structures... data structures at school B is considered a 400-level corse, at School C a 300-level class and at school A a 200-level class.
>Sup Forums tier
That would be Haskell, Lisp and C though.
Java, ASM, C
Then in a "comparative programming" class we learned Ruby, Haskell, and Prolog
DS/Algorithms was a 200 level here, but starting this year they split it into a 200 and 300 level course
I'm only a CS minor so I just had to take the 200 level
Why is racket so jew?
I will add that other languages are taught at all 3 of these school, C/ASM in Computer Organization for all three schools.
No language in Algorithms (math class)
No language in Automata theory (math)
SQL (data bases)
They pretty much all teach the same thing but different course content.
At the top 10 all homework problems for lower level courses are eq. to leetcode questions in addition to an 8-10 hour assignment.
We were flooded with those leetcode problems + assignments + programming quizzes + reading quizzes every week you'd easily spend 20+ hours doing all their requirements
the other schools were more relaxed with a 8-10 hour assignment only per week requirement.
the top 10 school trains you to ace the google / face book / etc interviews day 1 starting with the intro courses
What do you need so many languages for in Mechanical engineering?
Didn't study any CS related classes but have had to use Matlab, Python, Pascal and C++ during my studies including postgraduate.
Besides scripting languages literally C#, Java and PHP. I just finished my CS degree.
I studied Anime. I learned japanese.
>not learning to program before you get to uni
Garbage. The lot of you.
>I studied Anime
>Anime Major
Where did you studied?
To be honest I think my uni did it perfectly. Though before going to uni I knew basics of C++.
>programming 1 (intro)
Asm-based pseudolanguage, and then C
>programming 2
>programming 3
Besides those, we didn't really have many mandatory classes focused on learning a language. After those, they just assumed we can learn any language when needed, and during the course of studies, besides C, C++ and C#, so far I picked up (for course work, like projects etc):
>basics of x86 assembly
>basics of 8051 assembly
>basics of prolog
>basics of bash
>basics of awk
As for related things that aren't really programming languages:
>XAML (though you can include this with C#)
As far as I know, Lisp will be required on my next semester.
So, I'll say that my uni did force me to pick up quite a few languages, but they mostly assumed we would do it by ourselves, besides a few of them. I wish they didn't completely disregard functional programming (unless the lisp course is going to cover that), I'll have to pick up a functional language (I think haskell) if I don't want to remiain ignorant.
So, what this taught me is:
C# is the most convenient one for general purpose.
Java is C#, except more annoying and less modern, but will run on your fridge.
This is going to trigger a lot of people, but C is completely autistic and all (complex) C code is unmaintainable garbage. And POSIX API is autistic as well, with retarded function names like ftw (which is file tree walk, obvious, right?) - I guess that's because code size used to matter, but that's irrelevant now besides embedded systems.
C++ is better than C in any situation of you're not a moron and don't abuse the language's complexity when not needed. It somehow allows you to write even worse code than in C if you ignore the above.
>Matlab is great as long as you don't try OOP with it
>Python is pretty much a general use version of Matlab
>Web dev sucks ass
C, C++, Java, Assembly, and Matlab. As soon as I could, I purged Matlab from memory, and felt much better.
>tripfags are dumb
who woulda thunk
t. matlab pajeet
I did c++ and bottom three in high school
Python, C, C++, Java
Honestly user? Haven't coded in years, need to get back on that and brush up/re learn
Java, C, C++, Python, SQL
BASIC, best language hands down.
peek and poke my nigger
Not him, but both Solidworks and CATIA use VBA for macro support.
It's a shitty language that turns up absolutely fucking everywhere, similar to javascript.
fuck java
it's just bad unless you are developing phone apps or making something that is just all around light weight
>Purging matlab and not java
No, it's "why are jews so scheme'ng "
cobol, malbolge, lambda- tesseract, 8086 asm
Java, Python, Haskell, C# and JS.
I learned many during that time, but only because they interested me. At the uni nothing was properly thought, only some elements shown.
don't fall for the (((university))) meme. Nothing useful is taught there, only incompetent fucks show you parts of useful stuff, but you need to learn them properly for yourself.
They have shown parts of:
C# (this is fine, i love it and learned properly after whetting my apetite)
Matlab (only at hello world 1+1 level, but u knew it by that time already)
C++ (some reatard 90s version, the teacher teaching n00bs antipattern after antipattern. Already knew some of the languge by then, nothing new shown at uni, I don't know this lang properly)
C (same class as C++, thougt uselessly, look at my unreadable hierloglyph code and guess what it does meme, instead of focusing on the pifalls, why you should avod C, and if cannot how to use it effectively and safely. Already had 10+ years experience with the language. The teached did more harm to students than use)
16 bit protected mode x86 with segmented memory handling, and DOS and BIOS APIs. Useless shit. My luck is that I know some basic assembly and can read decompiled code t some extent, at a very slow pace.
Lesson: uni is useless, unless you do the search for sources and learning yourself. Most teachers at tech unis are at their positions since the 1980s, or are students who stayed there at a position and never saw the real world, and repeat the words told to them by the elders as fucking parrots.
Forgot to say:
Java (still at CS),
and PHP, bash, IDL but that was a different story (IDL is a fucking proprietrary hell)
Prolog. That's it
java, c#m c++, 8086 asm
>that pic
literally half of the language there are CLR, its useless to bunch them up in tiers
Matlab, C++, C, Python, Lua, MIPS, AMD64, Mathematica, Maple, Verilog, Racket, Prolog, and Bash.
Now using Fortran in real life...