Text Editors, Fonts and Color Schemes Thread

Share your text editor, font and color scheme of choice. If we can have a battle station thread why not this one?

This image is mine.

Visual Studio Code ( Its fast as sublime text)
Meslo LG M
Tomorrow Night theme

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Why the fuck do you virgins have fucking half naked anime girls when working. If you have a random picture open while doing work your work is not important. Also what if you actually socialize with people and they see that shit

i take my work very seriously as u can see here

I don't get it.

Zenburn is the ultimate color scheme.


>VSCode for C/C++ development

How do you compile and build C# in VSCode?

I just use nano lads, it works fine

Mono is supported.
Core is supported.
Otherwise go fuck yourself.

I wish you were a girl.


mind sharing that nico?

Why is this posted so much?

how can i rice my vim like that?

>Visual Studio Code
>literally a botnet

Solarised Light is disgusting senpai.

just use plugins

Its free and opensource , you can see the source on github If you want

>when guys code


i have that wallpaper

This was supposed to be a place to share your customized text editors

pleb alert

>syntax highlighting

You need half naked anime girls to have a good looking desktop. It's just how it is. Can't have a good looking desktop without a little cutie

If people notice it they will just comment how cute the desktop is.

ah man I love that scene, do bznzfags actually do this?

Only the ones working in management or sales.

And lawyers.

vim with GohuFont and my own dark as my soul colorscheme.

i am (。>﹏

Images of half naked anime girls I can understand. But fucking lolicon on your desktop? What the fuck man


what text editor setup with what color theme will make me feel constant agony and block my brain from releasing serotonin?


well memed. monokai,. good choice..

hey fake lesbian :p

Man, ain't that sexy. Is that Rust? You could make me wanna try it, huh

That looks very comfy. What window manager do you use? Does your browser/any other graphical programs look out of place?


I like your windows setup, what's the top bar?

please respond

blackboxbar & bbinterface

thumbs up

You're wasting a lot of screen space though.
Try using a tiling window manager; you might like it.

CLion for IDE; it's slow when you first open a project, but after that it's lightning fast and has a lot of features.
Typeface is Fira Code
Code::Blocks Dark is the theme.

Rust is dead.

such a short life

Why emacs lisp is so superior? What you can really do in it

Which one is more A E S T H E T I C Sup Forums?


Left is more aesthetic, but Atom is garbage.

Nothing except jerking off to an ASCII art of a dying weasel... only retards use emacs


Yeah its slow and bloated asf, but it's a lot less of a pain in the ass than vim. Vim is good for quick edits but if I'm working on a project I use atom.

I use Dev-C++ and i have no options, it's all awful

Try using Sublime


Yeah, it's Rust, it's a breddy good language.

The window manager is Fluxbox with a weird Ruby script to do grid based tiling.

The only graphical program I use is Firefox with vimperator, and it doesn't look out of place.

Rust is good.


>Paying for a text editor


zip it and up it, and post link here


Wow, this is really amazing. Thanks for the headsup. Which version are you using in that screenshot? Is it medium?

These users don't actually program.

Carmack's inverse square root converted to C#, you have to enable unsafe mode for it to even compile

Why do you think that?

>Rust is good
Not even a little bit correct, but thanks for playing.

>enable unsafe mode
C# developers actually defend this

>that player style
you're about 3 to 4 years late mate



fucking retards

for everything that you don't echo in from something else you wrote

RStudio obviously

Right would be more aesthetic if you removed this >>statusline>

i like vim with grayscale colorcode. I can't get over all the colors of a more "modern" colorscheme, they're too distracting to me.

I have a lot of elements the same color of lightgray, or a barely subtle shift to a different gray. I think "boring" colorschemes are the best.

>Vim is good for quick edits but if I'm working on a project I use atom
I understand how Vim is insufficient for big projects (no debugger integration, no refactoring (:grep, :argdo and :%s doesn't count but quite close), and no good omnicompletion out of the box (though clang_complete is very good)) but how is Atom in any way better?

Isn't Atom just a text editor will less features than an IDE or Vim and yet more bloated?

Does Atom (or sublime, or whatever) have
>a debugger?
>refactoring support?
>autocompletion that just works?

>not using vim
Who gives a shit, good code can look good on anything. Fucking paint it in oils if you wanna, it isn't gonna make it compile better.

A text editor isn't about how it looks.
Light table is for fags.
Atom is for ultra-cuck-transniggers. It's about how useful it is to *gasp* write a shit-ton of text quickly and accurately with the least effort, preferably optimized towards whatever language you're writing it in.

IDEs are for total fucking retards who can MUH JVM and MUH OSX

grow up and grow balls. nobody is asking you to spend your whole life in emacs, but pretty colors and nice spacing doesn't mean shit. do you think people were picky about the color of their punch-cards back in the day?

All I hear out of you is BLUB BLUB BLUB tho

rust is ultra-blub btw

also firefox pleb


that's how I learned it in "R in action"

You can easily refactor golang in vim with the vim-go plugin.

I use to think like you, then I met a bunch of PhDs and some of the top programmers in the industry and most of them use vim or emacs or acme.

Very few "good" programmers use a full IDE.

If you want to truly get good at coding, you should use vim.

t. former visual studio user

It's easier for me to read dark text on a light background, so I switched back after half a year of using a dark theme. Text looks fuzzy when I use a dark theme for some reason. To reduce eyestrain from using a light theme, I reduced the contrast from 100% to 50%.

Have you tried a dark theme with low contrast? I can't stand dark themes like Monokai with a high contrast but I think One Dark is great

sublime text if i have gui, nano if i'm on terminal, vi if i'm on some ancient shit
Monaco font
Mac Classic color scheme

I did try low contrast themes. I haven't tried Monokai though. I used darcula when I had to use IntelliJ. I switch back and forth between solarized and base16 dark for vim. I consider solarized to be the best dark theme, but it's not match against a white theme IMO.

>2016 and not writing Java.

here. I'm writing Java since Android 2.2 and it's a fucking joke (both Android and Java).

the best editor of them all, Emacs
with the best colour theme of them all, darkokai
with the best font of them all, adobe source code pro

you want unsafe code? Sure, you can have all the memory leaks and holes you want then.

That looks really beautiful

I agree with 2/3
Source Code Pro is shit

what happened to desktop threads?