So Sup Forums can you tell me about Discord.
Is it safe to use?
Is it anonymous so don't have to worry about any crazies tracking you down?
So Sup Forums can you tell me about Discord.
Is it safe to use?
Is it anonymous so don't have to worry about any crazies tracking you down?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bump, hopefully it comes to linux soon.
They recently started using canvas fingerprinting, take that as you like.
Um, it is. Get discord-canary.
I think you can just use the fucking browser to connect to discord. No need to download shit.
>Is it anonymous so don't have to worry about any crazies tracking you down?
if you're looking for a skype alternative, it's your bro
if you're looking to hide among criminals, look elsewhere
Question : how do they make money ?
>inb4 by selling cosmetic shit
It's quite hard to belive
>Um, it is. Get discord-canary.
Voice chat doesn't work. Crashes while complaining about shm files not existing.
>Voice chat doesn't work. Crashes while complaining about shm files not existing.
DiscordCanary 0.0.11
[Modules] Modules initializing
[Modules] Distribution: remote
[Modules] Host updates: enabled
[Modules] Module updates: enabled
[Modules] Install path: /home/desktop/.config/discordcanary/0.0.11/modules
[Modules] No updates to install
[Modules] Checking for host updates.
[Modules] Host is up to date.
[Modules] Checking for module updates at
[Modules] No module updates available.
Initializing voice engine [legacy device: false]
shm_open() failed: No such file or directory
Failed to get crash dump id.
Report Id:
[1] 4908 segmentation fault (core dumped) Downloads/discord-canary-0.0.11/usr/bin/discord-canary
>make a friend at college
>invites me to play normie vidya with his friends
>tells me to get on discord
>don't have it
>"lol what the fuck"
>begrudgingly download the client
>don't really care for the look of it but w/e
>join the server they are in
>two rooms
>Not Horny
>Apparently this is a common thing that normies get on discord to jack off together
Can anyone explain this shit to me?
>Apparently this is a common thing that normies get on discord to jack off together
i had a bunch of friends that used to watch porn and jack off together as well, sometimes i think normies are more jacked in the head than us
>hey man download the client
>yo this is just a web browser what thef uck?
Normies do everything together including being a homosexuail
They must be charging their crystals.
Their privacy policy says they save every single thing you post on chat. So they're probably gonna go full jew and start sending targeted ads in the future. The autistic shrieking by the users will be heard across dimensions.
sauce on that ? can't find it anywhere.
just visit the app with a browser
it's a botnet in full effect, no better than skype, also those messages it shows while loading up are reddit tier cancer
>wait years for my normie friends to start using something other than skype botnet
>this is the replacement
fuck me and cuck me, senpai
>Unread messages get send to my inbox
>discord auto runs at startup
Discord isn't free. Source isn't available so you can't install on your own server. While messages are encrypted between the server and the client, they are not stored encrypted. So if you have personal information never ever share it on Discord, including your emails, names, bank accounts. Anything that can help to compromise you once someone eventually hacks their database and all the logs are released. This also means anyone managing the servers can see the contents easily too. While voice chat sessions aren't available for download, I wouldn't discount that they store those too, also unencrypted.
They will have special paid new features, they gave some examples but I forgot what those were exactly.
Aslo it scans your system for application activity and will attempt to sniff out your twitter/steam accounts.
Discord is comfy atm, but it will turn shit once they start adding ads and various other bullshit to the client, then everybody will jump back to TS.
Fuck no it's not safe to use.
It's easy, and free, and works well though.
>back to TS
why would you switch to an another botnet? use mumble
Funny voice chat doesn't work, I must have been talking to myself for the past six months
> Not using
> Worrying about botnet
Y'all need to stop sucking dick long enough to see that there exist good chat systems.
riot is shit
tox is shit
ring is shit
mumble is shit
teamspeak is shit
discord is botnet but its the best we got
discord is worse than all of those, the only thing it has going for it is the normie user base
>normie user base
Even then, riot still has a larger user base by virtue of the fact you can talk to any Gitter/Slack/IRC room through it. And mumble is by and large the best voice chat. Speex may be annoying but it _just_fucking_works_ and I've never had quality issues.
In short, to , stop shilling discord. It's shit, nobody likes it, it's for jews. The end.
How the fuck hard is it to create something that has:
text chat ( with option to store encrypted )
voice chat ( with option to store encrypted )
can be installed on a server
has a (((free))) service that shills it by the side and previews new features
I mean really
>there are subhumans that download the desktop version
user, you're the crazy
>So Sup Forums can you tell me about Discord.
it's skype, but with tasteful meme humor on launch window and update window.
It's basically skype except not shit.
'Calls' are no longer dependent upon the host's internet and skype servers, only discord's servers.
You have to seek out friending someone (both parties must agree and continue to consent), you can't receive an offer/spam.
You have pretty good noise control on a person and room basis.
Good enough admin controls for rooms.
The only information available is the information that you provide.
Loving the program so far. Can't find the logs. Are they proprietary?
is there an actual Sup Forums discord rather than the /csg/ one?
Not only is it on linux, there's even a command line client for it.
If you're on this board you need to be using an arch based distro if for no other reason than wider package access.
Isn't discord just IRC for normies?
People use it because it does everything ON everything. Especially in FFXIV where you typically have PS4 and PC players in the same party, they need something both sides can access.
the lounge is irc for normies
it's an app
it's not safe in any way, assume everything on it can be read
it's "anonymous" but you can't even look at the settings without making an account and conecting to a server god knows where
their logo is a pair of underpants with eyes and looks very silly
how can I check this myself, browser/plugin?
It's been available for several months already (the canary) and works flawlessly.
I use Firefox and Canvasblocker, but I'd assume there's similar addons to other browsers.
>Calling file:
it sells user data, whats so hard about that? its obvious as fuck
Took a look
/csg/ is the most active and fun discord, therefore the honorary Sup Forums discord
>not disabling it
>bank accounts
how? you don't pay shit for them (yet)
why is there some code related to the webcam ? isn't this just a text and VOIP software without video stuff ?
they're planning on adding video sharing and screensharing soon
>went to discord
>its full of trap posting and endless image dump
take a look at for an example of HTML5 screen/cam sharing