Why aren't you ripping people off and making good money by repairing facebook machines Sup Forums?
Why aren't you ripping people off and making good money by repairing facebook machines Sup Forums?
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Because I find it boring aa hell
because I'm the one that breaks them for you
I want to do that but I don't know how and where to start.
i dont have good parents or $30000 worth of equipment to start a business.
it's called credit, user
itt we summon Louis
Is he...
>our guy
How is he ripping people off?
Don't need it
I just have a car Honda civic (350 bucks)
I Fix It tool kit (60 bucks)
Think pad x230 (230 bucks)
USB stick (15 bucks)
Advertise on Craigslist/Facebook buy-swap-sell
Get calls 5+10 times a day
Charge standard call out of 30 bucks + 20 per hour for labour and parts if required
Easy money user.
>Honda civic
Nice meme
so you reball/reflow macbooks and shit with an ifixit tool?
Because I make alright money doing easy stuff in Costco instead.
is the joke that his mac is right there?
no its cause hes black
It's a hard racket to get into without any capital.
Because I'm ripping you off by claiming welfare wagie
because I'm User-side Technical Support
Costco is pretty gud. Fucking hard as shit to get hired full time though.
Just be yourself, or act like you don't need it. Don't make that place your ultimate goal
I can't really stand working on the service industry, I already have a hard time with my boss and workmates (embedded systems engineer here).
Seriously, how can you guys not rage at some retard bringing their shitty laptop and asking why this or that is not working? At least in other fields we don't have to deal with this bullshit by never talking to the end user.
because I co-own a hotel
i do not get out of bed for less than $500
My hands shake.
I used to do general IT support and ran a 1 man business in my city for a year.
In the end 70% of my customers were fine and the other 30% were such insufferable cheapskates I could not deal with it. Fucking jews complaining about $30.
I'm a $136k p/a software tester in the silicon valley,
Altogether, it's 15 mins worth of testing per day, 30 mins of write ups, then the rest is Sup Forums and leddit shitposting time. My co-workers find this hard, but that's their problem.
>computer repair
>good money
Pick one.
Sounds glorious.
I'm currently in negotiations to purchase a Hotel. Tell me more about your experiences.
I would, I'm just not educated enough in the subject. Making bucks repairing shit is what I want.
Look closer, that's not mac.
I don't know about his expertise, but I find him to have the right kind of opinions
You can just simply google the solution.
Expect it is.
depends where you from.
be sure its a running concern. hang around the place at different times
Fake it till you make it.
I ran an IT support business for a long time before some small businesses started contacting me regarding shit I had no idea about.
Googled it and pretended I knew what I was doing.
Can you tell me more about your job? I'm kinda interested in this. I graduated in Systems engineering and learnt Ansi C in the Microcontrollers class. If you want, please tell me some stuff I should know.
It's a really interesting field for me.
Nah, my problem is more of a social issue. I'm not good at handling any kind of business. More than once I have fixed shit for other people but I wasn't rewarded properly.
The joke is that he's got a centurion card, which essentially costs the same as a decked out macbook every year.
Get a backbone man. Prices need to be clearly states.
No matter how healthy his slurpies are, Louis will go bald.
>Seriously, how can you guys not rage at some retard bringing their shitty laptop and asking why this or that is not working? At least in other fields we don't have to deal with this bullshit by never talking to the end user.
because I'm numb to it after going through two help desk call center jobs (two years total). Now I'm in a desktop support role, where the users can walk up to me. Its so much better though, and the pay is decent.
>he doesn't have a slide out SMD work reflow station built in to his civic's trunk
is that Supermang?????
because I already do this for a living.
I listen to his videos when i just want easy listening with real talk and chill. Such a broski.