Why can't old people use computers?

why can't old people use computers?

They had other hobbies. Killing foreigners and fucking mostly.

And shitposting on twitter like Drumpf.

>Killing foreigners

lol, do you seriously think every old person fought in a war? many of them were cucks who stayed at home because they were scared little faggots

>why can't old people use computers?

too stupid

Do leftists still say Drumpf? That's adorable.

and now they can't do either of those things

no wonder, they are miserable

I'll have you know... I voted for Drumpf ....

>many of them were cucks who stayed at home because they were scared little faggots

actually it's more likely that the ones who fought in a war ended up being cucks

but I know the word has no meaning at all by now

Senior centers have pretty high std rates.

It's Mr. President Drumpf for you

Why can't young people use computers?

I turned my macbook pro, signed into facebook and found Sup Forums. I KNOW HOW TO COMPUTER OK MY MACBOOK COMPUTERS FOR ME! REEEEEEEEEE

>wah wah call people by their preferred pronouns shitlord
>lol lets call him drumpf to make him upset

Haha us gentoomen amirite xD

kys faggot

he can hold whatever title he wants
he's still a shit-tier human

no, hillary wasn't a good candidate either
but jesus fuck drumpf is a piece of work

they are just too fkn stupid, obviously

I've wondered this too.
My mom is 57 and is a total fucking troglodyte. She refuses to learn anything about computers or technology. We got her an ipad a few years ago, and she can use it just enough to get her emails and look at cat pictures, but her $700 computer is just gathering dust in the corner. She even switched back to using a flip phone, and refuses to learn how to text.

My 86 year old grandma, on the other hand, can text like a 13 year old girl with her smartphone, and plays games on it all the time...

careful user you will trigger them

President Elect

I've spent the majority of every day since may 2003 reading text from articles, forums, messages, etc. I've taken in just so much more information than the average senior. I may not be wise or clever but I know so much more than a senior does. Also I've noticed that they try to memorize how to do something instead of just reading what is on the screen.

>Also I've noticed that they try to memorize how to do something instead of just reading what is on the screen.


>Also I've noticed that they try to memorize how to do something instead of just reading what is on the screen.

fuck this so much

Too old to care, you'll find out when you're old too and new technologies appear.

You'll think more about your death!

But I love tech so much that I'll always keep up

also, tell them to tick something

>press and holds the item for 4 seconds
>menu pops-up
>freaks out, blames me or device


how do I do this?
well, you first you tick the phone icon, and then you tick the person

>hands smudge on the sides of the touchscreen, phone goes everywhere
>presses powerbutton and volume key HARD by accident for 7 seconds
>then just drops the phone and says it's too hard

also my parents..

>get newer android phone, literally same brand but a newer model
>icons are updated/skinned differently

user, how do I call?
well.. you press the phone icon, just like the previous 4 phones you had..

It's just too hard! I hate this phone!

No, you will reach a point when your body is too tired, when you simply won't care. You start to think about the limited time you have to live.

That's what I've noticed with older folks!

user, how do I do x

Well, you turn it on and then you select what you want to watch

UGH, *hands me the remote* I just need YOU to do it for me.

they don't want to learn, remember to make them pay you, because doing it for free is just exploiting you and then they discard you like you're an nuance because you are frustrated that they won't learn the simplest things.

somehow if you ask money they respect you or their problems become non existant

I think you can extend that age range to include everyone. I train people in a dept that does not require technical experience and I've yet to meet anyone who had any basic computer skills. Hierarchical folders are completely alien to them, office applications might as well be in Chinese and anything other than basic text input is difficult for them to get the hang of.

tl;dr Normies be dumb, yo.

I'm doing this already all the time (23).
Still know how to use a computer.

I have a roommate in his 60's, and he is incapable of understanding how page layouts work.
He has no concept of being skeptical either; he will click on fucking everything. It's like he's willingly trying to be taken advantage of; he keeps falling for every scam out there, especially the get rich quick schemes.

Last week I had to stop him from signing up to a UPS package forwarding service that probably would have gotten us both arrested...

Please hire me. I need out of this hell-hole:

Your grandmother lived in the age of books and newspapers and has more capable brain than your motherwho grew up with TV set.

Yeah, and as someone who loves technology, it drives me up the fucking wall...
Where did I go wrong?

Depends on what you call old. Dude who made Slackware is in his fifties, as is Linus Torvalds.

Sure they can - my grandparents are both in their 70s and Nan is on Win10 nd my Grandad has a laptop with Ubuntu and an android phone.

>grandma 70 yr old
>long story short gets an iphone 6 se home edition riva tnt 2 whatever the big one is called
>phone before that was a 1st gen android shitphone
>user how do i use this apple phone
>show her the basic shit
>download her a few poker games and she gets excited
>but how do i close them when i'm done
>just press the circle button twice then you can flick them away like this
>hours later
>user how do i close the app can you show me again
>repeat for a few days until i get sick of this shit
>grandma i've told you like 10 times how to do it stop asking me you know full well how to do it
>yeah but i forgot just show me how to do it
>fine but this is the last time
>get asked again 30 minutes later
got a call one day about how her phone battery lasts as long as food in ethiopia, check the phone out and there's about 20 poker games open plus every other app that came with the phone

Stupid young people turn into stupid old people. I'm not suggesting that intelligence is the only factor in how you interact with technology. It's just most people see something they don't understand, throw their hands up and say "fuck it" instead of attempting to learn. I've met some older people who after some diligent study and asking questions learned how to use software or a device pretty well. Then there are the "Well, I'm old I can't learn this stuff" people like my dad who just give up without even attempting it. I try to explain that it has nothing to do with being young or old and everything to do with actually taking the time to learn how shit works. It's kinda sad really.

Because they didn't grow up with them like we did

Gf cheated on me while deployed and sent a letter saying that she was going to leave me....

Former Marine here. Welcome to the club

Gee maybe show them? Ita not hard but they dont know because noone showed them and old people tend to be reluctant to learn.
I installed ubuntu for my mom and taught her how to use terminal for a bunch of stuff, didnt take her long.

I've seen both worlds, people who absolutely refuse to learn anything and people who know more than I ever will

At my corporate software dev job most people are anywhere from 40-70, all experienced professionals who know their way around complex databases, applications and infosystems. Using smartphones and modern dumbed-down computers is absolutely no problem for them.

It's had a pretty weird effect on me, as I now view my tech illiterate relatives as even more retarded than before, becuase "I'm old so fuck all technology" is obviously a cop-out for idiots.

some of them do (and they are way smart than the average g: user). who do you think build the internet, invented programming languages, OSs or microchips ?

But they do, OP.

dumb catposter

I really don't understand why you would just fuck off to some random country to fight for issues that don't affect you whatsoever instead of building a family at home.

American's are raised to fetishise the military more than any other western country, it's seen not only as an alternative for those with poorer futures but is actively promoted as a noble and worthy cause, moreso than something that would directly serve your fellow countrymen, simply as a means to prop up the military-industrial complex.

It's a fucked situation.

Lack of experience.

The same reason you can't run a milling machine or metal lathe

it's more than that though. an overwhelming majority of people in old age have this unshakeable obstinacy of being set in their ways. they dont want to change or learn anything new. it's 100% mental. if one doesnt stay curious about the world (which most old people dont), they arent going to learn anything.

Because they weren't blessed by being like you.

Good thing she was your girlfriend. Were she your wife, she'd take half your shit along with your friends' cocks.