>pic very related
discuss the pic
if you're a poorfag I get it you have to use ubuntu etc
but there's no excuse for the winblows fags man
>INB4 ima gaymer
no you're a manchild fuck off
>pic very related
discuss the pic
if you're a poorfag I get it you have to use ubuntu etc
but there's no excuse for the winblows fags man
>INB4 ima gaymer
no you're a manchild fuck off
How much do they pay you?
Looks like you proved him right
BTW you can play most of those titles, a few of them even with parallels.
Using hackintosh.
I upgraded to Sierra and my gpu (280x) seems to dislike it. I can't get smooth animations. I don't get it.
does these problems happen often? or is it ur fault u didn't wait tonymac86 community to test it out before u update?
>discuss the pic
He pretty much lists the only valid excuses to use osx over gnu + linux. I don't personally agree with his opinions, but I think they're well founded.
does it matter ?
do you ask the same thing on every winblows or loonix thread?
how about you counter my points
Nah, about 3 weeks ago I decided to make a Sierra USB installer with unibeast. Got things running, but I noticed that after setting it up animations would skip frames almost consistently.
Then I went back to el capitan and it was all good.
it seems to me that guy used linux a couple years ago before he switched to osx
now i am sitting with antergos and it all just werkz without the cancerous pricing of macs and the locked down ui
it sucks, looks like ur videocard is rare. should've bought something popular with native kext support
It does though. It works OOB, only it has sleep issues like most AMD GPUs. I also see this one being mentioned frequently when talking about recommended GPUs for shit like FCPX.
I don't use ms shitware, so...
Poo in Loo Rajesh.
It's just a few details.
I've used Xubuntu for quite a while and I was really happy with how I set it up, but it did take some time to set it up -almost- as I wanted. And I saw -almost- because I haven't achieved what I truly wanted.
For instance, I would have to rely on some xfce plugin for email notifications that was separate from any client. I couldn't get calendar notifications to work. Regarding music I could only find clementine appealing, and I can't really customize it much.
Earlier this year I also bought this magic trackpad (the first one because I honestly kind of dislike the newer one, which is also more expensive anyways) and I never found out how to use any custom gestures on linux. I know it seems silly, but when you can do 20 different things with a trackpad it's no longer that piece of trash you have to replace with a mouse.
Hackintosh gfx cards to use:
GT 740 OOB.
Radeon 6850 works OOB even with the latest updates.
Both are cheap.
I like to use file managers that don't suck and a single package manager to update my entire system with 1 command instead of pkgsrc+homebrew+macports.
A lot had changed since them
It comes down to demographics. Developers need tools and compilers that make Windows a hassle.
Gamers need DirectX, GPU Drivers and Visual C++ libraries so Windows is the best platform.
Security experts, Sysadmins and paranoid shitposters looking for customization, security and a sense of elitism prefer Linux.
x86 users are not monolithic.
but who prefers mac os user?
What does a developer need a printer,scanner,wireless cards, graphics cards for?
Noone really. People might prefer the hardware because it has a certain status but the OS.. I seriously doubt it.
>>INB4 ima gaymer
>no you're a manchild fuck off
I do believe YOU are the one that needs to fuck off. Sage, report, hide. Nuff said.
Developers, Web designers, Artists the first category.
if you're a poorfag I get it you have to use android etc but there's no excuse for the IOS fags man there is NO, SINGLE, EXCUSE!
>INB4 ima gaymer and need muh apps
no you're a manchild fuck off
See how retarded you are?
I use OSX for exactly the reasons in OP image. I love Unix, but Linux is an unreliable piece of shit.
The lack of trackpad gestures in Linux kinda bothers me too. Most Linux distros have no support for multi finger swipe gestures because xorg doesn't really support it. Wayland has support for these type of gestures though. When more Des switch to Wayland it's up to developers to implement them.
*when more desktop enviroments
this is true
osx is better in everyway
even the gaming problem can be fixed with a vm
there's literally no excuse
Well, the problem with OS X is mainly Apple, that doesn't want to implement newer version of OpenGL or doesn't want to make the switch to Vulkan, which start to make OS X worse than linux when it comes to development. Some games doesn't launch on OS X just because of that, and sometimes they have a linux version and not an OS X version, which I find quite funny too see this guy mentioning issues with graphic cards.
Something very interesting to notice is the performance of each OS on apple hardware and to see that OS X is actually the worse of the 3 when it comes to performances.
The issues with printers, monitors, scanners etc. were solved a long time ago, so he should give linux a new try imo
If he like to pay overpriced hardware to use a stupid OS, it's his choice, but yeah not for me
>inb4 poorfag
Not really. For me linux just works on the hardware I want so I got no reason to switch
>incompatibility issues with Linux: printers, monitors, scanners, wireless cards, graphics cards
Works on my Machineā¢