Hey Sup Forumsentoomen

Hey Sup Forumsentoomen
Just bought pic related, a Dell Latitude 14 7404 Rugged, what am I in for?

for what purpose


i have no impulse control

Looks cool and all but... is your basement a truly dangerous and harsh environment?

i want to tell my friends that my computer can beat up their computer

A lifetime of never getting pussy.

You literally got a computer trench coat, impressive.

Buyers remorse that you didn't buy a Toughbook.

I hope none of your friends owns a Toughbook.

panasonicshill get out of my thread

I'm always here, bby. Why not buy a Lets Note?

what is that, windows vista?
or did papa panasonic allow you to upgrade to win 7 starter?
enjoy your obsolescence

>Not using windows 7
Enjoy you are botnet.

you going to the jungle to buy some cocaine bricks or something?

That looks so cool.
Might buy one for college to show off

Get one of these and put a strap on it if you want to turn heads. I have a CF-30 I use sometimes, and people are always asking what it is.
-t. Panasanicshill

But... why?

Do you tell them it's a military grade laptop?

I worked at a manufacturing plant last year where we deployed these for our test porch monkeys.

On the insides they're more or less the exact same as the normal Latitudes, just with a tougher shell. The toothless floor workers seemed to really dig them.

>buying underpowered metal casing

from manufacturer they're $5000
i got mine from ebay for $1100, bretty good

do you know if there's a way to swap out the integrated gpu?

no bully

i am using win 7, but win 7 starter is shit

>buying a modern rugged computer
You see the flaw with this is that any modern programs, or any programs that'd require modern hardware to run, are simply not 'software rugged'. They're shitty software like browsers that rely on crappy languages with crappy code from crappy codemonkeys that you really should have euthanized before you even considered sending them to the pet store.

It's much wiser to just get a cheaper old rugged laptop and run good software on it. Because then you will know immediately when you accidentally installed a shit piece of software and you can quickly remove it.

>that webm
A computer fit for industry worker gorillas. Not for real Sup Forumsendtleladies

real industry gorillions couldn't afford one