/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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Part III: Part II: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6767536/
Part I: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6743571/

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first for my wife

thanks for posting anime
what distro are you using btw?

Your wife looks like she'd satisfy old men for free!

my waifu

What are some cool confings and alias for .bashrc?

is it a good idea to run web browsers within firejail?

>is it a good idea to run web browsers
no, use the command line like real arch pros

command line web browsers
beat that arch

no, using a fake gui is n00b-tier. use arch like me and do everything from the command line

why does /fglt/ hate arch so much? Im using antergos as my first linux and It seems pretty good. The AUR has everything, and 'not audited' and stuff sounds more like memes just made to bash arch than real reasons, Ive never had any kinda issue with it.

fglt as Sup Forums hates everything. Anyway who the fuck cares what 4chin thinks in the first place? This site is a big meme.

I tried ubuntu for the first time, all it did was shut off my computer when i tried to boot it. Before i stick with windows for another 10 years before trying an alternative, can someone tell me what I did wrong?

arch has crappy, lazy devs who are utterly and completely useless, see: lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-general/2015-July/039443.html
there's no reason to use arch. all it does is make a situation more complex for no benefit. it isn't minimalistic, it isn't faster, and it's not worth anyone's time to use it. the only reason people do is because of 'look at me im so l33t not using gui installer fucking idiot noobuntu users'

i think everyone here loves the ProDistro that is arch. your just a fucking n00b though, install Arch the Arch way and get a real lightweight and minimalist distro. yes, the unauditied memes are just that, memes.
how does it make anything complex lmao? is installing something without a gui really that hard? any retard with reading skills can do that.
>the only reason people do is because of 'look at me im so l33t not using gui installer fucking idiot noobuntu users'
nope, there are other distros which lack an installer so this can't be the reason.

If anyone wants more 'deets I used pendrivelinux with the latest version of xubuntu installed on a usb stick. the unzipper got to like 99% but said the files were broken? even though I downloaded the iso from the official page

>thinking that packages are installed to your RAM
also, why would arch and sjwbian take up different amounts of ram if everything else is the same? seems like a fake meme to me.

>Arch has *never* been minimalist... a Linux kernel with every module
available and every feature enabled at least when there's no non-bloat
related cost, feature-packed/complex GNU tools, nearly all optional
features enabled across all the packages, etc.

did you even read the link i sent?

Hey guys I'm trying to update the bios in a T61 I picked up to the Middleton bios, but am having trouble flashing directly from a bootable flashdrive. Is there a way for me to do this through Fedora 25 or Crunchbang. Every instruction online is for Windows xp. If nothing I'll try on xp if need be.

please respond to

but i just did with this I see, so packages get installed to your ram?
>available and every feature enabled at least when there's no non-bloat
related cost, feature-packed/complex GNU tools, nearly all optional
features enabled across all the packages, etc.
are you implying sjwbian doesn't do all of that?

why is debian involved in this? we're discussing why arch is trash, if you want to discuss debian you should have started the discussion on debian. keep it related to the topic.

Fuck Off. Use Arch (not memejaro, antergos or any other noob version of it) or gtfo.

the only reason to install arch (just like gentoo) is to show everyone on the internet that you did

But this is just more arch-hate memes, with no real basis. Im using arch right now, given that antergos is pretty much the same, and its easy. Nothing is complicated or hard, and I used a GUI install.
Do you just hate people who installed their OS in a different way from you for some reason?
>i think everyone here loves the ProDistro that is arch. your just a fucking n00b though, install Arch the Arch way and get a real lightweight and minimalist distro.
More of it. Ironically pretending to be retarded to bash it. Why do you fixate on your hatred of this one particular linux distribution so much, /fglt/? Its fine.

did you even read the meme image you posted? it clearly mentions sjwbian in it you fucktard. Your "argument" is valid only if arch installs packages to RAM which it doesn't.
How can you know this without having direct access to thoughts of all arch users?
I love it and I use it every single day. Anything else is just NoobShit.

>calling it "sjwbian"
>literally running sjwarch

there's a reason all of the arch hate memes exist. give me 1 reason to use arch over fedora or debian/*buntu

why isn't this directly on their site? i don't give a fuck if sjws use something. call me when this gets moved to archlinux.org
the sjw shit on sjwbian comes from the devs themselves.
1. it isn't n00bshit
2. it's more minimalist


Have you had any issues with drivers?
I want to start with Antergos too but I have a fairly new nVidia graphics card (GTX 950M)

>there's a reason all of the arch hate memes exist
name me 1 (One) of them which is even slightly relevant. Stupid memes like "it takes up 400mb more ram xDD" without any real evidence to show this aren't a reason.

>implying installing them is actually hard
fuck off, noob.
Fuck off noobshit. Use Arch or get the fuck out.

if you haven't seen the arch memes you haven't been on Sup Forums long enough. every single one of them has relevency, and for good reasons.

Arch is literally a bloated piece of shit. Why even use it?

Everyone can tell you're just pretending to be a dumb skiddie who thinks they're LEET to imply anyone who uses arch must be like that. It just makes you look really petty.
But thats not true. It sounds like you just tried to install arch the normal way and didnt like doing it, and now you have some irrational anger towards some linux distro because you didnt like the installation.
I cant for the life of me tell what the reason is. Everyone just seems so angry and spiteful towards this linux distro and anyone who uses it and its beyond explanation. All the reasons just seem weird and contrived non-reasons, and even if some of them would be reasons you wouldnt use it personally they dont justify this weird, obsessive hatred.
Like, all this regurgitating copypasta about how terrible arch is with this haughty condescending tone to it, or ironically pretending to be really really stupid or obnoxious people(by your judgment at least) to imply 'anyone who uses arch is like this' half the threads. Thish isn't healthy.

Post one of them. It should easy if there's a lot of them, right? kek
>every single one of them has relevency
nope, this image doesn't

arch is a meme and here is why:

it sells itself as "simple" and "lightweight", while it's actually the opposite as confirmed here that's actually not a bad thing, arch is nice, but people install it for the wrong reasons

why do we hate them?

kids who can't decide for themselves install arch linux or babby forks like antergos, a shell they don't even understand like zsh, and all the other crap they read on others screenfetches, then they come to /fglt/ and ask stupid questions like
>zsh: command not found: screenfetch
>please help
and at the same time they're telling everyone how superior their disto and software decision are

> confirmed here
show me the two systems side by side. post the debian one which uses 400mb less ram here or your post is bullshit.
>a shell they don't even understand like zsh,
>implying there is anything to understand about it
>implying you understand your shitty black shell


Why do you keep trying to put Debian into a rant about Arch? Did Debian hurt your feelings in any ways?

>>implying you understand your shitty black shell

Go back to you home board, ugly Sup Forumsack.


Anyone who uses arch isn't leet by default, but anyone not using it is not leet. That much I can say with certainty. Now fuck off with your little antergos installation.
Good meme, how is this relevant to the real world though?
>if x worked
It works though, why do you think it doesn't?

Read the image here It clearly mentions debian.
>Go back to you home board, ugly Sup Forumsack.
I'm not a Sup Forumsack though, you retarded noob.


which xorg.conf are they talking about? mine works fine
just remember that using false memes isn't an argument.

and here we go again. now the threads just gonna descend into a circlejerk of memes, pasta, and blind hate about how arch users should be exterminated or something. This is not normal. if its about , then thats not a normal reaction to newbies being obnoxious sometimes.
>This isn't healthy.

How can a .conf be broken? It's not even an executable, what are these noobs talking about? Are noobuntu users really this illiterate?


What am I doing wrong here?

Anyone got links to make understanding iptables/netfilter firewall in GNU/Linux easy?

Fuck off, noob. You aren't welcome here if you can't even install arch.
Post something real next time with real screenshots. Examples pulled out of your ass don't count.
>weeks to manually compile openbox which is a tiny program
>What am I doing wrong here?
not using arch and using shitty noobuntu. At least try out manjaro but then upgrade to Arch.

That's too late user. This thread already became a shit one.

Welp, if you want to compare Debian to Arch:

Debian does package splitting, which means, you get just what you need instead of the full package like on Arch.

Result: 300 packages on Arch are compareable with 6-700 on debian based systemds.

Debian comes with a deblobbed kernel. You just add the modules you need. Arch comes with blobs out of the box to make it "simple", which is actually pretty much against "the arch way" and KISS.

They aren't GNU specific applications and aren't part of the coreutils though. You can drop the GNU/ here.

Who is more obnoxious, archqueers or people who bitch about archqueers?

the only reason we have the problem is because of the archqueers.

Id honestly reccomend you ask on the ubuntu forums or somewhere, anywhere but here.
Its obnoxious to have to make an account, but this place is useless. Its just for circlejerking about how much they hate free software, some particular linux distro(arch? void? debian? it changes day by day), and linux in general.
I dont know the answer, it worked fine when I did that, but thihs place probably wont be of any help to you.

Is Arch user friendly? I don't want to have to type codes into my computer like a bitch, i just want a free Windows alternative.

I prefer calling it GNU/Linux because I like free software.

ok thanks

>Result: 300 packages on Arch are compareable with 6-700 on debian based systemds.
I would like some stats on this one, how did you calculate this?
>thinking that binary blobs = kernel modules
Why the fuck are debiankids this stupid?
> Arch comes with blobs out of the box to make it "simple", which is actually pretty much against "the arch way" and KISS.
No, it has a generic kernel with all modules out of the box which is actually pretty simple. You can customize it later though, which all Arch users do unlike you debtards who think no binary blobs = less bloated kernel with less modules enabled. I guarantee you that your kernel is bloated as fuck and has more modules than you need.

I'm so used to saying GNU/Linux that It's become a habit to say that when just linux is what you should say.

>he things GNU just covers the coreutils
found the tech illiterate

He's still right, there is no GNU software that covers iptables or netfitler. It's all built into the linux kernel.

>I would like some stats on this one, how did you calculate this?
If you want the program, you get "program".
If you want to compile it yourself, you get "program-dev".
This example already doubles the package count.

The system isn't the kernel only. Fuck off.

>I prefer
But I don't care about your feelings. The applications you listed aren't specific to GNU or the linux kernel. There's no need to mention your OS there.
So? The applications aren't written by GNU or exclusive to Linux, GNU/Linux, busybox/Linux or anything/Linux.
What does it "cover" then? Things like grub aren't part of the coreutils so using them isn't enough to start calling your system GNU/Linux. By that logic my system should be called Firefox/Linux

If you're not comfortable with the terminal, you'll have a hard time with arch linux. Thankfully, antergos is just arch linux with a GUI installer. Antergos uses the same repos as arch linux and the same package manager. Archfags at the arch linux forums get easily butthurt about antergos so just ask here rather than there.

wew lad i'm glad the BSD family doesn't have this problem

>By that logic my system should be called Firefox/Linux
By your logic your systems hould be called Firefox/Firefox

except the complete OS is cucked by it's license

How does it matter? Do you list your whole system when talking about file system support too?
Which BSD do you use?
How? Explain it with direct citations of the license.

I run FreeBSD on one of my laptops.

>How? Explain it with direct citations of the license.
Calling BSD a cuckold license is a meme, don't take it too seriously.

I know, that's why I told him to do something impossible.

If I start a process (runnable jar for example) via CLI on my vps (debian) as a daemon, how can I control it after for example logging out? Only possible way to search for the process and kill it in case I want it to shut down?

You're correct. Technically the system is always a combination of random programs, kernels, libs, etc. So when you need to choose a name for it, why not promoting the system that started it all and promote free software instead of calling it "Linux", which tries to hide that important part just for convenience?
By the way, you're correct that stuff like embedded systems with busybox and linux or android aren't GNU/Linux systems, but how is this relevant here?

The BSD license allows taking BSD code and making it proprietary. You're literally watching others fucking your code.

I don't care about your feelings, habits or your "promotion" of anything. Just don't add unnecessary retarded shit when discussing a specific issue. Use GNU/kernel whenever discussing a GNU coreutils or GNU issue, use Linux when discussing a kernel issue. I couldn't care less about your particular choice of software which is irrelevant to the discussion.
>embedded systems with busybox
busybox isn't just for embedded systems. It can be used literally on any distro and alpine (a desktop distro) already uses it. Android is just a fork of Linux so calling it linux is retarded.

>direct citations of the license.
Did you somehow miss this part?
>You're literally watching others fucking your code.
I'm not though, I'm not a programmer. If anything I'm cucking someone else by using BSD.

forcing freedom isn't freedom

Is this something like a /fglt/-Medley thread?
>arch vs debian
>gnu vs linux
>gpl vs bsd
>zsh bs bash
If so, I want to contribute:

I just installed Arch, how to remove systemd? I heard it is bad.


>t. guy you doesn't understand why slavery is illegal

Forcing freedom is freedom, which means ensuring that nobody can enslave you. "Doing whatever you want" is anarchy, which always leads to slavery.

How is proprietary software slavery? Are you retarded? If a install a proprietary application in a VM have I somehow become a slave?

>Forcing freedom is freedom
no, forcing your choice of software isn't freedom. if you force me to not use any proprietary software I'm not free.

Are you free to use the program as you with, to change the source code, share the results of your changes, or are you only allowed to run it as the developer (your master) wants you to?


Nobody is forcing your choice of software. The GPL just ensures that free code will stay free.


>Are you free to use the program as you with, to change the source code, share the results of your changes
no, what if i don't care about doing any of that? Most people don't.
>allowed to run it as the developer (your master) wants you to?
This, I am free to not use it though which can't be called slavery by any stretch of the imagination.
That guy implied he is okay with forcing everyone to use free software when he said "forcing "freedom" is freedom".

Ok thanks, downloading antergos now. It says I need a constant internet connection to use it? Is there a way to turn that off?

>That guy implied he is okay with forcing everyone to use free software
I didn't, but it's a good idea.
Proprietary software should be illegal.

How can you be free if you aren't allowed to run a program on your computer? Whatever you are offering here can't be called freedom so stop using that term.

>acting like you were me
foul play :^)

>implying that isn't an actual position the vast majority of gnutards hold
any gnutard can feel free to disprove this.

>How can you be free if you aren't allowed to run a program on your computer?
I said proprietary software should be illegal, not running whatever you want should be illegal.
Stop the strawman already.

So if I make my own proprietary license and distribute software created under it to my friend and he isn't free to run it this is somehow called freedom?

No, I said proprietary software should be illegal, not running whatever you want should be illegal.

That said, what's the point in creating proprietary software?
