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/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
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Is it necessary to use an ESD wrist strap when working on the insides of a laptop?
How come so many games just have a person making cat sounds when they need a voice clip for a cat? Is it that hard to find a real cat? It's so obvious that it's just a person making cat sounds and it always breaks my immersion.
What is a good font with status symbols/gliphs?
Like music, processor, ram, clock symbols, etc.
I don't think they have CPU/RAM icons though, that's rather uncommon.
I've never used any anti-ESD stuff when working with computer hardware myself and I've never broken anything. You'll have to be pretty unlucky to break anything with static electricity. Touch something grounded like a water tap to discharge yourself before your open the case and it should be fine.
I can't for the life of me connect my monitor to my laptop using HDMI successfully. It fucking recognises the monitor but won't display shit. A million others have posted the same problem but none of the fixes ever works. I have updated every possible driver, I've tried different cables and monitors and it doesn't fix shit. Anyone dealt with this before?
What do i do? I have done all i can think off. Busybox checker says busybox is working
I'm looking for a music player that has a shuffle/random option that is TRULY random.
The situation is this:
I have a very large music library that I load into my music player (5000 songs+)
What is this shit?
Are they using some sort of windows functionality to generate "randomness?"
I have thousands of hours of music and get the same artists, same songs every fucking time every hour.
I don't care what solves this, I'd even pay money for proprietary software.
not really a solution, but an interesting read regardless.
Yeah, I've read this.
The problem is, out of thousands of songs, I've only ever heard around 100 so far.
If I randomly click anything at the playlist, I've never heard the song before.
But with "random" or "shuffle" functionality in players, I get the same patterns, the same music, the same artists, over and over and over and over again. It really ruined the music collection for me because some songs I've heard 10 times, some never.
All I want is some kind of random seed. Like using system time or I don't know, fluctuations in CPU temperature to generate something truly random.
It's making me pull my hair out, I usually never get angry like this.
Who wrote this crap?
Why do so many eBay sellers selling game codes now insist on physically mailing the code on a piece of paper? Is this some scam, or was eBay's regulations changed somehow that it's not allowed to send this stuff via a message anymore?
How do I remove a section of video in ffmpeg?
Say I have a 30 second video, but I want to remove seconds 10-20, and keep the rest. Like to remove a commercial or something. I want to do this without reencoding. Thanks if someone answers.
How do I disconnect power cables from my gpu? I feel like I am going to break something
is the tor network under attack right now? it's not working for me.
IIRC ebay has very strict rules for digital keys and other digital items. By printing the key on paper they can claim that they're selling that piece of paper which just happens to have a digital key on it.
Push the latch thing on the top down and then just pull it out. It's usually very firm, you need some muscle to pull it out. If you're having difficulties then remove the graphics card from motherboard first to get more room.
I nuked my Windows install when trying to install a linux partition. I am on linux right now and I got a windows install disc of the version I had. However, when I boot the computer with the USB, it just goes to an install screen
what do?
press next a few times?
what are you trying to figure out?
do you want to install it? do you want to try to recover it?
I wan to try to recover, but I don't exactly see an option saying that
how did you "nuke" it?
did you just overwrite the boot loader?
did you overwrite the entire windows partition?
I'm not sure what I did. I tried installing arch as a windows babby. But I can still mount my drive and look at the files in it.
You're Windows partition is fucked m9. Better luck next time. My advice is if you're installing it on a second SSD / hard drive I would unplug everything except that SSD / hard drive.
Is it asking for language and that kind of stuff? Try entering that first. But you should get a troubleshoot or repair option pretty quickly.
If nothing else works then you'll have to do a fresh install. If you can access your files from linux then back them up first.
how do I reinstall windows just as a partition without nuking linux?
Set up GRUB so that it shows you an OS selection screen.
What kind of sounds do you talk about?
What's the best way to download a Spotify playlist?
I am on linux btw
how do I get GRUB and use it
Is comcast watching me jerk off through my cable box? pls respond
Since there is no web-dev general..
I've just read that css grid system is actually not in production yet, so to enable it you must tinker around in browser config.
Question being, if I write my sample page using grid system, does it mean it will not work for majority?
What's the best way to learn ALGORITHMS?
Reposting both my unanswered questions
1. Why won't Sup Forums stay on Yotsuba even though I've allowed cookies? My other settings remain yet it switches to Youtsuba B by itself
On Chromium by the way
2. Does Hi10p typically use a lot of CPU power? I was watching some low-res documentary and the video player started fucking stuttering from how hot my laptop got.
Looking for Virtualization help:
I'm using PCI passthrough (ovmf +virtio) to run windows in a vm on debian, so I can play muh games. The problem is, in order to get this shit to work, I had to recompile the kernel, and apparently I don't have a module for iptables, which is necessary for the creation of a successful virtio network. Is anyone running 4.8.11 here and willing to help out?
Im trying to purchase a wireless network adapter and I dont understand what these are? How do I know which one I need?
Why all Video on demand are so shit?
I mean, the legals one.
I once looked something up in the Sup Forums catalogue. Now when I click "catalogue" even without entering a string in the search field, it always comes up with the same search results. It used to just show thumbnails of all the threads. Why is that?
they are standards
only ones you need to pay attention to are
can do dual band, so can also use 5ghz spectrum
can do really high speeds
click the X next to the search bar. Otherwise clear cookies and reinstall browser.
>reinstall browser.
you mean delete/rename profile in %appdata% on win
or your home/.config on linux
reinstall does shit nothing
What are some good, lightweight C IDEs/compilers?
Currently using Notepad++ but I can't seem to get C working properly on it.
I bought a digital multimeter to check the voltage of a test point on a monitor Logic board. I'm not very technical. Although I've found the test points, I don't know where to stick the other probe to get a reading. It says to stick to chassis ground (GND), but where is that on the board.
What router security mode should I use? WPA or WPA2 or WEP? It's just my home router
Is there a good guide for going full autism mode when organizing your PC? I just organized my room and car and want to explore the furthest depths of autistic convenience.
I just installed a windows 10 partition. I was just using Fedora before. But now I don't see an option on startup to boot Fedora. What do I do?
How expensive are screens for a raspberry Pi?
I wanna make a dedicated IRC machine.
Fix your boot partition with a Linux USB.
Just organize it on a way where you can find stuff.
There is no guide for it, just the way you think you can find everything.
If you mean cable management and airflow management that is another thing.
Stop using comcast.
Hide your cable box.
>th ebin
Usually, GRUB is set as the default boot loader after installing (in dual boot). If you don't have it now, search for your problem on google.
Why does Google think I'm an Arab?
Windows Embedded Standard 7 (US-English) in a VM on my German dedicated server
forgot pic
German IP, American Windows version
Google thinks I'm Arab
What are some good text-based websites to browse on lynx?
Hey guys, just rooted my Nexus 5X and I have some questions:
Should the phone say: Cannot check phone for corruption, please close lock the OEM?
Busybox has been automatically been installed in my phone, can it be deleted after installing all of its applets? Am I able to use a different one?
just got a new laptop
hurry hurry hurry
which browser should i download
google chrome or Firefox
hurry hurry hurryyyy
Chrome is too mainstream
There needs to be balance in the force
Continuation of from last night, still looking for the cause of the issue.
I've pretty much narrowed it down to either the motherboard or the CPU that's fucked up. Swapping in my own GPU and RAM didn't fix it, and neither did testing each DIMM slot.
I did notice something interesting, though. Even though it locks up when booting into the Windows 7 partition/recovery disc or the Ubuntu and Arch discs, the "Tiny XP" and Linux recovery systems included in Hiren's Boot CD load perfectly fine.
ok thanks, i was thinking of getting Firefox but i see everyone using google chrome
google chrome looks sleeker so i can understand why
do you advice me to make a Firefox account? im thinking of saying bye to google
Is there a good free guide for a grandpa-tier person to get into Sup Forums related stuff? I'm a total idiot when it comes to computers and whatnot and would like to remedy that, but even installgentoo is a bit too advanced for me.
Literarily anywhere eg outer metal in USB A connectors
Using Appchanx and Zairyou css and recently the catalog is just this blank shit. I've tried other styles and the catalog is still blank so I'm assuming it has to do with appchan x. Is there soemthing I can do to fix it?
Okay, I found a workaround.
There's a "randomize playlist" function in foobar and Winamp.
I did that a couple of times and then just play the tracks sequentially.
The last 30 tracks I've listened to I've never heard in my life. After weeks of hearing the same fucking shit out of the gigantic playlist, I'm not hearing songs for the first time.
Whoever developed this shuffle and random feature needs to be gassed.
*I'm now
How do I beat Twitch in-stream ads. Ublock Origin does nothing.
you can't block in-stream ads. the streamer broadcasts these and are part of the stream like ads on the TV.
Adding on to this, does locking my bootloader get rid of my root access?
Nvidia GeForce Experience just flat out won't work for me.
I've used DDU and reinstalled the drivers countless times and it just never works.
I've had this problem since 3.0 (or whenever it started looking like this) came out.
I tried installing an older version but Shadowplay wouldn't even function and it never even found an update.
I've tried everything I can think of, and everything suggested on forums from other people having similar problems. DDU, repairing vcredist, renaming my user account, installing GFE separately, disabling my firewall, etc.
I even tried my brother's GPU (GFE works fine for him) and it still didn't work.
The only thing I can think to try now is reinstalling windows but that's fucking annoying.
Anyone have any idea what's wrong?
my retarded ass just stored my smartphone on a hot radiator (around 70C) for half an hour. How fucked is the battery?
So, whenever I first install Win8.1 on any computer, I always have an issue running updates. It checks forever and finds nothing. I read up and it turns out theres some initial manual update you have to run to get update working in the first place.
Does anyone know what update this is? I need to DL it so I can get my updates working.
What happens if your payment doesn't go through when a Kickstarter completes? Do you get a chance to pick an alternate payment method, or are you locked out forever?
and I still cant change my IP
Help pls (i doubt mine is static iirc thats expensive as shit right?
h-help ples
Usually all you have to do is change MAC address (sometimes not necessary depending on ISP) and then reset your router. (Or your PC if it's connected directly I guess.)
some ISPs give you semi-static ones.
Mine changed the last time 3 years ago.
Are there any features I should look for in an aftermarket car radio to make sure I get good quality playback?
The ESD requirement from companies mostly comes from them trying to cover their asses in case of equipment malfunction, if at all possible.
bad op
I don't think you understand true randomness.
Try rolling a 6 sided die and see how often you get recurring numbers. What you actually want is music shuffling which keeps track of what songs are played how many times and decreases probability accordingly. There's a few out there for Foobar2000, but I'm not at my computer right now, and I can't remember them off the top of my head - I do know they make use of My-/MS-/Postge-/No-SQL database, though.
I don't think you understand true randomness. Try rolling a 6 sided die and see how often you get recurring numbers.
What you actually want is music shuffling which keeps track of what songs are played how many times and decreases probability accordingly. There's a few out there for Foobar2000, but I'm not at my computer right now, and I can't remember them off the top of my head - I do know they make use of My-/MS-/Postge-/No-SQL database, though.
If you actually want True Randomness and not a number from a pseudo-RNG (and no, not even 2.4GHz ISM sampling, cpu fluctuations or system-time generate enough entropy), you're going to want to use a datasource like fourmilab.ch
I have an update for a piece of hardware that I tested a couple of months ago, but windows 10 keeps popping up saying "updates are available/ updates didn't install properly."
Is there anyawy to disable the updates for other hardware not installed (if you're wondering it was an 8300 gs that I was testing for a low powered system, I ripped the 8300 gs out of a computer I found on the side of the street)
A lot of cats aren't very vocal, and even if you do find a cat that is, it's easier to get a person to reliably and credibly imitate a certain sound that you might be going for - even if it isn't a language that we understand, a lot of information can be added by using inflection.
what is this
i cant read it
I have an iMac sitting in front of me with a Snow Leopard DVD stuck in it. It has an Intel Core2Duo. It is also 8,1. Years ago I laughed at my friends as they struggled to eject bad boot cds from their Macintoshes.
I have tried two versions of disk util commands from the terminal. I've wiped the disk and formatted it Mac style with journaling. While I'm waiting for a version of Snow Leopard to download I would love to get more suggestions on how to remove the DVD via software/terminal commands. Any techniques will be appreciated.
Important: I am not using an Apple keyboard or mouse. I can wire one up real quick but I would rather not.
Define under attack. DDoS'd? Probably not. Under NSA surveilance? Most probably, if not 100% positive.
Bit of an odd question, the keyboard on my laptop broke and i want to play some games before i get a USB keyboard soon, i have this shitty bluetooth controller for my phone, is there an app that can transfer over the controller inputs from my phone to my laptop over WiFi? (the laptop doesn't have Bluetooth)
I run FreeBSD so I'm not absolutely sure, but I'm fairly certain that iptables can't be loaded at run-time - so you're gonna have to recompile your kernel again with the appropriate modules.
What OS?
I think that is it
Any idea how can I change it?
Hmmm ill try that
why not just press the mechanical switch to eject?
Because they have to cater to the lowest common denominator, which means going for a very low target bitrate instead of encoding with a constant quantization rate factor (ie. using CRF in x264).
Windows 7
Macs? Mechanical? Please tell me where this is. It's just a front-loading ODD.
As an addendum to what said, use WPA2 but make sure it's in AES or CCMP mode, not TKIP or any other mode since those aren't regarded as cryptographically secure.
Ok. You may be able to turn it on from the command prompt. Is it a function key combo or is there an individual button? Sometimes if you roll back and update the drivers it will turn on. This works a lot better in linux.
No, it comes from ESD being very damaging to equipment. Often without you even noticing there was a discharge.