really excites your neurons
Really excites your neurons
Other urls found in this thread:
what are neurons
Stallman had a girlfriend
I'd like it if someone called Terry and asked him to consider easing up on the soft drinks.
Why? Anything that makes him happy is a good thing. He seems healthy, his mother takes good care of him
A badass mental disorder
stallman is a living meme, i dont think anyone takes him seriously here?
One of the most interesting for sure.
>Hold healthy suspicion of African-Americans employed by the CIA
For all Davis' psychotic racism he seems like a nice guy.
Can you imagine how uncomfy Stallmans streams would be?
I mean free software is cool, but it would've been a whole lot more popular if Stallman was just a bit nicer.
Terry Davis is not racist
CIA nigger
mind if I save that image?
also, can we please remove this autistic, foot fungus, eating commiejew from the sticky and replace him with BASED TERRY?
Terry loves Sup Forums... RMS has called Sup Forums inane and hates our guts.
Terry's "nigger" has nothing to do with skin color or race.
What's Terry opinion on RMS?
Terry's def not a racist. He has nothign against black people.
RMS, on the other hand, is a virulent jewish supremacist who cries "anti-semitism" all the time and supports communist causes and hates GOD EMPEROR Trump. Just read his political blog.
microshit shills pls go
Ask hiroshima
that's actually true
I mean, it's still a slur that shouldn't be used, but I'm beginning to think he has nothing against blacks
yes please
I know you do this for attention but to be fair the GNU stuff in a GNU/Linux system is even more important that the Linux kernel itself, since the application software is what end users care about. Proof of this is that you can use GNU with other stuff such as some BSD kernel, but you can't have a decent Linux distro without the GNU software; it isn't feasible to replace GNU, but kernels are diamond dozen.
If anything GNU/Linux should be called GNU wL.
>microshit shills pls go
How does Stallman actually make money? Does he do anything besides using his laptop and giving speeches?
RMS received the MacArthur Genius Grant
All yours friend
>being religious is good
Hi retarddit
but he is right...
>replace GNU
I dont have to use gnu at all, and i dont
Some options include:
There are full featured alternatives
ASSUMING that someone running Linux is also running gnu,needs to stop.Furthermore, gnu isnt even touched by anything but the Linux Operating system and kernel.It is loaded first and then the userland is loaded.
Yeah, /r/atheism is great my fellow teenagers
>unironically believing that a guy who is his own father is in magical fairy land watching over everyone
>unironically believing in the ramblings of a book that contradicts itself every second paragraph
>calling someone who doesn't a retard
>i-if you don't believe.. you're a fat guy who wears a hat! y-yeah
captcha: saint-hubert stop
>implying a specific set of carbon atoms has a god meanwhile other don't
human and life in general in nothing more than a mistake, god does not exist.
long live capitalism and fuck the poors
Are you this edgy in real life
Just enjoy your life and stop caring about meaningless things.
God certainly is not meaningless.
Someone post that "I'm in atheist because I actually believe in enjoying life" image
Can you tell for sure the percentage of the implication of god in your daily life?
You prayers are nothing more than mental distresses that show how inapt you really are at handling hard times.
Your life is dictate ONLY by your actions, or your lack of actions, nothing else. If you rely on a """"""""""""""superior""""""""""""""""" entity to dictate your life, just drink bleach, you're a waste of space.
Also one that gets you killed often. People with schizophrenia are more likely to be victims of violence because of the unpredictable nature of the disorder.
they're autistic edgelords but they're not wrong
Well no wonder you guys love Richard Stallman. I thought he just invented Linux.
Stallman invented the copyleft, a very important concept, and developed GCC, the most widely used compiler still today.
Is this guy fucking trolling? This reads like a post from /r/debatechristianity
>you have to be meek and modest when you're correct
really activates those almonds
>Knowing this subreddit
You have to go back
>they're not wrong
>you have to be obnoxious and cunty when you bring religious debate into a technology imageboard
Go to bed Stallman, that is technically true, but noone cares
Not the poster, the autistic edgelords in the images
Neither of those things make sense on a philosophical level
religious know they're wrong, you simply can't change your way of living after believing in these inane bullshit your entire life. It's easier to pretend it's wrong then after a while you finally believe it for real (brain mechanisms and shit).
Because it's not a philosophical discussion... It's real life. God CAN'T exist, it's not open to debate, it's more of trying to enlight the ignorant.
Atheism to Catholicism convert here
You're full of shit
>God CAN'T exist
Define God.
>God CAN'T exist
God is the supernatural hardware that the virtual machine of the natural is running on
>Atheism to Catholicism convert here
>God CAN'T exist,
t. nigger who graduated from MIT
t. nigger
So you couldn't stand your life anymore and it was either suicide or religion, I know atleast 2 people in this case...
>Define God.
God as define by any religion, ever.
Some kind of superior entity that made humans as his image or some BS like that.
Use your brain for once...
Catholicism (and orthodoxy) is the original form of Christianity as revealed by God
Revelation is a priori just of a reasonable source of knowledge as observation and deduction and can go hand-in-hand with them
Catholicism is also the elegant and curated end of the western aesthetic and philosophical tradition
Fedoras are generally unread teenagers because actually understanding philosophy shows you what a shakey/arbitrary ground that fedora beliefs rest on
Read Edward Feser, Alisdair McIntyre and Peter Kreeft
>God as define by any religion, ever.
>Some kind of superior entity that made humans as his image or some BS like that.
Just shows how you're caught up in stereotypical anti-theist prejudices.
Gnostics, for instance, believe that God is literally everything that exists.
What if I define God as "Sup Forums"? Sup Forums exists therefore God is real checkmate
The Holy Spirit is real, God welcomes any man with open arms for salvation, even the most wicked of men
did you know that both Moses and David committed murder? And yet Moses was described as one of the meekest men who ever lived, and David as a man after God's own heart
A works based religion will not get you entry into heaven. There are many scriptural references to this, but I think one that speaks for itself is the thief that died on the cross next to Jesus. One can assume that he had been living in sin up until even that very moment, as he was being executed for his crimes. He had no chance to go and repent, but through faith alone and belief in Jesus, he was able to go to paradise with him
and of course his whole life was an act of mercy, but is it not incredible that Jesus' last action was to save one more soul?
>2016 years after our Lord and Savior
>yet you choose to be led astray by a form of godliness that denies the power thereof
Terry Davis truly attracts the most autistic and schizophrenic users of this website
And for the guillible, easily impressed tech illiterates or christians, the planet is already swarming with hobbists who make better OSs in a much smaller time frame than Terry Davis does
Guy is fun and all but let's not give him unwarranted credit
>Gnostics, for instance, believe that God is literally everything that exists.
What's the point of calling that "God"?
Literally no reasons beside trying to put a meaning onto their miserable life
>hobbists who make better OSs
Most don't include their own JIT compiler but just use C or Assembly. TempleOS is much more than just a kernel.
How boring.
>the planet is already swarming with hobbists who make better OSs
name one....
Because I don't want a spinal injury that paralyzes me and makes my life worse. Seriously, that is the only way that my life could get any worse than it is. That's why I wear a seat belt, dumbass.
Random violence?
A category that contains everything? That's pretty useful.
Can you tell us more about everything? Be specific!
Scroll to the "Lore" section. Really tickles your gray matter.
more importantly
>niggers hired by the CIA
> Eats mom's home-cooked meals
He does?
He lives with his parents and most likely does not cook
This desu
Whatever lets you sleep at night
Except annoying as he is, Stallman is always right.
Terry Davis didn't stream for 6days do you think CIA got him ?
His ISP throttles his connection for the rest of the month, after reaching the limit of 600 GB or so
His blog is still being updated, so no, he's fine. The last I heard was that his internet might be data-capped and he used up all of his data doing streams.
but Sup Forums is inane.
I am surprised, with all the freetards and gpl loving fags, that people don't actually like rms here
I approve though, I've never liked that guy
>religion as an argument
end yourself
Man that sucks his ISP should give him free bandwidth
Good job on Googling Linux without GNU and copy pasting stuff that has nothing to to with what he said. The last line you typed made evident that you have not the slightest idea about what GNU is. Educate yourself and stop talking about stuff you don't understand.
>Believing in Harry Potter
filthy atheist
I legitimately wonder if stallman is virgin
parrots don't count
A real one. As i remember they met on a ship. The Hurd originally named after a gf too. My major concern about him is why call himself as a Dr.? Around me only medics and lawyers call themselves in public as doctor.
In the states a medic is usually a first responder, and isn't a Dr, also pretty much every college professor, including richard, is a doctor.
I dunno about pajeet poo land.
>including richard
Check his bio, he is a meme doctor.
We even bought Terry pizza