Let's say I were interested in making a botnet.
How would I get started? Can I make it in Golang
Let's say I were interested in making a botnet.
How would I get started? Can I make it in Golang
Other urls found in this thread:
>How would I get started
Abuse IoT
>Can I make it in Golang
What can I do with IoT?
I want to make a lot of money.
>What can I do with IoT?
Get hacked.
Or if you're talking about someone else; hack them.
Yeah but I mean how would I be able to monetize that besides le ddos
Seems kind of useless.
>Yeah but I mean how would I be able to monetize that besides le ddos
Just do what they did. Except the getting arrested part, obviously.
Whoops missed the
>besides le ddos
I dunno. Get them to mine buttcoins or w/e.
>mining buttcoins on an army of esp8266
I want to make a bank trojan
How can I make it work well? I want to make the next Zeus, a revolutionary piece of malware that will make me hundreds of millions of dollars.
Then I will use my money to arm White soldiers for the racewar - in which we will kill all the non-whites and establish a White world.
You could also donate their computing power to SETI :^)
Step 1: Write undetectable malware
Step 2: Infect millions of computers
Step 3: Earn millions of dollars
Step 4: Start racewar
There. I think It's pretty obvious how you'd approach this.
>inquiring multiple times about illegal activity
All of your threads and IP(s) have been forwarded to the authorities for evidence.
yeah, but where the fuck you would have to advertise your shit without not getting noticed by people you don't want.
On the internet.
Okay, but where do i get started learning to develop malware
Step 1. Learn node/php for command
Step 2. learn c/go whatever
Step 3. create FUD malware
Step 4. create cracks for upcoming games, upload on yt
Step 5. Enjoy having 1000 downloads/day
This is what i did back in 2013 and mined like 300 BTCs and ~ 50 mil dogecoins with my botnet
Would Golang work tho? That's the only language I really can say I'm getting decent at.
If you're getting decent at go you can get decent at anything else
Yeah but it feels like a whole different level to actually make good malware
I've been following malware researcher blogs and they keep pointing out all these flaws and shit
I don't want some nigger finding an exploit in my panel and deleting all my bots
golang is memory-safe
just write it one piece at a time and use glue code
would it be easier to just use a leaked sourcecode and modifying it to my needs, rather than coding from scratch?
When Zeus was leaked didn't people modify it to make it better?
Go avay Kevin. And stop being butthurt about the fact that your relentless shilling efforts lead you nowhere.
it's literally braindead easy to code malware and pack it
Yeah but to make it good...
Otherwise why even bother
To make it "good?"
You get "good" by doing it yourself and using packers to evade typical setups
Start with a C&C, and perhaps route through tor
that's all that really matters
wouldn't it be easier to just buy a good bot tho senpai
no, because if it's for sale, it isn't good
But spyeye, zeus, betabot etc were for sale and they weren't bad...
they seem to have been caught/fucked with
yeah now, but not back then
you right tho, guess i should try to make my own shit somehow
start testing on your own devices
get some friends on irc
yadda yadda
PM me
>How would I get started?
Social engineering
Windows Internals
Basic Low level Networking, sockets basically
How AV works
(none of those are hard, seriously.
>Can I make it in Golang
You can make in any fucking language if you want. It's strongly recommended to use a language that can compile to native(your memelang does that).
You could even use Java, but then only people running the jvm would be vulnerable. Or you would have to include the MASSIVE jvm in a statically compiled binary.
Protip: Use C, it will generate the smallest and stealthest binaries.
>(none of those are hard, seriously.
I don't use Windows, i have no idea how any of that shit works
>smallest and stealthiest
You mean rust, right
Golang is a good choice or this.
Neither, do I. I only boot a VM to test a stuff.
>Social engineering
just fooling people
The C Programming Language by K&R
>Windows Internals
Just google that, seriously.
>Basic Low level Networking, sockets basically
Unix networking Programming.pdf is a GOOD start.
>How AV works
Study ClamAV, lurk forums like kernelmode and tuts 4 you.
You may also want to subscribe to mailing lists of software you are willing to attack or about sec in general. I don't know any in english.
What makes something a good or bad choice, besides let's say dependencies or the ability to easily be decompiled like let's say .net
True senpai i'll read hella more
What language do you speak?
Is Golang the new meme?
Well Go was specifically designed for concurrency and networking, which will come in handy on a project like this.
to avoid exploitation, memory safety is paramount
speed is nice, so lower-level languages are important
small footprint see above
i also speak german and french but I also don't know any resource in those languages either.
I also don't know any resource in those languages*
Thank you i will use go then
stop posting this shitty thread every day
get a job
go away phoneposter